21 points
Played in my local casino. Grew a decent sized stack of 1.4k. 8 handed. Not sure if I played this hand wrongly so any advise would be greatly appreciated, folks! I've got pockets 10s pre flop. It gets limped around to me in the cut-off. I raise it to 20, get called by the button and the small blind.
Small blind has about a 3k stack, the button has about 400 bucks.
Flop brings us 10 9 2 rainbow. Small blind checks, I make it 35, the button makes it 100. Small blind flat calls, I raise it to 395. Button folds, small blind flat calls. Turn is a 7, small blind open shoves.
I tank for I swear 10 minutes before folding. He shows me a j8 for the straight. The two of us are pretty friendly because we play pretty often, so on a smoke break I ask him. He says if I made it 550 or so he would've folded. Is it true? Would I be losing value for making it 500 or so, or did I raise the right amount? Should I have flat called and just seen a turn card and possibly get to the river?
Or should I have just called his shove?
Let me know pls thanks!!
April 10, 2015 | 5:35 a.m.
i think i'd have folded the turn when no ace or backdoor flush draw possibility hit. a lot of hands beat you when it can barrel that turn, even the bluff cards in his holdings are likely to have pretty decent equity against your top pair top kick. (like 8 10 h, off the top of my head). really depends on what kind of player sb thinks you are, but i'd muck this turn cos it really doesn't improve our hand in any way.
March 11, 2015 | 1:11 a.m.
intense river bet. i'd prob best smaller cos you're pushing out a lot of hands that can make a marginal call (a10, kq hearts) and you might even get kj to fold in that spot. i reckon a smaller bet sized might've gotten you paid off there
March 9, 2015 | 10 a.m.
were you playing zoom poker? jacks on zoom in a three-bet pot really is kinda weak imo. would do best to flat call the 4-bet since you're in position for the hand (you do have the stack size to call and hope to hit a great flop) and if it gets 5-bet you can comfortably fold because best case scenario you're up against ak aq but hands that call you on zoom tend to beat jj a large majority of the time, regardless of how spewy
March 9, 2015 | 9:57 a.m.
especially since when you reraise him oop pre flop, the possibility of a jack being in your hand range is a lot less likely than in his.
March 9, 2015 | 9:54 a.m.
personally when that river hits i'm just c/calling. thats the perfect river for him to value bet, bluff bet - because with his bet on the turn, it negates a lot of middle pockets that would probably check behind you (even if they have one spade for the backdoor flush draw). you played it well till the river, where i'll just check call to save myself from lots of ugly reraises where we almost always have to calls
March 9, 2015 | 9:53 a.m.
thats what this great poker community is here for. (you raise me up by josh groban in the background) haha
March 9, 2015 | 8:26 a.m.
personally i think that a repop would be good in this spot. given the nature of the game, your a or q could very well be live cards and if you flat call the flop with a blank turn, you could very well face a shove and you're left potentially folding a hand which would be drawing very live on the flop. i would've shipped but thats to push out some medium strength hands as well as gaining value for your nut flush draw. thats my opinion anyway :)
March 7, 2015 | 5:47 p.m.
given the pre flop action theres almost no chance he has a 7 in his hand i reckon. given the number of draws that board brings, it makes sense for him to barrel. shove imo
March 7, 2015 | 5:43 p.m.
I think I'll be getting back into the groove of grinding poker at the local casino again and as always - I need to prep myself with a badass poker soundtrack. Any songs that you guys like listening to while pokering? For me my range is pretty wide - I can go from listening to rain and thunderstorms to music by arctic monkeys and the black keys then to the other side of the spectrum like jay-z and ll cool j. any songs you guys would care to recommend?
Feb. 28, 2015 | 4:02 a.m.
i personally would've raised more pre flop so i could get a better feel of the range of hands he could be playing oop against me, but i understand you're trying out a new strategy. (hope that goes well for you btw)
i personally do think that in the long run with ak it does make sense to just flat call his bet, but i would've liked a 4-bet for a couple of reasons (let me know if i sound too farfetched). given the fact that he's steaming and wants to get the money in, the only combo draws you're afraid of in that spot are aj and a4 (j4 seems really far fetched to me unless he really is as spewy as you say) so it's quite credible for us to re-pop him here given how wide his range is.
with such a heavy flop for straight draws and flush draws, we can narrow down his range of hands if he does flat call the 4-bet and if he does bet the turn, given how strong the line we have taken, i think we can safely fold in position.
but then again thats my playing style and honestly i think there was nothing wrong at all with the way you played it, there are def better spots you could pick against him. the best thing in this spot you can hope for is for him to have kq or q10 or k10, that we could get out of the ugly turn by betting him out on the flop. and if he does shove, our 4-bet kinda puts us in a justified call anyway with only a small range of hands behind ahead of us (a4 aj j4 aa jj 44).
just my opinion :) like i said, totally justified folding his turn bet. i def won't go for a shove cos it just seems a little weak in the spot cos a flush would've just called i think and a full house def would've done so as well.
good fold i think! regardless of the good bluff scare card
Feb. 28, 2015 | 3:47 a.m.
i think you can definitely find a fold here. even if he's bluffing he's definitely doing it with a bunch of straight and flush combo draws - best case scenario he has AJ or J9 but given the shove in relation to the pot i would probably find it in me to fold if he doesn't give me some very strong live read
Feb. 27, 2015 | 10:06 a.m.
this dude was at the table telling us he played online. so i was genuinely happy to meet a fellow online player at the time so i said "badass man! what stakes?" he replied casually "oh you know, $100/$200 blinds just for fun."
i was legit quite scared cos we were at a $1/$2 table and so i said "whoa. where? pokerstars? fulltilt?"
