poker pro's avatar

poker pro

273 points

Very nice series Apotheosis !

Aug. 4, 2017 | 8:31 a.m.

Comment | poker pro commented on HUPLO Session Review

Certainly very tight of your opponent to fold 3 times to your limp. Are you sure he knew the rules?

July 9, 2017 | 12:36 p.m.

Do you think he has alot of overpairs? If so do you think he is likely to fold on this runout?

Why is it good to barrel river if you unblock draws? Seems like you can just check? You have the best hand pretty often and he is probably not folding better that often ?

Very confused

July 3, 2017 | 6:59 a.m.

Are you valuebetting with the AK on the river in the first hand ?

July 1, 2017 | 2:34 a.m.

I just call and take a note

June 21, 2017 | 10:34 p.m.

Hi Tyler!

First hand catched my interest

I don´t think your turn raise would ever be a thing in a PIO sim. I assume we would mainly respond to his fairly large turnbet by calling, with the occasional raise (around 5%?) with high equity hands. If we start raising stuff like 97o it seems like it will be really easy to blow our frequencies out of the water.

However I can also see the merits to your play versus some players. I think your assumptions in this hand made it an excellent play. Would you bother much with balancing your river checking range with hands like Q7/QT?

Do you think your opponents should have 2 river sizings ? I can see some merits to 1/3 being one of them. As you said most people probably don´t bet one pair for a large size because they feel like they can´t get called by worse. Tricky for your opponent to know how many of his bluffs he can unload on the river. I assume he can still bluff all of his KJo. But don´t think his range and sizing supports bluffing AdJd and that's why your play becomes really good. Many people struggling with not bluffing crappy hands when checked to.

I was thinking that 1/3 for your opponent could be a sweet strategy, because it allows him to valuebet alot thinner and put pressure on your weak 1p hands. BUT maybe he doesnt even arrive on the river with that many thin valuebets with his more polarized strategy on earlier streets? So maybe it just makes more sense to go very big and try to not overbluff versus aware opponents like yourself. What do you think ?

Cheers for the video !


June 20, 2017 | 9:50 p.m.

Comment | poker pro commented on PIO HH Review: AQs

Loved this video !

June 20, 2017 | 8:23 a.m.

Hello good people of runitonce! I think that you all deserve an update after all of your beautiful support!

I am glad to tell you that Carolines has had 2 check ups since her operation and radiation! She got the green light from the doctor, no sign of cancer! Obv it could still come back (and that would be very bad) but now it´s looking as good as it can!

Her hair has grown back nicely, thick and curly. She doesnt want me to post pictures because she think it looks kind of ridic! But maybe I´ll convince her later!

We moved into a very sick apartment on the Gold Coast ! We can see the ocean from every window!

This has been one hell of a journey and I don´t even know how I managed to make money from poker while having to deal with all of this. But I think it forced me to become alot better and I think my game has improved alot more the last 2 years than before!

Think thats all for now, hope you all are doing well !

Also if some microstakes players are interested in free coaching shoot me a message! I will be doing 1h for nl5 - nl25 players, first 5 people get 1h for free!


June 15, 2017 | 12:18 p.m.

Starting skype study group for low/mid stakes MTTs

*Talk hands
*Hand history reviews
*PIO solver sims

Write your skype name

June 15, 2017 | 8:51 a.m.

Very good stuff ! Thank you

May 20, 2017 | 3:36 p.m.

Nice video as always!

@6:17 on AA6r flop with 33

Is his 1/4 betsize a result of EV advantage and equity advantage ? Because when I ran this spot in PIO IP actually had the advantage on both. Maybe my ranges are off ? I assumed IP would have almost all suited aces aswell as AQo and some AJo.

May 12, 2017 | 4:47 a.m.

@4min with 97d on Js6d8sJd

You say that we don´t have alot of Jx after raising our opponents 1/3 cbet on the flop, but if you look at a PIO model it builds a substantional raising range (with alot of Jx) vs a small size high frequency cbet strategy. I´m sure you know this already, just wondering why you think this is not true in this case and where you disagree


April 25, 2017 | 1:47 p.m.

At 00:30 with TT: did you mean to cbet 1/7 pot ?

March 29, 2017 | 4:41 a.m.

I found this very interesting and insightful.

In the first hand, why do you think it´s so common to think the thoughts that you said on the 9x river on the J9429 board ? I kind of thought exactly what you said and I can see the following beeing part of it

Problems to fully grasp range vs range interaction on this card
Biased thinking/emotion/memories from valuebetting and getting called/shoved in in similar spots
Some old belief/rule that board paring cards are really bad to bet

Good job


March 25, 2017 | 1:18 a.m.

Hand 1,2,3 all take me to the same hand? Only me ?

March 9, 2017 | 2:05 a.m.

Bottom right @ 26:30 on K36 6 turn

If your opponent had not lead into you, how do you approach this specific turn card ?

Do you use more than one size on this card ? Do you think it´s a viable option to check range on this card or do you think we lose value by doing that ?


Also do you coach ?

Feb. 8, 2017 | 8:07 a.m.

