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4 points

The 77 spot where your x/r OTF and shoved on OTR , even though we're relatively shallow (not so much in mtt) I think this could be a 2 size cbet spot on t65r here , so like 25 and 60 % pot and 77 could fall into the lower sizing ? potentially doesn't impact the hand that much , but would give us some more breathing space with pairs we cbet for protection ?

March 27, 2018 | 1:24 a.m.

I think I would choose one sizing OTT (smaller sizing) we actually want small sizings multiway on paired boards ( btw I like your split sizings and hand choice hu ) and then we overbet river here theoretically , I get why you block as your perceived to be underbluffing a ton .... but you don't need to you can increase your bluffs you've got 16 combos of 54 for a start , not that you should use all 54 and it doesn't block calls ( although 9 doesn't contain a club vs a5cc and a4cc) its just purely an example we can find bluffs , so I don't split turn this multiway I just block and then we overbet river and we find some added bluffs , if we cant find added bluffs fully to the extent we have so what , lets not sacrifice ev of betting 8x to a block here especially in a mtt that's ( playing like a $55 f/o) I think your thinking lines are good in a HU pot and we want 2 sizings however blocking range in these multiway scenarios you will find good , Also on texture shifts we get to bluff more of our range and we are playing our range very flexibly.

Jan. 11, 2018 | 1:57 p.m.

One final point your sizing is to small preflop and you've left yourself open to a multiway scenario , as an exploit also when you stretch the pot size , check calling becomes super easy as villains will overbluff due to pot size and chips committed and we can just go into c/call mode and never fold this combo.

Jan. 11, 2018 | 1:46 p.m.

Depends somewhat on our squeeze range and the amount of Tx we have , also on our flop bet range / strategy and how far up our range we are , on texture shifts we want to start blocking our range that continues to bet , mix between block and check for example AA is an easier bet due to unblocking Kx if we have some Tx we want to block also and mix in some checks ( like our worst Tx if we have them would be an ok strat so maybe a T8s Kts if we squeeze at some low freq rather than defend , The 3 elements of blocking is value / protection / bluff .... Well Ak isn't a bluff and doesn't need protection really , but can bet for value however we need some checks and im thinking this makes sense due to needing less protection than KQ and KJ , because at some freq we want some Kx that checks and a small amount of Tx as said , usually id choose my weaker Kx for obvious reasons we have less hands that calls us however here AK needs a lot of less protection , knowing we need to mix block and check id imagine pio would go something like close to 50/50 , checking AK here seems the play.

Jan. 11, 2018 | 1:42 p.m.

To throw up PIO in interesting spots, spots that are super valid for MTT players , I think is the best idea yet on RIO , rather than have the watcher asking himself a ton of questions you answer it straight away. Very good man , and thanks

Dec. 22, 2017 | 12:25 a.m.

Good Video Sam , found this better articulated than the live videos fwiw . Also with the 5d6d hand vs limitless , as you spoke of I think if we want to be pedantic , at a deeper stack size where we get action over multiple streets leading to villain having a stronger range , we would want the backdoors as a x/r I have a feeling here it matters less / cud opt to call as you have easier calls or semi bluff shoves on the turn.

Dec. 6, 2017 | 4:11 a.m.

33 hand where we flopped quads , why do we must checkback , firstly theres a pretty big argument for a range bet CO vs BB or close to with him defending super wide , just because of a low pairing texture we still have an equity advantage , also most our value comes from ax which we don't block and FD's which arnt folding to one street. This must check back because we have quads seemed mid stake not high stake as the title suggests. We want to block hands like 99 to get JT QJ etc to fold , so having quads in our block range is ummm pretty good for our overall strategy , another factor is BB actually wants to play his continue range more aggressively due to his 3x advantage ...again not eq adv , 3x adv. One other point before I call it a leak ... its kinda ok on wpn network to play quite far of theory , but in tougher games and fields randomly "stealing" a7o in EP and k6s , isn't going to be a thing.

