hansa01's avatar


9 points

Easy fold.
first, it is a multiway pot. If villain is competent, he should only call a K or better on the turn. Does he really turn bad K into a bluff after that action?
Second, if villain is bluffing, it has to work 60% of the time. Does villain really think that his bluff works that often against your action. Even if you fold 99 here and call everything better, you are probably folding too less. (Depends on how you play KQ, do you play a different sizing on the riv?)

Jan. 20, 2019 | 2:32 p.m.

I do not think that 5% rake is insanely high.

And you have to tighten up your game, but as long as you get stacks in with tptk/overpairs against random weaker hands, even 10% rake would still be profitable.

Sept. 19, 2018 | 5:14 p.m.

And if he continues to play 4bet or fold ip vs a sb 3bet you should have a polarized 3betting range against him.

Dec. 12, 2017 | 1:58 p.m.

And what hand did villain have? If he had a strange holding like TT or KQs, you can punish him by 5bet shoving a lot with AK, A5s, KK, QQ...

Dec. 12, 2017 | 1:55 p.m.

I think you played it perfectly.
That are awkward stack sizes, and villain 4bets pre to a perfect amount s.t. you cannot 5bet bluff really... so your range is faced up if you 5bet. I would exploitatively 5bet only KK in this situation.
On the flop, the call is good, if you do not want to have a raising range. And if you have a raising range, i would say an all in overbet shove is the perfect size to raise (prob with non-spade AA and KK, flush draws)

Dec. 12, 2017 | 1:51 p.m.

Comment | hansa01 commented on Call/Fold/Raise?

If he is a competent player, he is only raising with value hands that beat you (why should he semibluff into a dead pot).
Then you do not have the right odds to call here and a fold would be the best play.

If you think he is a crazy maniac who does this with rundowns/overpair+flush draw..., you can decide to call or go all in.

Oct. 31, 2017 | 1:10 p.m.

Comment | hansa01 commented on Triple barrel?

A spade is a very good card for us, I would continue bluffing (we could easily have a bd fd), and we are losing against every other draw villain can have.

Sept. 27, 2017 | 4:25 p.m.

First I dont like your flat in the sb with a hand as weak as KTo. I personally have a raise or fold strategy vs a 3bb open in the sb. And KTo would be a fold.
At the flop I dont like your raise, because you are only folding out hands that have low equity against your hand, and your hand is flipping against villains calling range. (I would 3bet small flushes, some bigger flushes, and semibluffs like the As or Qs).
As played, on the turn I would continue telling the story and bet out another time, really small (prob. half pot) s.t. villain continues with all of his range. Check calling is odd because villain is probably only betting better to val and has a lot of equity with his bluffs.

Sept. 27, 2017 | 4:16 p.m.

Comment | hansa01 commented on 99 vs prelfop 4bet

A call with QQ/AK, but considering a shove with JJ sounds strange to me.
To fold JJ here is too nitty and can be exploited. Therefore I would call JJ, but also call AA or KK at least some portion of the time s.t. you can happily fold JJ (even if they are still an overpair) against multiple barrels.

Sept. 20, 2017 | 1:26 p.m.

Comment | hansa01 commented on 99 vs prelfop 4bet

I meant, AK is the only hand I call twice on an A high board, not that I am folding it. :)

Sept. 20, 2017 | 1:13 p.m.

Comment | hansa01 commented on 99 vs prelfop 4bet

In general, if an all in shove would be 5x or more, there is no need to have a 5betting range in position (6 even oop).
Villain could only call Kk and AA to a shove and this strategy is still not exploitable.

Sept. 20, 2017 | 1:11 p.m.

Comment | hansa01 commented on 99 vs prelfop 4bet

I would 4bet nothing with these odd stack sizes against this huge 4bet, just call TT+, AK, AQs (prob only JJ+, AK or QQ+ AK, depends on the player).
Postflop I would play very cautious and passive s.t. the villain makes no immediate profit with bluffs. This means, I would fold my weak overpairs to a 2nd barrel, only call AK twice on an A high board and I let villain valueown himself.

Sept. 20, 2017 | 1:04 p.m.

I am a fan of betting in this situation. There are a lot of bad players who call with less, and most passive opponents (probably everyone except our maniac villain) is going over the top only with a flush.
And it is possible but not that likely that someone slow played his flush.

Sept. 8, 2017 | 12:13 p.m.

Why should villain check the flop and then raise the turn (and not call your bet)?
With a small flush it is likely that he valuebets/protection bets the flop, with the nut flush he has nothing to fear at the turn, it is likely that he only calls your bet.

I think he will do it with two pair, the Kh, Ah, a straight, some random junk with a heart (Jh, Th) and some flushes.

So it is a clear call and I expect you to have more than 50% equity against him.

The better question would be, what should you do with 2pair. Then it will be close against this particular opponent. But probably it is still a call.

Sept. 4, 2017 | 4:34 p.m.

Comment | hansa01 commented on KK fold or call river?

Probably I am too tight, but I would even consider folding Kk, AQ, AA... on the turn.
As played on the turn it is a clear fold on the riv.

Sept. 4, 2017 | 12:15 p.m.

I think, as played on the flop you should play like 110 at the turn. You do not deny her equity with all her draws, but she will continue with every Jx hand you crush.
And when one of the worst card hits you can still fold on the riv (espexially vs a woman)

Sept. 4, 2017 | 12:04 p.m.

I would call the 3bet, check call the turn, fold the river. You mentioned the problem with 3betting, that you do not know what to do at a blank turn.
I would 3bet good combo draws (shove on a blank turn), most sets (probably set 9 and 6, but not set 2, shove on blank turn), some good backdoor bluffs like Td8d orJdTd (give up on blank turn), and sometimes AA or KK (check call or check all in on blank turns, only against laggy opponents).
On the turn I would still have TT-QQ i could bluffcatch a blank river, so its hard for your opponent to triple bluff every draw so you can still win the pot with A high sometimes when it goes check check.

