23 points
Hey everyone!
Just wanna share my story cause I see it a little unfair and would like to know what you guys think.
I was banned during the session on Pokerstars.es, when i was deeprunning 2nd day of Scoop tournament 50+R (250 buyin), when it was 29 or 30 left. As I remembered I had 14th stack at that moment. I had few more tournaments runnng as well but they were cheap and started not a long time ago.
This window had came out and I went sitOut all tables and couldnt do anything even Lifechat with operator.
I started to write emails nerviously to all addresses that I had, no answer. Then I realized that can enter in Ps.com and chat there. The girl promised me that my question gonna be resolved as soon as possible and we talk about the compensation later. Thats it.
Blinds ate me and I finished 23d and get 543eur. The 1st place was 13154eur.
Next day after 12 hours they unblocked my account and said that everything is fine. And returned me buyins of 2 tournaments that I play on the side.
On my MAIN tournament question they said this:
As far as the compensation query goes, unfortunately we cannot give
you any rebate or ticket for the blocking of your account because the
account was closed by our security team as a security measure for
further investigation. Therefore, we cannot grant you any compensation
for the actions taken by them.
I went to Life chat again and tryied to explain that is wrong:
Sorry for my english mistakes, still learning how to write well)
AND I GOT IT! lol)
20 euro on Spins. What a luck!))
What do you guys think?
What solution do u see? And what you would do diferently?
Thanks for time.
April 6, 2018 | 6:22 a.m.
Size up pre, call flop, call turn, fold river - I can not see any bluffs.
Maybe, maybe sometimes TT, but very few. QQ I suppose should 4bet pre vs this size in that positions most of a time and not XR this board often.
I imagine you call...
April 24, 2017 | 3:31 p.m.
Hey guys. I would like to talk about strategies on the dry flops when we are OOP and got raised OTF.
The hand that happened.
5/10, 7 max, struddle OTB.
I am on BB w KK, open to 70, bu calls. 2200 eff
Flop 953o
I bet 60 (100% of my range) he raised me to 160.
SO here is a thing. I would like to develop raising range here, cause obv bu doesnt have a lot of strong hands here and I am not sure that he is raising all his sets OTF knowing that I am cBetting here a lot. It seems like "protection-value-cheap showdown raise" kinda stuff)))
In the game I chose call, but felt like its going to be Check-Check, most of a time.
SO What is your strategies in the situations like that? Do u have back raising range in the situations like that?
If yes - What are your bluff/value combos?
Thanks and take care guys.
Dec. 2, 2016 | 4:25 p.m.
Hey John, great start. Welcome to Rio!
22min, QJ hand. I reaaly think thats the best bluffcatcher u could have here. The guy is representing QQ, 99 JJ, KT combos he most likely bet on the flop, but he still can have some. You mentioned that u honna have better combos to call, like 5x or straights but I disagree with that point, cause what he is mainly repping are Fulls and thats more important to block them then have stronger hand like 5x.
So I truly believe thats was one of the best bluffcatchers you could have there and you should call.
Nov. 20, 2016 | 6:17 p.m.
Half agree w comment above. We never bluff with that lead ott- so opp just playing perfectly against us. I will assume he never bluff - so can not see any reason to call his raise!
But our leed is awful, cause when u check - u never has a straight. I can Pot w any 2 cards turn and bet bigger river and u gonna fold everything after you checked.
Nov. 17, 2016 | 5:38 p.m.
Oct. 20, 2016 | 11:59 a.m.
Ciao Juan.
7.13 - so why u did choose the Fold option instead of calling? The 3bet was small, the stack size are deeper then normal. Seems like good spot to call..
Oct. 4, 2016 | 1:27 p.m.
what do u want him to fold?)
Aug. 2, 2016 | 3:10 p.m.
OMG, I can not believe u folded KK there. What did u put the guy on? He is repping almost anothing, especially with information that u have on him - It is just snap call.
Also I can not believe u asking what is the counter strategy and considering Checking back option! Would u ever XB TT on KT8s flop against a guy like this or against anyone? SO i hope no, so here is the same thing, you are missing HUUUUGE amount of value XB against these guys whos range contains so much air.
I would bet every time and hope to get XR...