Dec. 5, 2017 | 3:33 p.m.

Very good video and very insightful.

Want to ask about a situation I was wanting answered , so its lead flop we call , and oop checks , we then start to bet KcQc and KdTd , one being very low eq bluff and one a very high eq combo draw. Lets assume the river is a brick , now given the choice I want to bluff KcQc before KdTd due to reverse blocker affect ofc , you didn't show the river strat in this spot im curious what you think pio would say here , do we A. bluff both combos , B. Choose KcQc because it blocks less folds , or do we C. Refuse to leave our equity on past streets at the table with KdTd and a hand as low in equity as KcQc was purely used for Turn bluff with the thought of discarding the river. This question might not seem overly relevant to the video but I think it is in as much it further answers for the watchers what pio is trying to tell us in situations. Thanks and enjoyed it.

Dec. 4, 2017 | 5:10 p.m.

We generally just call with FDs this STPR , except as already said high equity combos , AXss without this much equity is a super easy call , why are you worried etc. Why does A8ss need protection ? that's not really something we should be thinking , just call without fancy play syndrome , think about hand combos in % equity , the higher up we want money in lower down we don't , so your bluffs now have categories OTT to those 2 sizings , so 97 for e.g if raises this combo can improve but cant shove so that's a 33% bracket , and as the video shown like QJss AQss wants to use shove sizing. In the time of PIO ang GTO people try to worry overly about specifics overly , its mainly common sense. Don't try to copy PIO to the absolute letter , try to get what PIOs telling you and trying to do in situations.

Oct. 17, 2017 | 3:55 p.m.

I doubt you will punt your stack , everything seems overly tight , which has some value I guess at lower stakes MTT , but playing lots of pots vs morons does to

Oct. 17, 2017 | 3:47 p.m.

Props for giving detailed answers here , just so I fully understand your saying that opponents wont be barrelling the NF bare blocker frequently enough to make calling potsize bets without the NF profitable, I mean 3 way that makes sense .... ways around it as the aggressor ... I tend to find other bluffs for 2 streets on monotone , obviously the blocker for 3 and my cbet strategy on a monotone is like 35-40% potsize OTF , to include a wider value range believing it increases the ev of my strat OTF , keeps opponents calling wider futhering my options with flushes ,nutflushes and blocker bluffs. Thoughts on that Tom ? thanks in advance.

Oct. 15, 2017 | 12:42 p.m.

We arrive here with plenty of better hands to c/c, feel like I'm folding this river without a better read villain is capable of spew, think I happily fold river

Dec. 5, 2015 | 10:02 a.m.

why u fold A2 from BB ? 3 way?

Nov. 7, 2015 | 9:11 p.m.

About kq hand, limp/call bvb vs 26bb shorty - i played a bit in icmizer and put payout structure from yesterday (big 162 with 493 people in it), and put 3handed with these stacks like in your video and result is this:
villain jams 23%: TT-22,AQs-A2s,AQo-A5o,K9s+,KTo+,Q9s+,QTo+,J9s+,JTo,T9s
our kq is on BE boarder with 0,00% call
And who knows if he jams 23%... Those are icm calculations... Tbh I didnt like l/c vs 26bb when i watched vid so i checked. I still think this is not a spot we would like to take too much (i know its best scenario for us to fight vs shorty, rather then vs cl), but still i think we can try to chip up with some sort of small ball poker then take be spot.
And this was another great vid of you sir, i look forward watching part 3.

Oct. 27, 2015 | 3:11 p.m.

hey coco, just posted at bottom of this thread, I'm on skype, my screen name is Riley Jones. I would like to join!

Aug. 17, 2015 | 7:39 p.m.

hey guys, I'm actually in South America playing all the way up to 5/10/25 with a 50 straddle PLO, I regularly play 1/2 and 2/5 PLO here, I am down for a study group. My email is get in touch with me :)

Aug. 17, 2015 | 7:38 p.m.

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