gm606049's avatar


3 points

If any of you are playing Big stax this month at Parx in Bensalem, PA , let me know if you want to swap some equity.

May 2, 2017 | 12:18 p.m.

What are your thoughts on a 3bet pre? What if it was KTs?

May 2, 2017 | 12:10 p.m.

I realize I mistakenly posted this in the ring section instead of the MTT section.

April 30, 2017 | 11:53 a.m.

I agree with the people above, but I think we can see a flop from the big blind

April 30, 2017 | 11:21 a.m.

Borgata Spring Poker Open
Event 9 $250+$30 Deepest Stack NLH
$150,000 Guaranteed
Level 26: (25,000/50,000/5,000)
Total Entries: 860
Players Remaining: 28 -
Chip Avg: 1.23M
Please provide feedback on this hand my friend played this past week. He has a lot of potential but I feel he struggles with some basic fundamentals. I fear he may not trust my constructive criticism, may not take it well and I feel it will hit home better if from the runitonce community. Please explain 1) your thoughts on his line (pre and post flop) and WHY 2)What are some better lines and WHY? Assume all players involve start the hand with about 1.6M
The action folds to the cutoff and he raises to 100,000. The villain calls from the button and our hero calls from the big blind with Ks10h. They go three handed to the 2hAcJcflop and Hero leads out with a bet of 100,000. Cutoff quickly folds and Villain makes the call.
They go heads up to the 2d turn and Hero bets 215,000 and Villain calls. The river is the 5h and Hero bets of 315,000. Villain thinks it over for about 30 seconds, calls, and tables Ah8d.
Thank you in advance.
Hand can be seen here:


April 30, 2017 | 11:18 a.m.

Borgata Spring Poker Open
Event 9 $250+$30 Deepest Stack NLH
$150,000 Guaranteed
Level 26: (25,000/50,000/5,000)
Total Entries: 860
Players Remaining: 28 -
Chip Avg: 1.23M

Please provide feedback on this hand my friend played this past week. He has a lot of potential but I feel he struggles with some basic fundamentals. I fear he may not trust my constructive criticism, may not take it well and I feel it will hit home better if from the runitonce community. Please explain 1) your thoughts on his line (pre and post flop) and WHY 2)What are some better lines and WHY? Assume all players involve start the hand with about 1.6M

The action folds to the cutoff and he raises to 100,000. The villain calls from the button and our hero calls from the big blind with Ks10h. They go three handed to the 2hAcJcflop and Hero leads out with a bet of 100,000. Cutoff quickly folds and Villain makes the call.

They go heads up to the 2d turn and Hero bets 215,000 and Villain calls. The river is the 5h and Hero bets of 315,000. Villain thinks it over for about 30 seconds, calls, and tables Ah8d.

Thank you in advance.

Hand can be seen here:


April 30, 2017 | 11:13 a.m.

Great video. At 16:00 our hero flats and takes a flop 3 way with 1 all in OOP.. I think check check flop is pretty standard, but you didn't comment on the turn check... With check check on the flop, and a safe turn, seems like a bet on the turn could be worth considering.. can you provide some insight on the turn check and the possibility of betting? I know checking down is standard but I feel like this should be a good spot to bet

April 14, 2017 | 2:26 p.m.

Comment | gm606049 commented on Call or fold ? why ?

I've read this also.. only set mine if you can get 10:1 with the pot + your stack

March 18, 2017 | 4:03 a.m.

Post | gm606049 posted in MTT: Can we find a fold

1000+ entrants
350+ remaining
My stack: 120k
Villain: 130k
Avg: 27,000ish
I raise MP with QdQh to 2300
Villain raises in the CO to 6000.
I call
Flop is As Qs 6h
I check
Villain bets 8000
I call.
Turn 6s
I check
Villain bets 13,500
I raise to 29,500
Villain goes all in... 76,000 effective.

I figured this is a must call.. but before I did I thought: I gotta be against AA, or air, right? What do I beat that isn't complete air? AK, AQ, KsXs, KsKx? JsTs, maybe some other s-s combos..


March 18, 2017 | 3:57 a.m.

Post | gm606049 posted in MTT: Can we find a fold

1000+ entrants
350+ remaining
My stack: 120k
Villain: 130k
Avg: 27,000ish
I raise MP with QdQh to 2300
Villain raises in the CO to 6000.
I call
Flop is As Qs 6h
I check
Villain bets 8000
I call.
Turn 6s
I check
Villain bets 13,500
I raise to 29,500
Villain goes all in... 76,000 effective.

I figured this is a must call.. but before I did I thought: I gotta be against AA, or air, right? What do I beat that isn't complete air? AK, KsXs, KsKx? JsXs?


March 18, 2017 | 3:54 a.m.

Post | gm606049 posted in NLHE: Best Poker HUD for ACR

What's the best HUD for America's Card Room?

What other software should I buy/download to maximize my online efforts?

March 10, 2017 | 5:44 p.m.

Hi Guys,

Im new to the site and wanted to get your thoughts on a hand I played last weekend.
1800 entrants
175 remaining
Avg: 275k
blinds: 3000/6000
My effective stack= 350k
Villain = 400k+

I open from UTG+1 to 15k.. It folds to the button (tight player) who raises to 33k... It comes back around to me and I 4bet to 80k.... The button almost immediately 5 bets shoves... I tank for more than a minute and cry call only to see exactly what I had expected... AA. I lose and go to the cage to collect my min cash driving myself crazy asking if I can find a fold here...
My guess is that for for online MTTs, this is likely a call 100% of the time given the volume of tourneys available.. but this was a live event that comes around only 4 times a year, with $100,000+ up top...

Can I ever find a fold here? Ive heard a lot of good players say they never fold KK pre, but I feel most times Im in this spot and cry call, my instinct is usually right and they have AA... With that being said, Im not always folding to a 5 bet shove here, and most commonly when I do call and it feels right, Im right.. but these spots against these players, I feel like KK is a fold.


Feb. 20, 2017 | 9:17 p.m.

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