Aug. 2, 2016 | 3:06 p.m.
Hey Zeljko, thanks for interesting content!
@min 30:40, what do u want to acomplish with betting that flop? What hands are u expecting V to fold?
36.40 Again, same question. Whats the point betting 97s on that turn? What hands are u expecting V to fold?
41.40 99 hand, were u going to Fire another bullet on a river vs 1 player?
Thanks, cheers.
May 30, 2016 | 1:58 p.m.
*I mean with AA without clubs..
May 24, 2016 | 12:31 p.m.
11.50 Dont we want to protect our hand against small pairs with a club or get value from Kqo type of hands that gonna XB a lot? Isn't a good strategy to bet all your range with a small sizing here?
May 24, 2016 | 2:33 a.m.
1.13 A7o OTB, are u serious that is kinda loose open? why is that?)
at 21:00 u bet K5s OTF for protection/slash value and then saying OTT that u prefer Bluff some other hands. Seems like a contradiction for me. And we are folding the best hand on a turn a lot.
May 19, 2016 | 5:10 p.m.
Hello Teunuss. Very cool action video. Waiting for 2nd part!!!
Few questions here:
13:18 min. How u balancing your check range here? seems sooo comlicated to me.. I feel like I always capped, when I checking here...
34min - why didn't u consider the "Shoving" option with 88?
43.00min - I really dont like your XR - getting there, cause when u get it in - you always go with bad equity. His range is Nuts Flusdraw, big portion of overpairs that you are very poor equity against and not a lot of Tx hands against whom you have OK equity. Dont know his 4betting range, but I don't think he has a lot of straight-draw neither, that he is calling/shoving against our XR. So cannot see any arguments for do that.
And the good thing about XC with our hand, that he is gonna barrel very frequiently our outs. And it's a pretty cool that when we hit his range becomes more bluff-heavy.
March 24, 2016 | 5:38 a.m.
Your point doesnt make any sense cause I gave you the exact numbers. he could potentially izolating with 15% of hands beeing on the tighter side, but he still gonna call you around 3% of a time, so it means that we always have a LOT of FE here and A LOT means around 80% of a time)
March 21, 2016 | 5:23 p.m.
6 combos of AA, 3 of KK, 1 of QTs and maybe some AhK could call sometimes. Thats 10+ combos to get value from.
We loose to AQ - 4 combos, Qjs - 1 combo and some flushes AKh, ATh, A4h, A5h maybe A9h - but I'm not sure if they 100% checking river.
Seems close, but still value bet for me.
March 21, 2016 | 4:01 p.m.
Agree. The best strategy is not doing BIG expensive moves blind, when u dont have any confirmation of correctness of your decicion. I would call your play spewy and not reasonable.
A8o - never 4b for me, especially sb vs bb when u gonna have tough times playing OOP huge pot with a weak hand(
As played Iprefer betting the flop 100%. Dont see a reason to check ever. I would XF turn and probably XF this river. Bluffing K rivers seems beeter to me.
March 21, 2016 | 3:16 p.m.
There is a huge FE here in that spot. I assume he izolating something around 20% of hands. And calling your shove only with 4-5%. So he is going to fold here about 80% of a time. Thats exactly what you need to breakeven shove. But you are defenetely ahead of their ranges. So what can be easier than shove here?)
March 21, 2016 | 3:05 p.m.
I dont see a reason to Bet bigger flop, cause we have a TOPset, that is blocking a lot of TP hands, and 7x hands could fold sometimes when I Bet bigger there into 4 peolpe. So I tjink the size I picked up is fine and it doesnt narrow calling ranges as much when we start to bet bigger here. But I agree with you to have bigger size when its monotone)
What 8x hands would tou assume he could have?)
March 21, 2016 | 2:53 p.m.
Its a flushdraw on the flop.
March 21, 2016 | 2:46 p.m.
First you dont need to POTcontrol at all on this type of board. You want to cbet here 100%. Especially against the guy with 25bb. You just want to bet-call here every time!
SO, I bet flop here, 20 or 15 maybe and snap-calling his shove.
As you played - I can not see how can we ever fold here OTR with that hand and this amazing POTodds. You have to win here just 25% of the time, but you gonna win much often, cause you have a best hand here a lot. SO its always call.
