haywierd's avatar


2 points

Ya, have an account at RIO poker. Just type your name in where it says name on card, for the RIO deposit. No address needed for the card.

Feb. 6, 2019 | 3:43 a.m.

Hi there, I deposited twice using a Vanilla Master Card bought at Wal-Mart in Canadian dollars. Just fill out the deposit info, But change the Canadian $ to Euros.eg $200cdn is approx. 133.40euros. Make sure you subtract about 4 euros for the transaction fee, so you deposit 129 euros, double click the pay tab, hopefully it will work. I went with $128 and it worked. Good Luck

Feb. 4, 2019 | 9:23 a.m.

What I am thinking is with TSP, and all 6 decide to go AI. Its possible that the game will end. I know all new players are assigned a table come from a pool of players, but if there is not enough players due to the time of night or day, or whatever, the table will close. I would like to suggest that all TSP be capped at 50% - 75% of the buy in, so the site can continue to make rake and there will still be players at the table. I like TSP idea, but also like rake back the traditional way.

Feb. 2, 2019 | 11:47 a.m.

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