Witek H
16 points
I've heard about the software that unify tables from many sites, so that it's easier to multitable. Do anyone know how it's called?
Nov. 27, 2014 | 9:14 a.m.
Great format. Theory and practice on specific part of game. Best concept on this site for me.
June 3, 2014 | 8:21 a.m.
Great, great, great video!
Playing in 3bet pots out of position is the weakest part of my game. I updated my popup with stats "bet vs mcb in 3bet" etc. and now I have tools to improve my game. It works really well for me.
I would like to see more about this concept, but anything theoretical with hands examples in replayer would be great.
May 15, 2014 | 12:37 p.m.
Very nice video. I like your flow. It's funny that Galfond wrote in one comment lately that in 50bb+ games preflop decisions doesn't matter much:
"Unless you're playing short stacked poker, I think that any significant time spent worrying about small preflop decisions is wasted time. Postflop is where your edge comes from if you're playing 50bb+, and I think it's not even close"
But it's omaha. Not many things are obvious and both points of view make sense for me.
I would like to see some play in 3bet pots out of position. as a preflop raiser and caller.
April 30, 2014 | 8:47 a.m.
It was fun, but not educational imo. Being a coach is a big responsibility, because you are explaining strategy to people with lower skill, and in fact you can make terrible play and make it sound ok. I've learned in RIO that play is good for some reasons. I feel like in this video, the main reason was fitting style you decided to play. Style of play doesn't matter in RIO (of course that is my point of view). The only think that's matter is how to play a hand in most effective way.
It's not TAG and LAG but "missing value" and "spewy".
Folding QQ(T8) bb vs utg
folding A699ds bb vs co
there are not costly mistakes but clearly a mistakes.
The main reason I decided to write this post is a hand at 32:15.
You decided to squeze with AKQ7ds against a tight player opening from Co and cold caller from BTN.
I don't do this, but I don't know if its good or not. I want to expand my squeezing range so my first thought was. Oh!, "easy squeze", I have to think about that! Than preflop raiser 4bets you, and you started to explain, why it is ok to call this 4bet. WHAT? You said that you remember this player as being able to 4bet light. I play this stakes and remember him as a passive player, not able to do moves. And you have marked him green which is "passive reg" in your colours, and later in a video you folded AJJ9s in position against him claiming he has tight 3bet range. I have 4000 hands on him and he has 2,2 4betting range.
All explanations in this hand was totally fake and as I said, being coach is a big responsibility. People have to trust that you want to learn, what kind of plays are good and why and not just trying to look good in their eyes.
So because of the hand with AKQ7ds I just can't trust your explanations anymore.
(posting again because couldn't format it)
April 7, 2014 | 9 a.m.
It was fun, but not educational imo. Being a coach is a big responsibility, because you are explaining strategy to people with lower skill, and in fact you can make terrible play and make it sound ok. I've learned in RIO that play is good for some reasons. I feel like in this video, the main reason was fitting style you decided to play. Style of play doesn't matter in RIO (of course that is my point of view). The only think that's matter is how to play a hand in most effective way.
It's not TAG and LAG but "missing value" and "spewy".
Folding QQ(T8) bb vs utg
[url=http://www.propokertools.com/simulations/show?g=oh&h1=QhQcTs8s&h2=16%25&s=generic]ProPokerTools Omaha Hi Simulation[/url]
600,000 trials (Randomized)
QhQcTs8s [b]47.67%[/b] (280,587 wins, 10,866 ties)
16% [b]52.33%[/b] (308,547 wins, 10,866 ties)
folding A699ds bb vs co
[url=http://www.propokertools.com/simulations/show?g=oh&h1=As6c9s9c&h2=30%25&s=generic]ProPokerTools Omaha Hi Simulation[/url]
600,000 trials (Randomized)
As6c9s9c [b]49.66%[/b] (296,325 wins, 3,215 ties)
30% [b]50.34%[/b] (300,460 wins, 3,215 ties)
there are not costly mistakes but clearly a mistakes.
The main reason I decided to write this post is a hand at 32:15.
You decided to squeze with AKQ7ds against a tight player opening from Co and cold caller from BTN.
