6 points
Hello Mark!
I have started watching your videos and found them very useful for my game, especially for the HUD
stats very deep explanations.
On one of your previous video you said that in a you prefer 3betting KJ and QJ vs a player that folds to 3bet OOP more than 60% of the time.
Don't you think we should extend our value range and include hands like weak brodways vs people that fold less?especially when IP. And maybe be more polarized vs people that fold more?
Thanks a lot!
Oct. 15, 2014 | 1:07 a.m.
Hello Stephen,
great vid as always!
@45:20 top right KQhh, you snap folded the river. Villain raised your cbet after a call, barreled on turn and shoved on the river. I think his value range would be something like 22,66, few combos of KT,KJ,KQ (K6s given his VPIP/PFR stats?), and his bluffing range would be any 2 heart, 34cc,45cc.
If he doesn't always play KQ and KJ like that, isn't this a profitable call? what do you think about this range I exstimated?Would you have folded on a river blank such as 8 of spades?
Happy new year everyone!!!!
Jan. 1, 2015 | 4:12 p.m.