2 points
Wasn't working for me for the last few weeks but working now on my end.
Aug. 7, 2016 | 3:58 a.m.
Is there still supposed to be one Phil Galfond video per month for essential members? I ask since it doesn't look like there has been one in a couple months.
If not, that should be removed from the list of benefits for essential members at sign up.
Oct. 12, 2015 | 7:04 p.m.
Hey guys,
It's a Sunday afternoon live game on the east coast. Table isn't the greatest as there are a couple 10/25 regs in the game but also 3 weak players and couple unknowns so not terrible. I've been at the table about an hour and my image is clean, won a couple pots without showdown and up 300$, $2k effective stacks. I am a 25 year old white male with baseball cap, probably look like a "grinder."
Villain is a middle aged white male with baseball cap. Played a couple times briefly with him and he plays very Taggy, tight up front, looser in the back always coming in for a raise. No real history/dynamics between us however.
Fish limps in for 10$, villain raises HJ to $55, really big fish calls on button with $400 stack, folds to me with AcKs in sb i make it $210, limper folds villain calls and fish folds. In a similar spot earlier I raised and the fish shoved his stack in pre flop so was trying to get the same result here.
Flop: 742r I cbet $205 villain calls fairly quickly.
Turn: 5c I bet $450 villain tanks and calls.
River: 8d Hero??
I could be convinced that flop is a c/f, but it is a pretty harmless flop and thought some decent barrel spots would come up to get him off mid pairs. Turn gives me some more equity against 88-QQ so I decided to bet again. Thoughts on line/river? Thinking I should have sized bigger on both streets if I decided to bet.
Thank you.
Sept. 21, 2015 | 4 p.m.
Why would we check back this flop? We are betting this flop with literally any 3 bet bluff we could have and villain probably knows this (or assumes this). If we check back he is going to rightly assume we have the stronger part of our range. I would as a default be betting this flop with all my air as well as AQ+ most of the time.
I like your flop sizing, maybe a bit bigger like 95$. Without any reads my general feeling is he is just spazzing on the flop and giving up turn so I would check back turn and try to pick off a bluff on the river. If you had a read that he can overplay top pair betting turn becomes more appealing. Would bet small on the turn if that is the case.
this is an old video
May 16, 2017 | 5:20 a.m.