Gerhardt Goll
47 points
April 28, 2014 | 7:06 p.m.
Great vid!
Question regarding A7JT oop Co vs BTN at about 16:40 in:
You decide that donk pot committing turned Qh is superior than x/c after V cbets flop (who also has a tighter 3bet pre than most, as you point out) because we're not folding to a bet anyway and dont want him xing back, realizing his equity. Our actual hand is very marginal and getting it in on the turn seems to me to be pretty spewy (we still have 88bb) since we're never really ahead of his range, particularly given his tight 3bet pre. I just can't see a him jamming turn after we pot with anything that isn't ahead us. Best case scenario, we're flipping. Why not lead like 28-30ish and fold to a jam? In fact, x/c isn't bad either and is probably standard and we could potentially donk bluff low hearts on the turn. I just don't see why we would pot commit with this hand on the turn when we have much better options.
April 26, 2014 | 1:04 p.m.
I would like to see a video like this with 2 pro or 1 pro and RIO member going through a hand review. I used to love these vids
April 25, 2014 | 12:30 p.m.
I've seen threads on here about if the micros are beatable with several guys attempting to do it. I ran across this because it documents someone actually doing it in a decent amount of time. I find it useful.
April 25, 2014 | 12:28 p.m.
I don't know how many are aware of this guy on PS (is a sponsored pro) but he has a video series of him grinding it up from the bottom of bottoms up. Very inspiring and up lifting, I think, for those who don't believe its doable. I also remember a guy doing 100 to 10k but I can*t find it. He plays very tight and straight forward, which is very interesting.
April 24, 2014 | 11:39 a.m.
Also, not everybody thinks like ''we'' do about poker and how to approach it. Some guys/gals actually believe in the luck of specific cards and other just want to gamble (who, in all likeliness, are intoxicated). Losing to these ('we' call them nuts) players should be taken lightly because their approach is light. You should be more concerned about the guy who is capable of understanding what advantage he has over you and knows how to use it w/o you being aware of it. This is frustrating. But these ''nuts'', just chat it up with them in the box: they're just here to have a good time
April 20, 2014 | 6:40 p.m.
What to do when you're getting smashed constantly?
April 20, 2014 | 6:32 p.m.
Max Lober : ''Here is what the problem is for me, being as though I've only played
poker for 6 months seriously. I know what it takes to win, and I believe
to have winning strategies. I only have this belief because I am up a
lot if buy ins and have made a lot of money.''
This is one of your problems, and perhaps, the mot common one (I know I was victim to this until recently). As contradictory as it seems, just because you're up a % of buy ins and have won money off of poker, shouldn't consolidate you to being a good player. You have to understand why you won what amount you did, or why you lost what amount you did. The results come second hand to the process that generates them. The why behind each decision you make is the key to your strategy, which also implies being aware of the consequences that follow. These consequences include variance but also, more importantly, include the adequacy of your decision making, the foundation of your strategy as well as being aware of what all is possible within the restrains (in your example) NL Holdem. This is a very complex game: notice how limited & trivial the rules to poker are, but yet, the vast, wide variety of individualistic approaches to these games (this is where GTO comes from, trying to eliminate this subjective individualism into a rigorous, mathematically 'fact' based' objectiveness; a 'true' way to play the game). What differs is obvious: the why. When Chip Reese was asked what distinguishes great poker players, his answer wasn't talent, but adversity. This is a truism never to forget.
April 20, 2014 | 6:26 p.m.
Thanks guys! Yeah, back to the basics because I forgot everything. I had soo much accumulated tilt that it had a numbing effect on my game which I didn't even realize, and worse still, didn't know how to resolve. I forgot what poker was, how to approach it and what to expect of it. Other things clicked in my life that shifted my perspective and made me address myself honestly. All praise goes to the modern philosophers (Hume, Kant, Reed, Descartes, Humboldt, Dewey, Russell, Ferge) and the enlightenment ideals. When your mind gets to working again and engaging in whatever form of creative output (in this sense, intellectually) especially after a dormant stint of idleness, it feels like actually being alive, or, for the more perverted of the RIO crew, that itchy, confusing, vibrant feeling before you release ''your load'' once entering that long, sought after moist and heated vacuum which sucks you right in, for the first time. I hope I have not offended anyone.
April 17, 2014 | 8:41 p.m.
Being an Elite member since the site opened and having major setbacks throughout the year, I'm back on the grind. I have been in denial for too long: a honest look through my HUD these last few weeks showed astonishing flaws.
