iamapokerbeast's avatar


22 points

thanks Tyler and gl ;D

Jan. 22, 2015 | 4:52 p.m.

Gogol. Ive watched almost all your videos and I really like them, thanks a lot for making them, Im a big fan.

Could I ask you a technical question man?

Do you play more zoom or regular games? And why you pick one over the other.

Also, how many tables do you play at once? How many hands you get per hour on average?

Do you do anything else aside from playing poker, like study, have other business, etc?

thanks man, GL with everything.


Jan. 21, 2015 | 5:33 p.m.

I actually think your English level is quite good, you use complicated words, and in paper you present your ideas clearly. you just need work on the pronunciation.

Anyways, It was just an idea that I thought would be cool ^^
Thanks for the answer also

will be waiting for your future videos

Dec. 10, 2014 | 11:24 p.m.

Nice Video man.

Who is the guy you mention at the beginning that we should watch his videos? I couldn't figure the name out!


Also; as an idea for card runners, your English is not like so bad that we cant understand it, but it was giving me a bit of trouble, when we have this kind of genious making a video and his english is not top level I think we miss some value of what he could be transmiting.

Have you guys thought of just letting him do the video in his native tounge and having subtitles in English for it? I think it would be cool. Or even him making it in english with subtitles also!

Would give an added value imo! (specially the native tounge idea!) GL!


Dec. 10, 2014 | 6:28 p.m.

I think you are overestimating how much people will fold preflop nowadays. And we would have to be c-betting a lot of times with complete air to make those hands work imo.

I still think its a huge problem that we have so many 7,6,8 in our range compared to Q,J,T, which are gonna much better in 80% of flop textures. a.k.a; we will have at least a backdoor straight/flush some pair, some draw a big % of the time compared to the other hands. The decieved 2p hands is really a bad argument, and it doesnt account for enough times to even matter, the straight draw a fair amount, Im willing to say that is gonna be a very low amount. The 2nd pair, is gonna happen somewhat often, but the hand will mostly end up getting worse as the hand goes on most times and not better.

Your argument for not 3 betting JT/98/A5 etc and 3 betting stuff like 75 offsuit type hands is that the first already profits, while the 2nd doesnt so much, so keep calling the first and profit the same and then 3bet the 2nd .

But I dont think those 2nd type hands will make more by 3 betting than what they make by flatting. Im talking now specifically about the weak off suit gapper combos, about the suited "crap" I think its good to 3bet it. But while trying not to keep your range so 6hi,7hi heavy. Like for example 95s, T5, etc are good additions. If you do include some combos of decent suited Tx, 9x, Qx, like lets say T8s, Q9s, 97s, J8s, T7s, something like that lets say, those hands will probably profit close to the same than what they are by cold calling, while keeping your range more balanced and versatile. The 79o to 75o group instead, will lose more than what its losing by calling by 3betting I predict.

Another important aspect, thinking about postflop play, included in our playability, is how often we will be able to check call/check raise in certain flop textures with our hands (to defend our checks), if we dont we are back in 2012, just everyone cbetting around 70%+ (and folding most of the rest), a strategy which is really easy to counter and exploit, -and we dont wanna be those guys-. And all those offsuited low gapper hands, are AWFULL at check calling/check raising flops, when we get to flop, which will be 50%+ of the time, our hand will be good for cbetting completely crappy flops for our oponnent, which will be what? 6,7,8 hi? (which is gonna happen like 10% of the time?). And we will be in such a big disadvantage in flops which happen 40-50% (or more) of the time, which are Q-9 high.

You say; in relation to the hands like JTs, 97s, 8Ts, etc. "If we do 3bet them, we "waste" their EV because we could've 3bet a worse hand instead".

What I think of this,is that those worse hands, are gonna work better as flats than 3 bets talking about hand by hand, 75-79o , each hand in between there, I bet it is gonna be better as a flat than 3bet profit wise over a large sample.

Also I find our 3 betting range to be quite poor in covering boards that happen a lot more often, which is something important to say about a range, also I find it quite unbalanced, and I know the playability is gonna be super hard, unless we are trying to play a 75% cbet and 25% check/fold "2012 style" strat. (which nowadays assuming decent oponnents, is crap).