I don't do this, but I don't know if its good or not. I want to expand my squeezing range so my first thought was. Oh!, "easy squeze", I have to think about that! Than preflop raiser 4bets you, and you started to explain, why it is ok to call this 4bet. WHAT? You said that you remember this player as being able to 4bet light. I play this stakes and remember him as a passive player, not able to do moves. And you have marked him green which is "passive reg" in your colours, and later in a video you folded AJJ9s in position against him claiming he has tight 3bet range. I have 4000 hands on him and he has 2,2 4betting range.
[url=http://www.propokertools.com/simulations/show?g=oh&h1=AhKhQd7d&h2=3%25&s=generic]ProPokerTools Omaha Hi Simulation[/url]
600,000 trials (Randomized)
AhKhQd7d [b]32.28%[/b] (188,213 wins, 10,887 ties)
3% [b]67.72%[/b] (400,900 wins, 10,887 ties)
[url=http://www.propokertools.com/simulations/show?g=oh&h1=AhKhQd7d&h2=AKKx&s=generic]ProPokerTools Omaha Hi Simulation[/url]
600,000 trials (Randomized)
AhKhQd7d [b]32.49%[/b] (169,459 wins, 50,955 ties)
AKKx [b]67.51%[/b] (379,586 wins, 50,955 ties)
[url=http://www.propokertools.com/simulations/show?g=oh&h1=AhKhQd7d&h2=4%25&s=generic]ProPokerTools Omaha Hi Simulation[/url]
600,000 trials (Randomized)
AhKhQd7d [b]34.94%[/b] (201,668 wins, 15,911 ties)
4% [b]65.06%[/b] (382,421 wins, 15,911 ties)
All explanations in this hand was totally fake and as I said, being coach is a big responsibility. People have to trust that you want to learn, what kind of plays are good and why and not just trying to look good in their eyes.
So because of the hand with AKQ7ds I just can't trust your explanations anymore.
April 7, 2014 | 8:54 a.m.
Great video Fernando! "Cbet decisions OOP as preflop 3bettor with different stack sizes" l woluld like to see it too. The toughest spot for me now is x calling hand in 3bet pots OOP (not as preflop 3bettor). I'm not sure which hand are good to xcall flop and which are best for donkbetting turn or x raising. I think I'm giving up too much in this spot. Any video about 3bet pots done in hand replayer would be awesome!
April 6, 2014 | 10:54 a.m.
I use it too. There is option in hud if some player has 100% stat to show it as 99%. 1% doesn't matter for you, but you have more place in your hud.
March 26, 2014 | 7:04 a.m.
March 22, 2014 | 8:58 p.m.
I stopped the video after oponent 3bet you on the flop, and started to think, what I would like to do with my range. I have similar approach to theese boards. I like to x raise a lot, but I don't like to do it with overpairs +FD beacuse it can easily call 2 streets. Even If I would find myself with that kind of hand I can't imagine myself bluffing the river with A,K or Q high flush draw. You said you wan't to call on the flop beacause it's hard to represent bluff by 4betting, but you can't have blufs in you range if you call. I know regulars on these stakes, and no one is bluffing any second barrel later in the hand. Fish could do it. You never folding your hand later, so if you just call, you give your oponent chance to draw with 788x 799x etc. (which I consider nice 3betting hand in his shoes btw) and sometimes double pairs (I don't think it's good to 3bet them, but I saw regulars 3betting my frequent xraises with it). So there is big chance your oponent have 10% (sometimes more) equity in a hand, and you always give him two streets for free. If he improves to full house he will take your stack. So you have very big reverse implied odds.
So my idea is to click back on the flop, and do it with some overpairs (he should fold with air, maybe call with double pairs, but at least you earn some $ more than by calling ). Or you can also start to call his 3bet with some over pairs, but I think it could sometimes be very frustrating when you misread something later in a hand. I have only problem with deciding what to do with bare 4 which I like to xraise in this spot. I'm not sure, but I think that clickbacking may still be the best option with them.
What do you think about it?
March 7, 2014 | 11:38 a.m.
btw. What are yours RCE stats?
March 4, 2014 | 8:34 a.m.