April 17, 2014 | 9:57 a.m.
Anyone mildly interested behind the logic of this Luciaetta Ivey buffoon just go on HSDB.com and go on the Isildur Playing on FTP thread. It will answer all questions necessary. And Lucietta, can you please share with us and your comrades from the site I just mentioned, how you differentiate between a top 5 or top 10 player ? What tools do you use to see results? Im having trouble myself and would like to make my own list. What happened last time Phil played isi heads up? Did you purposely forget to mention that? Also, you do know that you can't see the whole cards of online players unless after showdown. That's a pretty significant detail that gets in the way when i want to analyze who's at the top. How do you get around such difficulty? Also, can you post some HH reviews of your play, just to see how you play? One who speaks with such firmness as you surely has distinguishable success at the felt: please, share with us your insights.
March 22, 2014 | 10:16 p.m.
I can't take you seriously when you use words like fanboys and are most active (on a poker training site) in the News & Chatter section. Go back to hsdb where you came from
March 17, 2014 | 9:54 p.m.
He hasn't progressed, huh? Why is it then that all the top pros watch his videos and keep up to date with him? Everything I've read above indicates people think that. I suggest that your name says it all, particularly about how much respect your opinion merits
March 17, 2014 | 9:41 p.m.
What a joke. Railbirds from HSdatabase, who have no more than a vague clue about how poker out to be played (much less actually had any kind of success at it), speak with such certainty about something that is way over their heads. Doesn't it strike you as odd that those guys have never had success in poker but voice their opinions so strongly, as if to convince themselves?
Pathetic. Kicking a guy down who has done more than any poker player in helping others learn the game; being the first to record his nosebleed sessions at the highest stakes (knowing he is exposing his game to his opponents), answers consistently & honestly in these threads (and in Bluefire in the past), constant high quality videos, all while charging 100 a month. And now you want to degrade him because your lives are lived on the sideline as spectators. You guys are a fckn joke. Mostly kids anyway, or underdeveloped due to the internet boom where you no one can see you when you make the most absurd & outlandish (not to mention ignorant) claims.
It's very simple. he had a losing session after not playing PLO regularly at those stakes how long? Against a high variance orientated guy? Like you guys even know what makes someone a great poker player, not to mention being one of the best, where a handful of guys are only willing to play against you. When you guys, who speak so certainly of his ''downfall'' are even in the vicinity of something of that sort, I'd be glad to hear what you have to say.
March 17, 2014 | 8:38 p.m.
Also, Zen Fish, I remember reading a post from you sometime January, about having 200 BuyIns for PLO if you are living off of it & saying it might sound excessive but its not. Its starting to make much more sense these days, than it did then
Aug. 13, 2013 | 2:36 p.m.
Thanks for the replies. First, I want to state, I've been winning consistently at 1/2 -2/4 for 2 years and have paid my way through an overseas university (Germany) mostly through that. This is why my statement of ''being better than the player pool'' is not an empty assumption.
I haven't played online since last November and started this year in March on 1/2 just to get back into things. It resulted (at that time) in my worst downswing where I lost 9k in a very short amount of time (school holidays break). Not having the time to deal with such swings, since the amount I got to play was very limited, I decided that I should start from the bottom up just to get some momentum going through the stakes. This was my first time playing below PLO100, and it was mainly to put in a lot of volume in a short amount of time (months worth of play) & analyze my play.
So i deposited 500 and moved up to PLO50 in a week, in which I suffered some brutal sessions along the way. Then when I peaked at a 1.3k profit (plus rakeback) is where I consistently ran horridly. I usually 12 table when on my laptop and add a little more on on desktop computer. I really have not much difficulty playing with a high level of concentration particularly against small stakes player pool. Though, regarding ZenFish comment, I think you're right that I lose an overall edge when doing this added to the fact I have NO stop loss limit because the money doesn't really concern me to much. I think this needs to be seriously addressed on my part though I never do it. I think the tendencies of weaker players are all generally similar and thus don't require full attention always. I could be severely mistake here.
But, saying all this, after going through my video footage through the last few days, i can't deny the fact I'm a victim to more bad beats (including flips on flop/turn) than error on my part: by a considerably wider margin. And this is the MAIN reason for why I'm not winning. It's not as simple as ''take their money if they suck that bad'' when i put myself in the position to do so but am not rewarded for it. But upon more reflection these past few days, I've also realized that 130k stretch is not really a significant amount of volume and i think the variance (I was playing min few K hands a day) just piled up soo quickly on me that I dealt with them too abruptly rather than have a stop loss limit and just minimize the volume when running bad because eventually it will affect my play. This is also the first time in 3 years of consitent play that I've suffered such downswings. That's why a stop loss limit would have saved a lot of stress and I would have dealt with this period much better.
