4 points
thank you for the input. I agree with you for the most part. I think b/f to set up a possible 3barrel is our best choice. I posted this hand right after it happened and was a bit confused at time. Looking at it right now, I`m a little surprised I posted this because B/F turn seems relatively standardish.
April 17, 2013 | 6:24 a.m.
SB: $108.84 (Hero)
BB: $169.20
CO: $50
BN: $51.53
BB: $169.20
CO: $50
BN: $51.53
Villain is very tight 50 and 100PLO reg, 19/16, but has BTN steal of 55 over decent sample. Fold to 3b 18%. I doubt he would fourbet me with much else than AA. He is not a NIT postflop.
(4 Players)
Hero was dealt
CO folds, BN raises to $1.25, Hero raises to $4, BB folds, BN calls $3
CO folds, BN raises to $1.25, Hero raises to $4, BB folds, BN calls $3
(2 Players)
Hero bets $5.76,
BN calls $5.76
pretty standard up to this point. I don't think he necessarily jams AKJ8, I do see many regs at this limit just call these sort of hands. His overall fold to cbet in 3b pots is 45%-50%.
(2 Players)
Hero checks,
BN bets $13.50,
Hero calls $13.50
Here the trouble begins. Good card for my range, yet a bad card for my hand. I would have folded to a bigger betsize, but even this size seems like a fold to me if i can't bluff / hero call some non heart rivers.
(2 Players)
Hero checks,
BN bets $28.02,
Hero folds
Final Pot
wins $46.02
wins $28.02
April 16, 2013 | 8:05 a.m.
March 28, 2013 | 8:13 p.m.
great signing RIT. gj
March 28, 2013 | 6:06 a.m.
lead big when you spike OTR. if you're unsure whether you wanna bet 80 or 90% of whatever, always take the bigger size. Potting is a good choice in many of these spots.
as for F/T sizing, I'd definitely recommend betting bigger OTF. if he's got a draw, which there are plenty of, he is gonna call/raise. since we are aheadof his calling range( (not to say: have it crushed in plo terms) , we lose a lot of value by betting small here. If he is a little spewy and likes to spazzraise you on that board, why would you want to bet small and jam over his 13.25$ bluff when you could be betting 7.20$ and pick up his 22.95$ (we are obviously never folding) ?
turn is debatable but I'm prob betting somewhere in the 60-70% range there as well. now call and spike :)
as for F/T sizing, I'd definitely recommend betting bigger OTF. if he's got a draw, which there are plenty of, he is gonna call/raise. since we are aheadof his calling range( (not to say: have it crushed in plo terms) , we lose a lot of value by betting small here. If he is a little spewy and likes to spazzraise you on that board, why would you want to bet small and jam over his 13.25$ bluff when you could be betting 7.20$ and pick up his 22.95$ (we are obviously never folding) ?
turn is debatable but I'm prob betting somewhere in the 60-70% range there as well. now call and spike :)
March 21, 2013 | 10:43 a.m.
Feb. 21, 2013 | 5:30 p.m.
good video, thank you for doing this!
after your discussion of the As Kd Jd 8c OTB vs genadair open (~1min into vid) I was wondering how you could, following the same logic, 3b/jam the Ad Js Td 2s OTB vs genadir open (~27mins). I ran a couple of EQ calcs*, and surprisingly - at least for me -
AJT2ds does a lot better against his 4bet range than AKsJs8 (42 v 38).
What i found even more suprising is that, even when you change
AJT2ds to Ad JT 2d, it still has roughly 2% more EQ than AKsJs8 (40 v 38).
And then in the last step, changing the
AKJ8 sood, Ad KJ 8d still ends up having worse EQ than the AaJT2s (!) (40-38.5).
=> JT is huge?
*using 7% as villains fourball range, which is 25% (opening range) * 28% (fourbet frequency) - taken from LEOs HUD. Note that changing the 7% to a specific handrange is fairly difficult, since we already now that G is 4betting random stuff like AsTsxx every now and then.
expandafter your discussion of the As Kd Jd 8c OTB vs genadair open (~1min into vid) I was wondering how you could, following the same logic, 3b/jam the Ad Js Td 2s OTB vs genadir open (~27mins). I ran a couple of EQ calcs*, and surprisingly - at least for me -
AJT2ds does a lot better against his 4bet range than AKsJs8 (42 v 38).
What i found even more suprising is that, even when you change
AJT2ds to Ad JT 2d, it still has roughly 2% more EQ than AKsJs8 (40 v 38).
And then in the last step, changing the
AKJ8 sood, Ad KJ 8d still ends up having worse EQ than the AaJT2s (!) (40-38.5).
=> JT is huge?
*using 7% as villains fourball range, which is 25% (opening range) * 28% (fourbet frequency) - taken from LEOs HUD. Note that changing the 7% to a specific handrange is fairly difficult, since we already now that G is 4betting random stuff like AsTsxx every now and then.
Jan. 25, 2013 | 4:04 p.m.
Hey Phil, nice vid. Always exciting to watch you play, especially deep bingo with antes.
One thing I think you could have implemented tho: when facing a decision, after giving us an explanation why a certain action is your preffered play in this spot, point out why this would be different in a standard 100bb situation(if so). doesnt need to be long. just 1-3 sentences like ,, If we were a hundred deep, the SPR would be too small to consider x/r bluffing, because his continuing range will be much wider." also interesting the other way round: ,,as deep as we are, he might feel he has great implied odds on a draw that would be too bad to float with on 100bb eff."
basically what I'm trying to say is, to work out why certain plays become good when deep, it is necessary to understand why it would be bad on shorter stacks and vice versa. Feel like I'm starting to ramble like MrSweets28, so gonna stop at this point..
