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5 points

Comment | gidenmax commented on Video Ideas

You want me to send a whole session or just few hands where i consider hero calling?

June 24, 2014 | 2:08 p.m.

Comment | gidenmax commented on Video Ideas

Would like to see a video on thin/hero calls OTR. You are very rarely certain what to do in these spots. After the hand you often lose focus, because you start to question your own play which can get you off your A-game. I believe that losing focus and questioning your own game (losing confidence) is one of the biggest leaks for many players. I can send you footage for video about this concept if you like.

June 23, 2014 | 11:05 a.m.

Comment | gidenmax commented on Calling 4-bets

Ah, I thought PPT simulated our hand against all the AA combos one after another and then picked out all those where we flop less than required equity. But simulating flops against a range as you say ofc makes much more sense. Thank you!

May 27, 2014 | 8:52 a.m.

Comment | gidenmax commented on Calling 4-bets

Isn't this method giving us too much ev when calling a 4-bet? With this method, we assume that we know our equity otf and will never stack off with less than our required equity. For instance we will nearly always stack off on the flop with a fd, but some times villian will have dominating one with his AA, and we will get in with way less than out required ev. 

May 26, 2014 | 11:10 p.m.

Maybe it is a bit late to comment on the video, but have just seen it now, and I felt like your math of the KKJ9ds was a little strange, so I decided to do it on my own, and I find your call to be a losing play by quite a margin.

As you stated, you will need 27.28 % eq otf to stack otf. That you will have 58.05 % of the time, and on average you will have 50.08 % when stacking off. This is true if we believe that villian has AA and will always shove the flop.

This means that 58.05% of the time you will stack off and have 50.08% eq of the 10820 pot on avg., and 41.95 of the time you will fold and lose 2432-794 = 1638 which you payed to call the 5bet.

Your EV is then: (The 4591 are your money invested after your 4b)

(50.08%*10820-4591)*58.05%-1638*41.95%= -206,7$


May 26, 2014 | 11 p.m.

You often hear RIO PLO instructors saying "this is very close" or "I think I can widen my range against this specific opponent by x %". What about making a video series about adjusting PLO ranges to specific opponents? Load it with math and PPT, and show why specific ranges should do x. Would be great, if you could make it with out hole cards. For instance look at a preflop situation where 30/20/8 CO opens, and you are BTN. Make ranges for fold, call and 3b. Then make ranges again OTF etc. Afterwards take the same situation with deeper stacks, different stats, aggro blinds etc.

May 6, 2014 | 3:55 p.m.

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