@ 29:50 with A2ss on AA5

You decide to bet the J turn. I would typically throw this hand into my checkback range, since we will need to check alot of hands on the turn after betting range on the flop. Or is it ok to have a really weak checkback range since our bluffs were printing on the flop ? What hands do you want to check on the turn ?

Oct. 24, 2016 | 2:25 a.m.

I think this was your best post so far!

Sept. 26, 2016 | 1:15 p.m.

I really like your videos and what you have done for the community!


Aug. 17, 2016 | 5:14 a.m.

This was very interesting Daniel, very much looking forward to the mystery!! =)

Got one off topic question: Do you find it useful from a learning perspective to build trees in creV and then comparing with PIOsolver or is it just a waste of time to sit around and build trees ?

Aug. 7, 2016 | 7:12 a.m.

Aug. 5, 2016 | 4:21 a.m.

Comment | poker pro commented on call or not?

Think it´s fine to call here, not beat by much, he might valuebet worse or have a random spazz at 4nl

Aug. 4, 2016 | 7:47 a.m.

Comment | poker pro commented on this ok?

I like check calling flop. Nice to have some flushdraws in your check calling range and this seems to be a good one to put in there. Also he might bet things with very little equity against you . So instead of beeing one of those players who just check garbage hands, start putting some stuff like this into your checking range.

Aug. 4, 2016 | 2:49 a.m.

Oh yes and I just reached 1M hands in DB and 100k$ profit yay!

Aug. 4, 2016 | 2:43 a.m.

Thanks for asking, time for an update. Find it hard to write without looking like a whiny little b1tch so decided to not write so much. Was probably a really bad idea since I don´t have any family or friends here in Australia and just carry all problems and thoughs on my own. Probably got to get it out somewhere.

Caroline finished her Chemo a few weeks ago. It's been rough but we are happy that part is finished. Not only because she doesn´t have to feel sick anymore from the chemo but also because her hair/eyebrows is starting to grow back.

Caroline managed to win a trip to Fiji for us both in a luxury restort for 4 nights. She won this by sharing here story on instagram (I didn´t think you could actually ever win any of these haha). So we went to Fiji for 5 days to rest up and get ready for her surgery. I think we both really needed this. It was amazing and we are so thankful for the restort that chose to give it away to us.

Here's some pictures from our stay

Also I owe a big thank you to two people. First one is Elliot Roe for helping me with my mental game during this rough time. Would probably not have made it without him.

Second one is Nick Howard for inspiring me in numerous ways and also for making me enjoy poker again and for the first time feeling like I´m making some actual gains. I was gonna write a good review for him but lets just say this: If you found a pot of gold in the forest would you run around tell everyone about it ?

Caroline had her surgery 2 days ago and it went well. They didnt have to remove so much of the breast so it looks alright. They said they could see no trace of cancer in what they took, but they will have to further analyze it. But it looks alright.

As far as what is left for Caroline it is a few weeks of daily radiation (atleast this will not make her feel sick)

Thx for all the support guys


Aug. 4, 2016 | 1:16 a.m.

What do you think are common ways of not acting in a self loving way?

Aug. 3, 2016 | 4:06 a.m.

Great thread!

Coaching someone

Coaching is usually beneficial for both the student and the coach. If you have never coached I would encourage you to try it. You can offer someone who is playing much lower than you some free coaching (Not only is this fun and beneficial but it also adds alot to the karma bank).

Why is this beneficial for me ?

The student will question things that you no longer think about. This will force you to rethink the situation and articulate your thought process. This has two main great outcomes:

  1. You explain the situation to the student without struggle. The student agrees
    Usually means that you have a deep understanding of the situation and have deepen your understanding even further by explaining it, the situation is now moving closer to unconscious competence and even on TILT you know this situation so well that you will not missplay it.

  2. You struggle to explain the situation to the student. The student is confused and you can tell that he did not grasp it fully.
    Usually means That you don't have a great understanding of the situation, it has not reached unconscious competence. This is a spot that you can work on. This spot will be sensetive to TILT because you don´t have a great understanding of the situation and when emotions block your thought process you will be likely to make mistakes.

    So, this basically can act as a scan of your own game to see where it is weak/strong and where you need to put in more work.

This can also be great for your confidence and if you are going through a "downswing" I would recommend this even more.


June 10, 2016 | 1:45 a.m.

Fantastic video as always, MVP!

I play alot of deep tables (200bb) and needless to say I call alot of 4bets OOP. Do you think I should bother with constructing a 5bet range or just keep my range intact and call everything ?

June 8, 2016 | 8:50 a.m.

Would like to see you look into how 3bet ranges should change when deep, especially OOP

June 3, 2016 | 10:42 a.m.

@2:00 with Q8o you seem to be very certain that this is not a good spot for villain to overbet the river. I would tend to agree and I would not overbet very often in his shoes.

However I was curious about this spot and how the ranges interact on the river so I decided to run it in piosolver. I was surprised to see that piosolver prefers a 150% pot size over 2/3. I can´t think of a great reason why PIO does this. The only thing I can think of is that he is naturally pretty polarized here on the river when he goes bet bet bet and your range contains alot more medium flushes so a large size would therefore make sense.

Why do you think it´s not a good spot to overbet ?

May 30, 2016 | 7:26 a.m.

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