March 20, 2016 | 5:16 a.m.
Its a 5/10 Live. 2k deep.
Superfish Limps UTG, Utg+1 weaker player limps as well, TAG from mp1 izolates to 55. I am with QQ on the bu, decided just call? cause he is pretty tight and has a strong range there and I dont want to give the weaker players a chance to fold. So I call. Sb call, both limpers called as well. Its 5-way around 285 pot.
Flop: Q57s. All checked to me. I bet 110. Small blind calls, SupFish calls as well. Small blind is kinda loose reg.
Turn is a 4o. Both ckecked to me. I bet 420. Reg looked on a fish and called. Fish folded.
River is a 6o. He tanked for 1 min and shoved 1400(my allin) into a 1455 pot. Hero-?
The thoughts about each street are welcome!
March 19, 2016 | 7:07 p.m.
I don't like ur size as well. As played checking river is def better then betting, V def has some weak flushdraws in his range that would mandatory bluff river.
For that reason and with that spr I can not see us folding here ever.
Xc is a play.
March 17, 2016 | 1:23 a.m.
Hello from Russiia Dan. Great video as always) Thank for that)
16min what do u think about Invoker's play OTT? does he ever have a bluff here? I think we can just fold exploitavely here everything worse then 2 pair..
27 min. Don't u think, that u are bluffing too much here OTT if u start to bluff a hand like this? It means that you start to bluff every single Ax combo here - and IMO its too much. Because you have plenty of nonSD hands to bluff OTT. As you can see the V called you very light OTR and I wouldn't be surprise if he had these type of notes on you..
March 11, 2016 | 5:35 p.m.
So, I wait "Like" ;)
Feb. 10, 2016 | 12:06 a.m.
If u raise this hand OTT - - ur calling range is very weak. As well As said higher V has all the nuts and there are more nuts then hands weaker that can pay ur raise. This is super std call!!
U shouldn't have a high% raise here, cause V's range is stronger that yours on that type of board.
I would raise some monster draws and nuts some portion of the time, but not always. Depends of the V. I think it's enough.
Feb. 3, 2016 | 11:44 p.m.
Hey teunuss.
25.55 JTs hand. I'm not sure that u want to shove AJ type of hands OTR. I mean V has all AK combos that potcontrolling turn/bluffcatching river. There is not a lot of value of shoving AJ Imo. I would bet on the smaller side with all my Ax for thinner value/blocking bet vs AK as well with my bluffs. He probably doesn't fold Ax against any size bet... so why we shoving?
Feb. 2, 2016 | 10:45 p.m.
5b-fold - worse option ever!!
We need to have strong hands in our "call 4b range". Its a perfect situation. We cannot 5b for value and ofcourse we cant fold - so calling is the only option.
I really dont like ur sizing pre. Seems like you permanently doing the same mistake - 3betting without any FE giving such great odds + implied odds beeing deep. And I cant imagine that you have bluffing range with that sizing. And if you have - it doesnt make any sense, because there is NO FE! I would make it 140-145 pre.
Feb. 1, 2016 | 12:13 a.m.
Hello Guys. Live hand.
5/10, everybody is deep. Big Fish Utg open 40. Reg MP call. I call Mp3 A8s. 2 calls behind, co and bu. Blinds call as well. So its 7-way)))
Flop comes 7h52s. Fish checks, Reg checks to us. Should we take a stab here into a field?
Everybody checked except BU, He bets 150, Fish calls, Reg calls, I call? (Do we have other options here?), Reg behind me calls as well.
SO its still 5-way.
Turn is 7s. Both checked to me. What are we doing?
I checked, everybody checked.
River is Jh.
Both checked to me. I bet 450 into the 1030 POT, 1 fold, Guy OTB raise me to 1600 pretty fast. Both fold.
So, what are we doing here? My stack is around 5k, V had around 3k. He is offline grinder about 35yo, capable do some crazy stuff but lately looks pretty quiet.
Comments on every street are welcome)
Thank u guys and peace!
so cool, I am in. PLaying life 5/10+, up to 20/40.
Playing online as well
April 6, 2018 | 5:54 a.m.