As of whats next, I've decided to forget this 'moving up stakes'' and moving back to 1/2 (where the money significantly matters) forgetting about maximizing volume on focus more on developing my game against a range of players who are actually aware that I have 4 cards in my hands as well.
Aug. 13, 2013 | 2:28 p.m.
Aug. 9, 2013 | 9:31 p.m.
I can't believe someone can run this bad for this long against the weakest player pool around. Today alone i lost 800, this after switching to PLO25 after losing 400+ on PLO50. Not to mention I just recently finally managed to get out of a downswing, only it appears to fall into a worse one. I don't know what to say or what to do next. No matter how good I play I just seem to be lose every pot I'm a favorite in or end up in the wrong position. Hand reviews, watching video, minimizing my mistakes: nothing has worked. Absolutely nothing. This is the biggest bullshit I've ever endured. The fact I can lose 1.5k twice within 50k hands on PLO50 is unimaginable to me against the worst players. Call it variance or running bad or whatever, I call it bs. This whole year has been like this. The whole year. From PLO400 now even down to the micros. This has crippled me. I dont understand why this happening to me
Aug. 9, 2013 | 9:17 p.m.
you are on a super heater, ride it as long as it lasts
Aug. 8, 2013 | 9:26 a.m.
hell no
Aug. 7, 2013 | 11:49 p.m.
Aug. 6, 2013 | 10:54 p.m.
SB: $50
BB: $50 (Hero)
UTG: $63.78
HJ: $131.49
CO: $55.25
UTG folds, HJ folds, CO raises to $1.75, BN calls $1.75, SB folds, Hero raises to $7.25, CO calls $5.50, BN calls $5.50
Aug. 6, 2013 | 10:49 p.m.
After a brutal 3 weeks (at least 8hrs daily) of the sickest bad beats I've ever encountered, I still have managed to thrive. This only enhanced my confidence to resume poker and continue working hard because now I feel invincible after going through something this brutal and now am more encouraged than I've ever been to continue down this path. These are my winnings as of today. I've tightened up significantly which is why my PFR is lower than usual, and I think it helped me immensely (part. on these stakes) Now up to PLO100.
Aug. 3, 2013 | 7:28 p.m.
Also, I recommend forget playing Zoom. If you can 4 table zoom, you can easily 8+ table regular, where you can develop reads and tendencies from possibly the worst playing field around. This is how you improve you game, never through zoom.
BTW, i had similar problems earlier this year on plo400 where I went on a depraving downswing. So I started back up a month in a half ago fro PLO25, and just going up from there. Helped tremendously, other than the fact 75% of play suffered again from an even more strenuous downswing. Just the cost was far, far less.
Aug. 3, 2013 | 11:23 a.m.
3/4 tables are too slow for me, esp. when action is lacking. I find that 8-10 tables I can focus fully at all times and notice when fatigue sets in, and more aware of when my play is dropping. But everyone has their quirks
Aug. 3, 2013 | 9:41 a.m.
The rake really has no effect if you're a competent player. Yah, its high, but it isn't a real obstacle to overcome. I'm assuming you're new to PLO which is why you started that low, hence you probably have numerous leaks in your game which go undetected. Work on you game fully and honestly and you see he profit skyrocket.
Aug. 3, 2013 | 9:37 a.m.
Sent PM
July 29, 2013 | 8:18 a.m.
Hey, (excuse my tantrums about the my brutal downswings lol)
I would like to play a RIO low stakes player HU and make a video of it (I guess post on Youtube, Vimeo,etc.) w/ hole cards revealed to let the other members watch, review, and critique it. HU play greatly improves your over skill and understanding of the game & I have been really inclined to do this for a while. We can play the deep sit and gos 4 tables (with rebuy if bust) or the home game play money thing if you don't want to use your br. Any takers? You can elaborate on details & conditions if necessary
July 28, 2013 | 11:26 a.m.
Im still losing unbeliavbly. Even right now. When does itstop when wehn
I find it ironic that the guy who accused someone else of colluding, turns out (allegedly) to be the colluder himself. You know what they say: who smelt it, dealt it. As far as checking ''heart counts'': its very simple, albeit time consuming. Search all his posts, check who gave him the hearts, and count them.
April 29, 2014 | 7:21 p.m.