Sept. 4, 2017 | 11:53 a.m.

Important to note, villain will not exploit you when you only jam for val on the turn. How should he know? He will never make a laydown with KT+ there. And if he is bad enough to raise AK then he will be bad enough to call your shove.
And my analysis is based on my generic 2/5 player I have to deal with every day. :)

June 17, 2017 | 2:18 p.m.

Preflop, why do you raise it up with such a bad hand, in a game where you have no fold equity? I would raise with a linear range here (probably AT+, KJ+, 99+, good suited cons). A limp behind (or a fold, depends on your postflop edge) would be the better play.

On the flop, the cbet is fine, but the bb continues only with a strong range here, because there are 3 people still acting behind him. I think his worst holdings are KJ, QJ and flush draws.

On the turn, what type of player is villain? Does he always continue here with KJ and only gives up bad fd/QJ sometimes, then there is no merit in betting again. Or be prepared to fire the river again and huge with your exact holding.
And the checkraise usually means extreme strength. I would consider folding with KQ, AK or even AA (my worst value bets on the turn). Against 90% of players this line is only KT+ or only AK+. (Some players do not 3bet with AK and overvalue it in this sit).
And I would only jam KK and TT here, KT is the bluff catcher for the river when no draw hits, and call all of your draws. Calling the checkraise with AK is setting money on fire against an only-value-range.

When no draw hits at the river and villain checks, dont try to bluff him, he will be on check call mode. Or only bluff really small, e.g. 200 in 1300 to fold out better draws when you think he could have some. This bet only has to work 1/6 of the time to be profitable.


June 17, 2017 | 2:05 p.m.

A nitty fold is the best play here.

June 12, 2017 | 1:21 a.m.

I don't think it is good to have a calling range preflop in this situation on the sb. I would probably raise with 88+, AJ+, KQ to about 2000,- and call a shove from mp with Jj+, AK. When utg+1 or utg+2 shove, I would only call with Qq+.
If MP is tight, you should have a tighter 3betting range.

As played, calling on the flop is probably better than shoving to let fish stay in the pot with weaker pocket pairs.

On this particular turn I would donk shove to deny equity. Probably the BB is a fish and calls with less.

As played, on the river it is a call.

June 12, 2017 | 1:13 a.m.

Isn't a non-linear 3betting range a lot better ip?

June 11, 2017 | 11:53 p.m.

You can't fold against a raise otf. Fish can have AJ, straight draws+pair,... on this flop they decide to jam.
And I would cbet higher. There is no need to be balanced against fish.

If one of the fish happens to have a set - bad luck...

June 11, 2017 | 11:37 p.m.

When villain is not overly aggressive, I would fold everything except a K, probably I also fold a K.
He can have all slow played goods here, and TT make also a lot of sense.

Furthermore, why should villain check back this flop when he is overly aggressive?

Another fact: many players make huge bets/raises when they hit a nut card, especially if the card should not help a lot of hands in their range.
Example: lets say you cbet the flop A52 oop, the turn is a 9, you bet again and he raises HUGE. It is much more likely he has A9 or 99 here than a lower set/bluff. The psychological thing behind that is: “This card should not help me, therefore villain will think I am bluffing and I can go for max value“.

So TT and KT make a lot more sense than the other value combos.

All in all, I think that is not a typical bluff line and I am folding here against everybody except a super balanced reg.


June 9, 2017 | 4:22 p.m.

Your sizing is ok, your opponent has a lot of Ax that can call a small, but not a big bet.

But I would bet larger against a good reg with my whole betting range, you have a polarized range here and you still want to have fold equity for your bluffs.

June 6, 2017 | 3:33 p.m.

Your hand is not strong enough for a checkraise and villain has no real bluffs, so betting will be better than check (call/raise).

June 5, 2017 | 4:57 p.m.

Comment | hansa01 commented on Straight on board

I would pot my whole range. This play is exploitable but will probably not be exploited on 5c/10c.
On this level it will probably be the max ev play

June 5, 2017 | 4:32 p.m.

For a shove on the flop you only need 30% to break even. And the combos that crush you are AA (3 combos), sets (9), JTs (3), AKc, AQc, Jj (3), random 2pair. (About 20 combos crush you)

When I give your opponent this wide of a range he has 80% that does not crush you. Against a hand like Kk a shove is break even. And you fold out AQ, AK (22 combos) that are way in front of you.

And when I give my opponent a tighter range, AK and AQ make up more than 30% of his range and the shove is +ev when he folds exactly only those hands.

This holds true except the opponent is so tight that he folds AK and only traps with monsters. But this is not very likely.

...I assumed no opponent is so bad that he calls AK on a 987 flop after cold calling a 4bet.


June 5, 2017 | 1:52 p.m.

But why do you make such a big 4bet? You almost commit yourself vs co if he decides to go for it. And 280,- would be an awkward size against the sb. Then the sb cant really 5bet bluff anymore (he would commit more than 33% of his stack). If the sb is the type of player who doesnt fold to this small 4bet size, only 4bet to val (Jj+, AK)'and fold the rest.

On the flop, it is a clear shove. You still can fold out better hands (Aq, Ak) and get some calls where you are ahead (some random broadways/open enders).

June 5, 2017 | 1:28 p.m.

Perfect against a caller fish.
With Aa, kk, qq i would probably make it a bit less, such that he continues with most of his hands.
With ak it is ok to get a lot of folds, you do not have a large equity advantage against the fish. Additionally there is rake you have to consider in big pots (if your casino doesnt have a capped rake).

March 27, 2017 | 6:12 p.m.

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