SO I think it works the other way around, those hands which are doing good, 78s,89s, JTs, T8s, etc... Will also do good when 3 betting, those hands which do bad, 75o-79o, will do even worst when 3 betting than by flatting them. (ofc they still should be better than -100bb/100) and the implications of not having the first mentioned type hands at all in a 3betting range nowadays are quite negative for our entire range and strategy in my opinion. So tbh, your strategy seems like something that you came up with more in an exploitative sense, than in a balanced "optimal" sense.

And just because a hand will make more profit doing some action than another, that doesnt necessarily means that doing that action with that hand (which maximizes that specifical hand EV), will be something which is improving my total EV of my whole range.

I give you the point about the Ax, but my main reason was to include a few more Ax to our 3 betting range.


Dec. 10, 2014 | 5:37 p.m.

Havent seen the entire video yet and havent thought aboutit really hard yet, but just from a first glimpse at your 3bet range Im kind of not liking the low ammount of Ax which it includes. I would for sure include some low Axs , they are so versatile, you get more Ax in your range, you can shove them as 5bet bluff sometimes, call 4bets sometimes, good playability postflop. I think it works a bit better for the overall range.

As a starting point, when I try to create my "optimal" ranges I start by going into a more or less 60% "bluff" and 40% "value" polarized range as you just did, but I also add some hands in between that are in the middleground, depolarizing the range a bit, but not much. I think it just gives the range more flexibility and it makes it better overall. So lets say, JTs, 98s, Q9s, KJo, A5s,A4s,A3s, and Im for sure not 3betting stuff like 97o trough 75o. I think their playability just sucks, they have 0 flexibility, and you are probably going to make a bit of profit by flatting them (I mean lose less than the -100bb/100 inherent from the bb by folding), and Im not sure if they are gonna profit at all in 3bet pots. This way I think I end up with a more balanced and strong range than yours.

When I look at around minute 16:00, when you have the chart with the quanity of each card you have, I think it looks really bad, imo you are missing an important aspect, which is that low flops are muuuch less frequent than high boards. You have so many 8x, 7x, 6x, but the ammount of times a flop is gonna be 8hi or less is ridiculously low, so more of those combos are rendered useless in most scenarios, of course I imagine you could say that you are gonna be able to bluff them quite a bit because your range is stronger (more overpairs, etc), but when you do bluff with them its mostly just gonna be a 1 street bluff, because those type of hands are not gonna be good for betting 2 streets, 3 streets as a bluff almost ever, (unless you want to burn money on bluffs with nodecent equity or backdoor equity) unsuited low gappers, even suited low gappers I think you are including too many. Your range should include a lot more Jx, Tx, 9x, Qx, suited hands in my opinion to be "optimal". And a lot less 7,6,8. Even if they are gonna work in certain scenarios, its not gonna be nearly enough to the times that they are needed to work imo.

I understand your idea of as the big blind, flatting the hands that are in the middle because they are gonna profit, and then 3bet the worst, and the best. But what this results in, is us having a very unbalanced, and in my opinion "unoptimal" (we cant solve for this, but just due to logic and experience I say it) and weakish range. (or weaker than with a range that is a bit more depolarized .) I would definetly advocate to removing the unsuited gappers in the range you presented, and some of the suited lower gappers, such as 75,64,63,86. And adding a bit more suited J,9,8 and Q with good playability and robust equity. Im not saying to include them all, but a few combos of each.

In practice what I try to do, is sometimes I'll flat 64s and sometimes I' ll 3bet it, mostly flatting it, sometimes I'll 3bet 75, mostly flat it (probably 80% flat), Ill never 3bet 79o,75o etc, unless Im expoliting someone, sometimes I'll 3bet 98s sometimes flat it (probably 3 betting it like 75% of the time or more), etc, just mixing it up a bit , and it would be too hard to mix everything up by eye, so some combos Im just always flatting them and others always 3 betting them.

But well, thats not the point, the point Im trying to make is I think your range (no offense) is not very good.

Your flatting range seems fine imo, ofc Im adding quite a bit of the AQ combos in my flatting range.

This videos are very good and important imo, and Im glad you made it, thanks!. I just thought I disagree with you with the initial ranges of the video (which are gonna affect everything which is coming after) and I had to post it.



