7 points
Could you please elaborate on checking the turn A w/ AJo on 245dd Ax oop. You said you dont see him having flush draws because he would probly jam flop with those which I agree with. However you also said he doesnt have many Aces which I also agree with. As you mentioned he also almost never has a set. To me it seems that this card is good for your range and you are going to want to be jamming your flush draws and your straight draws. I think you can jam here with QQ+ as well.
The pot is very large and you are giving free cards in a spot where hes never bluffing(as you mentioned)... so your letting his pair draw to two outs for free, and your letting flushes draw for free as in this case, even if he doesnt have many. With a PSR of 1 I always jam an Ace here and am wondering if thats terrible.
Feb. 22, 2016 | 7:07 a.m.