1 points
Great vid as always, Phil. I really like how you incorporate your breakdown of player's range advantages on different flop textures into your design for each hand. That's really helpful.
The AAxx hand on 895cc is tough, and very typical of plo, especially live. I understand they are specifically math problems, but do you have any specific heuristics that stick out to guide your intuition in tough spots like this with AAxx post on wet board vs 1, 2 or more opponents with a low spr? How low of an spr are you looking for and what kind of equity do you correlate to your opponents' range's to justify get-ins?
Love the vid format. There is not enough live stuff on here and it's much appreciated as always. Anyway,the T864ds is a really interesting hand and I really wonder if he was c/r'ing flop. I would assume not, given a c/r get in is a high variance spot and he has an underrepped hand he can c/c every turn with, but then again a c/r wins a lot and also clears up his outs and bd outs when called. What do you lean towards once chking flop here? Though we only have 3.5spr its still 40bb in an Omaha tourney. I think flipping for the tourney here bc we 3b and flopped a wrap is undervaluing our post flop edge in the end game.
Do you like a bet or c/b in TT6 hand? I feel like vs tough opp we are going to get messed w by a lot of pair + gutter hands and even though we have a profitable peel the pot has become a lot bigger and consequently decisions much tougher.
Thanks again for the vid looking forward to the next one.
July 29, 2016 | 12:52 a.m.