frenchi78's avatar


45 points

All good now, thank you for the reply :)

Dec. 15, 2020 | 4:38 p.m.

I understand what the objective is but I don't think the takeaway has been established. For example, in your "when to c-bet series (OOP)", you setup concrete numbers (a range vs 10% CC against a 30% one) and how to deviate our strategy (whether to cbet less/same/more, for those who want to know, check out his video, it's great :D ) . But in this series so far, you talk about playing vs "loose players" but what does it mean? GTO CO RFI is around 30%, does that mean loose players (in this video) open a similar frequency but don't fold? Do they open much higher and don't fold? The concrete numbers are not set. Then you go over some hand examples and talk about what you think you would do vs your perception of their postflop style. It just feels too ambiguous and it still makes me question how to deviate my overall 3betting range vs your perception of this loose player. Usually you have solver to support your claim, but in this series you chose to only use it for the baseline.

Hope you don't feel I'm attacking you because you know I always love your videos, but this series feels like it's missing something compared to your previous ones. Can't wait to see what you bring in the future; I'm always interested in what you have to say.

The one and only Frenchi


Dec. 13, 2020 | 4:13 p.m.

I'm not really understanding the takeaway from the series so far. It seems like its a standard GTO 3bet video between vision and monker. It is possible that I'm not fully paying attention, so what is the deviation that we are suppose to make in these low stakes?

Dec. 12, 2020 | 10:40 p.m.

Can't wait for more theoretical videos. Have you already planned on the subject?

Nov. 22, 2020 | 10:47 p.m.

As usual Emty, love your content. Just want to give my two cents on certain things: 1) the first hand with TT76 on K75r feels like a good spot to bluff blocking two pairs and having the 6 blocking straight draws and the pocket pair killing our playability; even if we dont have fold EQ now, we may gain it on later streets. 2) at the 20th minute mark on the AQ6 board, remember that on vision you can choose the rank of the suit on Ace high boards (well most of them). Once again, great stuff and keep up the good work!

Nov. 22, 2020 | 8:32 p.m.

For the first hand, the IP stab on the river probably goes as high as 40% if we give it more bet sizings as opposed to just pot.

July 31, 2020 | 3:05 p.m.

I second finishing this series and the timing feels right about now with all these MTT events going on. Great video and concepts to process especially the monotone one.

July 31, 2020 | 10:13 a.m.

In terms of Vision streams, I think it would be great to do 200bb+ spots. Either do them by themselves or in comparison to other stacks just so we can see the trends. Same can be said for other stacks such as comparing 50bb to 100bb for example.

July 29, 2020 | 10:48 p.m.

I'm not really understanding the last point of betting AA22/33. If villains are less likely to have 22/33 then aren't they more likely to either have mid or high cards in their range?

Can only think of two factors as to why solver is leading these low pocket pairs: 1) it has an affinity for 22 and 33 in general, even preflop, it will raises some hands like QQ22 but not QQ55 (most likely for low board coverage). 2) More likely factor since it's postflop, is that we have a "deceiving" backdoor straight.
Besides that, I'm at a loss as to why it's choosing this particular line.

July 29, 2020 | 6:16 p.m.

Loving your videos as usual :D just want to say that at around the 32 min mark we are folding the KT97 (KT98 in gameplay) but the Ace wasnt suited. Perhaps (actually very likely) we do continue vs a cbet if we did contain the K high FD.

Also wanted to make a point that the topic of video "fluidity" has been brought up and wanted to say that some of us prefer the style that you are doing. There are endless play and explains videos with no solver work and it's nice to see what the solver would do imo. Plus, it must be said that trainers sometime say something that they think is right but turn out to be proven wrong by solver, which is fine since we are all human and not computers (unless it's Phil of course haha). I am aware that the solver is not the end all be all, but our theory practices are based upon it. So once again, loving this format!

July 28, 2020 | 5 p.m.

Enjoyed the video very much but I was wondering about the CC of bad Kings around the 13th minute mark. In those low stake, it seems that the amount of squeezes is not as high as it should be, so doesn't that go in favor of CC with bad KK especially if the blinds CC way too wide?

July 28, 2020 | 12:06 p.m.

Yes makes perfect sense, and anticipated it to be the case but did not know by how much. 27% is still rather conservative but the trend is clear. I can imagine that players on the BTN that CC even wider than 30% increases not only the BB's CC range but its squeezing one as well.

July 27, 2020 | 1:05 p.m.

Very nice video, like seeing this type of stuff where you can see change in trends. At the end, you mentioned that BB CC less when the BTN CC. How does the BB strategy differ if BTN CC 3x more than GTO?

July 27, 2020 | 2:56 a.m.

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