One thing I think you could have implemented tho: when facing a decision, after giving us an explanation why a certain action is your preffered play in this spot, point out why this would be different in a standard 100bb situation(if so). doesnt need to be long. just 1-3 sentences like ,, If we were a hundred deep, the SPR would be too small to consider x/r bluffing, because his continuing range will be much wider." also interesting the other way round: ,,as deep as we are, he might feel he has great implied odds on a draw that would be too bad to float with on 100bb eff."
basically what I'm trying to say is, to work out why certain plays become good when deep, it is necessary to understand why it would be bad on shorter stacks and vice versa. Feel like I'm starting to ramble like MrSweets28, so gonna stop at this point..
Jan. 23, 2013 | 10:46 a.m.
i would also consider limping in pre. since he's got 58vpip overall, I`d assume his cc+3b range bb v your sb is even higher than that. So we have very little immediate FE. Against a presumably aggressive but not good player, I don't mind playing this oop (just as i would call a btn open). The times he does not raise pre, we can play a really small pot which isnt too bad as well.
I don't think we need to balance a limping range against this sort of player.
If I had the nutsood I`d always raise (with the intention of 4betting obv).
I don't think we need to balance a limping range against this sort of player.
If I had the nutsood I`d always raise (with the intention of 4betting obv).
Jan. 10, 2013 | 4:19 p.m.
at least I got this thread going :)
Dec. 31, 2012 | 12:36 p.m.
i need to run some sims. maybe I was wrong, because ppl cbet here more often than I thought + our EQ 3way is better than i expected.
Dec. 30, 2012 | 10:33 a.m.
I like leading here because of 3 things:
SB is very rarely coming along in case the 3bettor raises your donk, which is great since that way the 3bettor`s raise will fold out ton's of hands from SB that significantly hurt your EQ. If we bet, CO raises and SB is sitting there with the bare NFD he is folding a good percentage of the time. In a HU pot we are 56% vs AA,AJT:hh so i like this outcome a lot especially because the final bet will go in OTF and we're oop against PF3Bettor.
if CO folds, SB is'nt all that likely to raise because we bet into the field =>we're unlikely to fold and he will have to play a turn deep out of position against a not so well defined range. Say he has KKhJ9h. He's not going to raise you just because you can't have aces. The times he does raise tho, we can comfortably not fold, prob raise, have'nt thought that out tho.
another thing is that altho the board is A x x, I doubt that his c-betting frequency is that high and the last thing i wanna see happen is flop gets checked thru, turn is Qd.
long story short: i like all-in headsup, I dislike giving freecards (since our EQ is great _now_). Best line to achieve this is to bet. Prob. 60$.
expandSB is very rarely coming along in case the 3bettor raises your donk, which is great since that way the 3bettor`s raise will fold out ton's of hands from SB that significantly hurt your EQ. If we bet, CO raises and SB is sitting there with the bare NFD he is folding a good percentage of the time. In a HU pot we are 56% vs AA,AJT:hh so i like this outcome a lot especially because the final bet will go in OTF and we're oop against PF3Bettor.
if CO folds, SB is'nt all that likely to raise because we bet into the field =>we're unlikely to fold and he will have to play a turn deep out of position against a not so well defined range. Say he has KKhJ9h. He's not going to raise you just because you can't have aces. The times he does raise tho, we can comfortably not fold, prob raise, have'nt thought that out tho.
another thing is that altho the board is A x x, I doubt that his c-betting frequency is that high and the last thing i wanna see happen is flop gets checked thru, turn is Qd.
long story short: i like all-in headsup, I dislike giving freecards (since our EQ is great _now_). Best line to achieve this is to bet. Prob. 60$.
Dec. 29, 2012 | 1:31 p.m.
BN: $282.96
SB: $263.53
BB: $160.29 (Hero)
HJ: $229.88
CO: $659.62
SB: $263.53
BB: $160.29 (Hero)
HJ: $229.88
CO: $659.62
PFR is the table clown, loose, aggro. BTN is decent reg,expect him to be wide here but seldom strong, SB i don't have any reads, 22 hands, has played 3 hands so far, neither of them were particulary interesting.
(5 Players)
Hero was dealt
HJ raises to $4.50, CO folds, BN calls $4.50, SB calls $4, Hero calls $3.50
HJ raises to $4.50, CO folds, BN calls $4.50, SB calls $4, Hero calls $3.50
(4 Players)
SB checks,
Hero checks,
HJ checks,
BN checks
I think that I have to check here. If PFR has the case King or Aces, i think he would be most of the time. I do not expect BTN to stab frequently, so I think it gets checked around ~70%. So i basically hope for an okay turn, best case is obv if someone spikes the underfull.
(4 Players)
SB bets $12.46,
Hero raises to $34,
HJ folds,
BN folds,
SB calls $21.54
absolutely gin card for me, all players can have queens or some sort of draw now. when SB leads, I pick a sizing that I could be raising to with A2, AJT, cc, KK, QQ. Trying to make my range look as weak as possible without making it look too enticing and therefore obvious.
(2 Players)
SB checks,
Hero bets $61.50,
SB raises to $123
betsize is debatable, i went for the 2/3. Now he jams and I start to level myself :)
Dec. 29, 2012 | 11:10 a.m.
basically my questions, one addition tho: what about srillers jam in that spot @ 2mins table3 w/ AKJ7(?) no fd/bdfd - do you jam his hand vs anyone?
Dec. 27, 2012 | 5:16 p.m.
Load more
have to think about this for a while, but I am looking forward to take part in this discussion.
Sept. 25, 2013 | 8:54 a.m.