0 points
Dec. 9, 2013 | 10:10 p.m.
Sets will definitely call you, 2pairs might not call you or might bluff raise you like here, the rare trips will call you, you shut down all his bluffs from missed draws. You might get called by 2pairs (in case not bluff raised) and maybe AQ.
If check, will get value from his bluffs and likely his Q8 and definitely not run the risk of folding the best hand.
Dec. 8, 2013 | 10:42 a.m.
You can be just calling with naked 55 or 88 for sure. Its bad play to bet overpair here, and you dont need to exploit that by raising here, you will exploit it the times you have 55 or 88 by calling. You have to be very sure he has AA or KK to raise here otherwise you are just exploiting yourself against a weak opponent.
Agreed 3-bet pre. As played pre, do you ever- check raise bluff flop? I assume no so then i like a call on flop and turn. River sucks, theoretically you gotta call, but cmon who the fck bluffs here at these limits? As people play PLO at these limits raise-bluff with blocker T is better than call IMO. I'd fold. KQ98 mayyyybe a possible bluff.
Dec. 10, 2013 | 7:08 a.m.