Dec. 9, 2014 | 7:21 p.m.

Hi Daniel,

Great vid and great series so far! A question whilst I remember. Around 34-35 mins in you talk about villain overbluffing the river and how that even then the ev of a turn value bluff is better marginally. However surely with the check we have the ev of a turn check + the ev of a river bluffcatch so we actually make a hell of a lot more from checking the turn?

Dec. 5, 2014 | 2:58 a.m.

not long been up but you say pot bet on flop with K8 leaves a potbet on turn but it doesnt afaics. You will have 1800 left in stack and 1350 in the middle... Just hought I'd mention it :)

Nov. 22, 2014 | 1:45 p.m.

Great vid as usual. You are my favourite RIO instructor and have got my watchinng vids again after a 3 year layoff! One thing you didnt mention was as you are sitting with a shorter stack could forhayley have mistaken you for a rec player? Also it seems when you fold 9To there you basically fold your entire range on the turn bar a few combo draws (maybe 1 or 2 combos) - does this not worry you? Also check your pm's :)


Nov. 22, 2014 | 3:58 a.m.

I think also when putting the 6's and 8's in the last hand u missed quite a bit of them :O

oh also, I guess we can discard quit a bit of 2 pairs which he is gonna bet flop with and not check back, AT, A8, 8T.

gl hf

Oct. 24, 2014 | 5 p.m.

yeah I was thinking the same why donk 1/4 pot and not 1/2 or 1/3

May 15, 2014 | 6:59 a.m.

Im also wondering why the donk 1/4 pot on that turn w/ 22 . Whats the reasoning behind that play?

Also Im not saying the check raise is mandatory, but you should have a good ammount of hands which can c/r as a bluff too in this board, so it seems very logical to c/r 22 imo

May 14, 2014 | 9:57 p.m.

Hey Ben. I just wanted to ask you about your SB strategy. You seem to be flatting quite a bit against the button. Does not flatting from the SB kinda suck, being oop against two players a lot of the time, having a capped range, being very vulnerable against squeezes, etc.

I mean a lot of the hands which you are flatting I think would make better 3bets actually, for example A9ss or QTo, etc.   And with this I mean you will be losing less by 3betting them from the SB vs BTN than by flatting them. Yes you can get cold 4bet by the BB or 4bet quite a bit by the BTN, but its quite easy to come up with a 4bet flatting range which will work pretty well.

Could you talk a little bit about this? Thanks, nice video

May 9, 2014 | 11:55 p.m.

nice video, thanks. cool new coach. seems everyone who plays 2/5 zoom makes videos now lol. would you be willing to share your HUD for download anywhere for those of us who are HUD noobs? p.s. I am also a fan of more tables over less tables in videos so there is always something interesting going on. GL.

March 26, 2014 | 4:39 p.m.

Hey Parker, great video! While analyzing the 77 hand you said you are cbeting this flop a whole lot and that villain knows abt this too since he is a competent reg. In the case we 3bet something like QJo/K10o pre, I would like to ask how should we approach a turn like that? given we did cbet the flop and he is floating a good amount. Are we always check/folding or can we make a case for 2nd barreling? Any stats in specific we should look for to make our decision easier? Thanks

Dec. 31, 2013 | 1:19 a.m.

on T24 R when u c bet, are u flatting when you get check raised? If yes, what is your line on that exact turn when he bets / checks to you ... what is your line on relative bricks while acknowledging there are no genuine bricks what i mean by this is the (7,8,9,j,q,k)  when he bets / checks to you

Oct. 18, 2013 | 6:55 a.m.

Post | iamapokerbeast posted in Chatter: ev adjusted question

could someone please explain say i am losing 1k but my ev adjusted in holdem manager shows + 200 in the green, Does this mean instead of being down 1k i should be winning 200?

Oct. 15, 2013 | 4:33 a.m.

How frequently will you 4bet when IP versus a kimok style of opponent 3 betting OOP a lot at 300bb? Give examples of hands you feel most ppl 3 bet oop that you feel play better by flatting?

Sept. 17, 2013 | 9:08 a.m.

There is only one gangster and thats Chael Sonnen

Sept. 14, 2013 | 4:43 p.m.

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