5 points
I was just re-reading what you had said about the KX and then read my post again and saw I was thinking there was a K on the flop, so I was like how is him betting with KX a bluff?? makes sense now. I edited my post and when I was finished I noticed that you had already replied.
And I also now see what you meant about the unbalanced range, I just felt like there are very very few complete bluffs. But to assume that means villain will never bet those hands is obviously not how I should be thinking.
before I saw your comment I was looking at a 22% opening range and I did see how weak AX hands could be bluffing here and a couple weak Kx
Just want to get into it a little more.. haha I feel bad because I feel like this is more than enough time to spend on one hand but honestly this one particular hand has a lot of good things to think about imo.
Anyway, according to my equity calculator an opening range of 21% doesn't even include 89s let alone like 67, 56s, and from what I've read online UTG+1 generally should be folding (except in position) all suited connectors excluding sometimes 89s, but for the sake of argument I'll add 89s and 78s.
AK, AT, A9, A8, A7, A6s, A5s, A4s, A2s, K9s, K8s, 89s, 78s
That is 112 hand combos of possible bluffs. So about 2/3 of the amount of combos compared to the amount of combos that have us beat.
So I do see now that there are more bluffs there than I had originally realized so it makes calling a little more understandable. However, the next issue I'm having with the hand is the fact that any card 9 and over will basically make villains hand one that beats ours? Any card over 9 that doesn't pair the board will complete straights or pairs, and obviously cards that pair the board will either not affect us at all or just put the villain even more ahead than he already was, but it would be hard to find a call on the river in my opinion with any card over a 9. Is this not sound reasoning? That is almost half the cards in the deck.
Jan. 25, 2017 | 3:48 a.m.
What do you mean when you say I'm assuming villain is playing an unbalanced strategy..? The fact I said UTG+1's range is broadway and middling pair heavy? The QJ board connects with so much of their range... AQ, AJ, KQ, KJ, KT, QJ, QT, JT, JJ, QQ, KK, AA, that's 144 combos that are ahead of 88. That is not including 99-TT which would add another 12 combos. This is a good amount of a non-recreational player's UTG+1 opening range.
I'm not sure what you mean about the KT calculation.. KT is the very bottom of his possible range aside from 9T and 22-tt (of course he has some complete bluffs) so evebnn KT has more equity than 88 in this particular situation. So I'm saying just about his worst hand has more equity than us.
So I guess what I'm asking now is: why are we calling? What do we beat? We only beat literally complete air. There is nothing in his conceivable range that we are ahead of other than 9T, 22-77, AK... If he bets the river we are going to fold anyway, the only way we would continue is if we hit an 8.. If we don't hit an 8 and it comes a card that doesn't help his range and he continues to bet we still have a tough decision of whether or not he has a weak queens or king. The only way I see continuing here is if you know the villain is bluffing because of a read or you intend on bluff shoving certain rivers.
I'm sorry but your response left more more confused than I already was. I'm not trying to seem like a knowitall and show you up or anything like that. Just genuinely curious.
Jan. 25, 2017 | 2:39 a.m.
@16:30 on the 36 Suited hand he also has a player behind who is on the big blind who could easily have Ax and straight draws/middling pair/bottom 2/top 2/sets
@11:30 with the 88 hand, wouldn't turn be a fold? UTG+1 range is pretty strong and broadway heavy or at least middling to stronger pocket pairs. He could easily be checking back his JX and QX hands here just like hero will also do sometimes to protect his range and/or induce a bluff on the turn from the opponent. the turn card comes a brick and villain now bets his QX/JX/JJ-AA/33 for value. I don't really see what villain would even be barreling with on the turn that is a bluff.. 10K? AK? 44-77? T9? I feel like his ace high and pairs TT and worse (2 of which are still ahead of us) are going to check back the turn as well hoping to get to showdown. If villain is a rec I can see maybe continuing but from a completely random villain and no reads I would be inclined to think this is a fold right? We are already most likely behind and we have 2 outs to really improve, while at the very bottom of villains range he has at least 8 outs, as well as outs (pairs) that he doesn't even know would improve his hand to one that is better than ours. TK hitting a 10 for example, or 9T hitting a 9. So in total villain really has about 12 outs. I just ran an equity calculator, and TK actually has almost 53% equity against 88 on the flop. We are only ahead of 9T here which is the very very bottom of his range aside from 77 and worse. Hero would need a read on villain that he basically has complete air.
Jan. 23, 2017 | 8:05 p.m.
Nice video!
One suggestion, you should pause the video when talking about specific hands until you are done talking about each street of action. Makes it much more seamless and easier to follow as well as easier for you to focus on each action of the hand.
Jan. 18, 2017 | 10:34 p.m.
I personally think J4S is much too light of a 3-bet bluff unless you know your opponents are loose passives who you have seen fold to 3-bets at a high frequency. Looking at the small blinds stats it looks like he's a bit of a station but it's not that many hands. If he were a station though I wouldn't recommend bluffing him in the first place.
What are you even repping on the river? 66? 99? 34? 78? KK? AA?
66 would have folded the flop and definitely the turn.. 78 would have likely folded the flop with only it's backdoors. 34 is unlikely 3-bet in the first place. 99 would of most likely raised the turn to get more money into the pot and protect the hand against people drawing. KK would have raised the flop or turn for the same reason as 99.
I just don't see how someone could really fold here if they had any decent equity. I don't think any king is folding here.
Is the site going to be USA FRIENDLY?
Feb. 6, 2017 | 10:04 p.m.