hankie123's avatar


24 points

Great video as usual QY!
This kind of thorough analysis is basically what you get, but for 10 hours, if you do the Cbeting course guys. Highly recommend!

Nov. 27, 2020 | 7:12 p.m.

I've been a NL600-NL2k regular on the eu sites for the last 3-5 years. Wouldn't say I'm as good as the best 500z regs but I can definitely hold my own in the pool. Since I already had a pretty good grasp of the game we decided to narrow it down from 10 to 6 hours of coaching and Qing was nice to give me a discount because of this. (Course ended up being 8 hours in the end)

I have myself spent countless of hours in pio working with aggregational reports refining my own strategies and was looking to get an even deeper theoretical understanding of the game. Qing did not disappoint.
The strategies provided in this course are really solid and Qing's understanding of how each spot works is very good. I feel like I now have a much deeper understanding of why we choose certain strategies, which hand classes we are targeting with our bets, which hands our different betsizes are built around, what adjustments to make if villain is playing sub-optimal and much more.

The worksheets and the individual coaching sessions really sets this course apart from all the other courses out there. I would say that for an ambitious lowstakes grinder looking to climb in stakes, this might be the best investment you can make for your game.
And if you're a mid/high stakes grinder, the knowledge you'll pick up from doing this course will probably pay you back tenfold in the long run. If Qing ever decides to release another course I would buy it in an instant!


Oct. 28, 2020 | 5:23 p.m.

Hey Tyler! Usually love your vids but this didn't hold up to your usual standard. By choosing the biggest pots in this spot you basically end up with mostly setups and standard spots with our premium hands.
It would make it more interesting if you pick a few sessions and filter for 3b OOP in BB and saw flop so we can see you play both parts of your range and not just the premium hands.

July 6, 2016 | 3:09 p.m.

Sounds as usual imo.

April 18, 2016 | 10:53 p.m.

Awesome video as usual mate! Pleease make a third part with this 3-handed action! It's so informative and we only got like 20min of it.. =)

April 18, 2016 | 10:52 p.m.

@ around 7min in you choose to ch/r flop w/ AA on 892rainbow after 3betting UTGs pfr from BB. Given your reads on villain I definitely think this play has the highest EV in a vacuum.
However, I find it difficult to balance my ch/r range in this spot and almost never do it unless villain has some special tendencies.
Did you make this play because you were up against a weaker player or is this a line you use regularly in this spot? If it's the latter, which type of hands would you use along with your overpairs and why?

Aug. 14, 2015 | 6:46 p.m.

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