H 's avatar


39 points

50%!7%:9 vs 10%:9 on board (994r) is at 45%:55%

How is it protection vs this above range structure ?
his range is calling anyway right. vs this part of the range we want to control and see future streets IP
and vs the other part of the range 50%!7%:9 vs 10% on board (994r) is at 90%:10%
we want him to continue probable bluffing

Oct. 17, 2024 | 3:52 a.m.

19.31 : Raising 9:RR i don't think it raises for protection,

Why would you want to protect such a strong hand on 994r dry board and even if the turn is 8,T,J,Q, yes he does pick up equity but wont be high

9X vs KQJ:hh on board (994,Thh) is 75%:25%
50%!7%:9 vs 10% on board (994r) is at 90%:10%

50%!7%:9 vs 10%:9 on board (994r) is at 45%:55%

Oct. 16, 2024 | 2:49 a.m.

its very difficult to concentrate on 6 table set up. can u plo 2 or 4 table set ups

Nov. 8, 2023 | 7:51 a.m.

Comment | H commented on Turns: The Least Sexy Street

Hey Horseofhell , Good format of presentation and explaining range v range on the turns with different turn cards.
9:00-12:00 I see the bar chart you've made with 3 different bet sizing, Can we just simplify this to 1 bet size geometrically at 60-75% say for example setting up river shoves.
How would you assess simplification vs studying multiple sizing for multiple turns ?

July 13, 2023 | 11:20 p.m.

Comment | H commented on PLO 4/5: Unique Spots

4.17 Table 3, I see you choose to bet your set on turn in a flop xxx line. However It is still Multiway (heads up yes definitely I would like to bet here and especially in 4c not 5c and MW maybe).
And we would be choosing a small sizing to bet there, so rather can we just bet rivers thinly for value in a flopxxx and turn xxx line ?

July 11, 2023 | 2:58 a.m.

Hey Alex, lovely video and congrats on the win! I had a doubt, at 17:21, you RFI'd AQo for a 2.2bb sizing as opposed to your usual min raise. I wanted to know the reasoning behind this and if the ev loss of making it 2bb is that substantial so as to have a change in strategy. Also wanted to know if you're making it 2.2bb with every hand in your range that you RFI or if it's only for certain polar hands. Thank you, cheers! :D

March 17, 2023 | 9:02 p.m.

which solver?

Jan. 5, 2023 | 11:17 a.m.

Hey Cory,

Firstly this is a really great series you've put out there for spots occurring often in Wide ranges games. And broken this down objectively into different board categories. kudos!

When we look at the middle equity range CO v BTN, I do understand intuitively why CO would elect to check more vs compared to BTN, however I see an unusual spot
with hands like 9,8+Wraps where BTN bets less, which more seems like reason to start betting with especially the pair 8,9 holding. This seemed good to bet IP since we are ok to face a x/r (though we expect it at a lesser freq since CO betting range covers most nut hands, only AA+9,8 and some 88) and at the fact we hold the 8/9 means a lot more here. Would we consider betting in some lines with this specific holding ?



Dec. 16, 2022 | 3:43 p.m.

Comment | H commented on Commitment

Good content here Jan Philippi
I have been through some it working with mental game coaches in the past, however it is a good refresher to have yet again.
I personally liked the exercise breakdown

What are you trying to control
What is your mechanism for the same

Using the Values model I believe this does gives a much clearer picture to visualize and work on it in more details. Will share my exercise inputs with you on discord as you recommend and connect

Thanks T


Dec. 3, 2022 | 5:21 a.m.

Comment | H commented on Values and Long-Term Vision

Firstly this is a good amount of dense information here which is highly valuable.
I personally enjoyed how you broke down the aspect or approach to "Why do you play poker?".
I have worked with few Mental game coaches in the past, but this tabular breakdown, and understanding the intricacies of how to answer it was very helpful, even though I have briefly answered it in the past. Writing in multiple columns of the table gives a good understanding of what I am really doing.
I may still be struggling with how to define an action vs value to write in the table. I believe my table contents of
1. Personal Relationships / Family
2. Professional success
3. Physical and Psychological Health
4. Personal growth + Hobbies + Passion

is filled with Goals as to what I want to achieve or see myself in next 2-3 years time.
Will send you a PM to discuss this and maybe get some clarity on it.

Thanks T


Dec. 1, 2022 | 3:29 a.m.

39.26 : Table 5
Turn here exploitatively we might be ok to bet small, but we are very limited with our range (no bluffs) in betting here on turns and river 33% and pot size respectively. However even we can be exploited if we only bet > trips. I would expect aggro opponent to start over betting turns again and hence exploit them.
I would prefer to go for x/r on turn with bet happy opponents, however in this specific case the villain most likely would have checked back.
Your thoughts Emty ?

Nov. 21, 2022 | 9:26 a.m.

Comment | H commented on Intro to 6 Card PLO

Hi, Could you please share which HUD is being used in here ?

Aug. 16, 2022 | 2:07 a.m.

Comment | H commented on "This Is PLO" Study Group


Going through the course currently. Playing more of PLO5 HU online and PLO4 ring games live. I also have a discord community to discuss hands, spots and strategies for PLO as well as MTTs
HMU to plan study sessions. Will be happy to join in for game review sessions too

May 5, 2022 | 6:59 a.m.

Comment | H commented on A Study at 20BB's: UTG

Incredibly well explained, loving this format since these kind of spots come up extremely often. 3X pot jam on JTx(brick) and 9Tx were very cool and I'm gonna mess with some people :D Can't wait for the next one!