I've already learned it from watching your videos, but before i came to RIO i was playing with 25% donkbet and aggression factor 5 :). I saw other regs videos playing more passive style, but I thougt that there are more cons than pros. Your videos gave me a great tools to make this style more effective- finding good spots to bluff, and getting used to lose at showdowns when you call down.
I have also same theory, that our brain it's not good at learning in terms of pot odds. I remember 3 years ago, when I found River call efficiency stat and was trying to find out what it means. I asked other pros about their numbers. I had the lowest RCE and it was still about 60% of wins when I called. Of course there are times when you are check calling with very good hand, just because oponent range is very draw heavy. But stil winning 60% means that I was folding to much.
I had very good 2013 year playing pl50 with ev 9 bb/100. Finally I got to pl100, and had two months of break even, than I came to RIO and completely changed my style and since then I have ev 9bb/100 for last 110k hands. I checked down my RCE stat for before RIO: 1,35, and after RIO: 1,17. So if you want to learn how to play more profitable, and win more, you have to learn to loose :)
March 4, 2014 | 8:33 a.m.
SB: $112.71 (Hero)
BB: $144.36
UTG: $100.50
HJ: $151.81
CO: $68.13
UTG raises to $3.50, HJ folds, CO calls $3.50, BN folds, Hero calls $3, BB folds
Feb. 1, 2014 | 7:53 a.m.
Hi Phil,
38:00. hand with JJ77 on AA7 Q. I have bluffing range on AA7 in 3bet spot but almost never continue with it on later streets. Maybe if I cath an openeder + FD. I know it could be easy to exploit, but can't imagine that bluffing turns could be profitable in a vaccum.
If I have to construct turn bluffing range, I would prefer to choose smaller sizing, and do the same with AQ and 77. But it could be easy outplayed by clickraise with AQ and KK and some floats (doublepairs).
How often do you cbet this turn with bare Ace with low kickers or AK. How would you react to a clickraise?
Jan. 23, 2014 | 9:53 a.m.
SB: $398.10
BB: $50
UTG: $288.88
HJ: $555.55
CO: $155.46 (Hero)
UTG folds, HJ folds, Hero raises to $3.50, BN folds, SB folds, BB raises to $11, Hero calls $7.50
Jan. 16, 2014 | 8:37 a.m.
04:18. QQ88 hand on 34c7c. Sometimes we have a good hand here, so we want some bluffing hands in our range. What hands do you take? and what sizing you choose? bare Ace of clubs (but we usually don't have it when calling 3bet out of pos, so maybe K high is enough)? double pairs with 66 and 55 without gutshot? I can't see more hands and I think we should have a little bit more than that. When he bets 10 i would like to raise to 27, but some regulars bet about 14. What to do in that case? about 35?
Jan. 14, 2014 | 10:16 a.m.
Hi Phil! (great site btw:)
36:10 with 2678ds at A28 +fd in 3bet 3way pot. Why we are obviously going with our hand against wovaster (who was not 3 betting for last 145 hands) ?. We need 40% equity against his range, so even if he is 3betting required 3% range
http://www.propokertools.com/simulations/show?b=Ah2h8s&g=oh&h1=2d8d6h7h&h2=3%25&s=generic (but I believe he is not)
I can't see him poting bare KK against two players. Is it not best play to fold this hand?
When cobra calls I think it still should be easy fold. If he always fold to our shove we still need 33% equity. he could cold called with double pair hand with 88. sometimes weirdly played AA, sometimes A +higher flush draw. Even if its not more often than 10%, we have to pay 500bb having about 35-40% equity if he calls. It was marginal even when cobra always folds and I just think that any other play than fold is wrong. Maybe it looks like easy call because you both have 500bb+ stacks and his 100bb looks like shortstack play, but his statistics says something else. He is tight, just playing deep ante games with crazy guys for 100bb and waiting for good hand. What do you think about it?
Great video as always!
25:00, hand with 4579 with flush draw on 238. I understand that this is clear pot on the flop, but I want to ask about poker juice analysis. We didn't remove "folding to a 3bet range" from his opening range. You said many people are calling KK out of pos, but most of the regulars have between 10-25% fold to a 3bet OOP, and most of the hands they are folding to a 3bet, are a hands that don't hit this flop. It makes our analysis less realistic. What do you think about it?
July 8, 2014 | 8:45 a.m.