April 9, 2022 | 1:34 a.m.

Loving the format of this training video, it was definitely helpful :D

April 6, 2022 | 12:13 p.m.

Comment | H commented on $1/$2 PLO: HHs to Learn From

Thanks for your comment Paul
How do you define a recreational here ?

The fields I play I will not say it is reggy, but has "Bad Regs" Players who play regularly (even though this isn't their main source), but do not study GTO, do not invest time in their game. Depend on heuristics , their experience in playing (and they have been playing for a long while). So definitely against so called Bad Reg they will not call worse.
Anyone calling worse i would usully mark as recreational who is NOT capable to fold his hand. Someone who is playing 1 off time, and not on daily basis

Dec. 25, 2021 | 9:48 p.m.

Comment | H commented on $1/$2 PLO: HHs to Learn From

27:46 KsKJs6

Raising with 2nd NFlush is not intuitive there. The first instinct to go for is call on river. Because in general vs recreational population it is hard to get value from worse flushes there unless he CANNOT fold his hand away (if we have solid read yes, we are exploiting him) .
We block K and J flushes, so we are simply targeting a very narrow range to get value from , which is 8ss-Tss, Qss hands only ?
everything else worse folds.

Can we see how often he has Ass, vs 8ss-Qss, vs FH vs FH blockers(2p), vs Pair blocker + As Blocker ?
will this be relevant ?

Dec. 21, 2021 | 11:51 p.m.

Comment | H commented on A Monker Solver Breakdown

Hi Horseofhell

how can we write the custom action script text for 3 way spots?
I tried the text below

flop: bets=0==75%
flop: bets=1==75%
flop: bets>1 == 0%,100%

turn: bets=0==75%
turn: bets=1==75%
turn: bets>1==100%

river: bets=0==75%
river: bets=1==75%
river: bets>1 == 100%

But this means it is a bet and 2 bet. No option to call a bet here with 1 behind
What would you recommend


Oct. 18, 2021 | 7:33 a.m.

Comment | H commented on Study Partner

Sent you a PM with invite link to our Discord Server! Cheers

Sept. 29, 2021 | 9:06 a.m.

@ 4:45 its said you bet 7% or 4% and it is present in the cells as heading, what is that 7% and 4%? 7% of the pot?

July 29, 2021 | 11:55 a.m.

TimeStamp 4.50
Table 3 You have JJ in CO, I would be checking this almost always holding the Jd, and understanding that Q56dd hits more of BB defense range here.
Maybe we want to use our Jd blocker to understand he does not hold as many FDs where he can not continue the flop. Can you talk about how you use the RNG on the left to make these decisions ? What does the number indicate and how?

July 1, 2021 | 11:38 p.m.

Post | H posted in PLO: Looking for Active Study Peers !!

Hey guys,

I am looking to have active daily discussions on PLO4/5 on stakes up to $1/$2. I already have an active Discord group for Poker Discussions and want to get together solid PLO players and build a PLO Community over it with daily Hand Discussions, Tough Spots from prev sessions, using Pokerjuice, Monker/Vision, or Odds Oracle

DM me if you would be interested to join in. Can share details with you in PM

June 5, 2021 | 2:17 p.m.

Post | H posted in PLO: Looking for Active Study Peers !!

Hey guys,

I am looking to have active daily discussions on PLO4/5 on stakes up to $1/$2. I already have an active Discord group for Poker Discussions and want to get together solid PLO players and build a PLO Community over it with daily Hand Discussions, Tough Spots from prev sessions, using Pokerjuice, Monker/Vision, or Odds Oracle

DM me if you would be interested to join in. Can share details with you in PM

June 5, 2021 | 2:16 p.m.

Comment | H commented on SPR NUMBERS

Will always Pot GII for SPR upto 4 - ish
SPR is 3 and 1.2 respectively and we are never going wrong to gii for this SPR
even if he holds 88 for set, we have 8+2 = 10 outs ~ 40-42% to gii

June 4, 2021 | 3:09 a.m.

Not happy with betting Flop here MW. we dont have much of a plan other than Bet Bet Bet using Tx as a blocker for TT.

And also folding preflop at PLO10 want to be more tight and aggressive preflop, since rake is too high at these stakes

June 4, 2021 | 3:05 a.m.

Comment | H commented on Switching from NLH to PLO

that is a great course by Emty to have , starts from basics and moves up!

June 4, 2021 | 2:59 a.m.

Comment | H commented on 10 PLO - Turn decision.

Not a fan of 3betting this preflop this is a 14% hand, and more over we will have to play post flop OOP.
Not happy x/c at these stakes, since i assume population is going to be very face up , so we are going to be way behind when he bets. I can opt to bet fold myself here, since i block KT,9T,QQ
eliminating JJ,55,22 to an extent from his range since he called flop and didnt raise.

June 4, 2021 | 2:58 a.m.

Comment | H commented on Looking for PLO study buddy

Hi, i have an active study group on discord.
Pls to pm me for more details, we can do daily Hand Discussions and strat discussions

June 4, 2021 | 2:53 a.m.

Comment | H commented on 5Card PLO facing 3bets

If you are at a decent RFI then prolly not folding to a lot of 3B, we will be more than happy to play post flop vs the equity you have.
Also depends more on realizability of your hand, based on your opponent's flop and turn aggression and position.
but in short more often than not, not folding your tight RFI range there

June 4, 2021 | 2:52 a.m.

anything 64GB+ can do the work, unless you run multiple sims at the same time.

May 30, 2021 | 1:59 p.m.

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