and he said "zygna on facebook"
i almost threw my chair at him. the whole table burst out laughing - even the dealer
Feb. 27, 2015 | 5:15 a.m.
i do think we have a call here. thats the perfect bluffing card with your flat call on the flop, he could've probably not even put you on the ace; maybe just a 10 or medium pockets and decided to call him down there so he repped the ace. your passive line instilled this bluff and personally speaking i think a call is in favour :) he could have had a straight KJ KQ QJ a majority of the time - maybe even 56
Feb. 27, 2015 | 3:11 a.m.
why would you three-bet oop with qj off-suit and then check the flop with so many potential draws out there? i see why you chose this line but i would probably be afraid for it to get a three-way check on the flop (being the aggressor) and then lose value there? i think we're better making a bet on the flop given what you did pre flop
Feb. 27, 2015 | 3:03 a.m.
thats just a matter of personal opinion. i like mixing it up here and there and i think in that spot with the dominant chip stack against those two positions, a three-bet would probably have the flop checked to us (unless we get four-bet, in which case we could reevaluate our holdings and kinda mark his range to pocket pairs exclusively or ak aq) because we're the major aggressor. that's just my personal inclination tho
Feb. 27, 2015 | 2:57 a.m.
that is so baller dude. hahaha.
Feb. 27, 2015 | 2:53 a.m.
i would fold pre flop but if we did make it to the flop, i would def x/raise that flop for value. on such a draw heavy board we get called by a wide variety of hands that we can comfortably bet the turn again.
Feb. 26, 2015 | 10:46 a.m.
personally in position i might've went for the 3bet pre flop. what he does kinda gives us a lot of info what he does oop and thats the gin flop for us if we do. but with the line you've gone, i think your hand is perfectly disguised and he might even do this with a single 10 or even decently high pocket pairs. imo you gotta call this river card, but you prob would've gotten more information by 3betting pre flop and raising him on the turn.
Feb. 26, 2015 | 5:12 a.m.
hey guys, just thought i would post something that might be of interest to those who are more inclined towards a live format than an online format. getting back into my routine of hitting the casino and was just wondering what everyone does to amp themselves up before the big all-nighter at the live games?
i used to have an amp up playlist (a lot of jayz on there lol) as well as notes that i tried to read through and soak in before finally getting to the poker room. anyone have any specific routines?
my list:
1) remember that at the start of the session, avoid playing too many hands before you get a comfortable stack to make 3bets or loose calls oop.
2) to hell with your ego. the best motivator on the table is profit - no need to get into a dick measuring contest with your chip stack. play proper poker and don't let anyone tilt or steam you up.
3) take a smoke break after a bad beat. don't try to win it back in the immediate hand after. recuperate, think over the hand and how you could've played it better.
4) get adjusted to the table and the inclinations of every other player. their cards take priority over my holdings. as phil galfond said, "every moment is your opportunity to make the perfect play".
5) win.
Feb. 26, 2015 | 5:08 a.m.
i think if you bet that flop, you have to bet the turn again given how wet the board is at that stage. i'd go for a check call on the river at the end
Feb. 26, 2015 | 4:58 a.m.
given the stack sizes of you two, i don't really like your three bet pre flop oop. would've probably just flat called. would've check called river; don't think jamming the river for value would be too good an idea
Feb. 26, 2015 | 4:56 a.m.
i like the way you played, would've raised a little more on the river. one qn though, given the fact that he checks the turn - do you view him as a trapping kind of player? if you don't you could probably put him on an 8 and bet the turn as a semi-bluff with the nut flush draw and possibly an a or a k to be good in the spot to make a comfortable river bet/call.
Feb. 25, 2015 | 4:05 p.m.
i like the way you played, would've raised a little more on the river. one qn though, given the fact that he checks the turn - do you view him as a trapping kind of player? if you don't you could probably put him on an 8 and bet the turn as a semi-bluff with the nut flush draw and possibly an a or a k to be good in the spot to make a comfortable river bet/call.
Feb. 25, 2015 | 4:05 p.m.
i personally would check that flop. you do get face card combos to fold in that spot, but no way is he folding pairs to you. i get that maximising your ak would be ideal but when you 3b his preflop, its more likely that flop hits him than it does you so the bet might smell iffy if i were him. so i reckon a check on a flop and a bet on the turn might've been a better line given how much bigger his stack is than yours (so he could be peeling the flop off with almost any combo draws)
Feb. 25, 2015 | 3:57 p.m.
i personally would check that flop. you do get face card combos to fold in that spot, but no way is he folding pairs to you. i get that maximising your ak would be ideal but when you 3b his preflop, its more likely that flop hits him than it does you so the bet might smell iffy if i were him. so i reckon a check on a flop and a bet on the turn might've been a better line given how much bigger his stack is than yours (so he could be peeling the flop off with almost any combo draws)
Feb. 25, 2015 | 3:57 p.m.
don't think your river fold is too terrible since the possibility of you having an 8 in that spot is so likely given the action on the flop. so for him to bet so big into you with a lone king is pretty ridonkulous unless he thinks you can fold trips to enough action. but personally i would've just called the flop and possibly get more info from what he does on the turn and river :)
Feb. 25, 2015 | 3:54 p.m.
without a sick read of some sort, I'm folding my holdings on the turn. beating almost nothing that can re-pop you in that spot, except for a flush draw. i reckon a call doesn't work there - either fold or shove if i think i can turn my hand into a bluff
Feb. 25, 2015 | 9:38 a.m.
i mean when it's folded to the two of you with him in position, i think he's calling almost anything you have (also with both of you being super deep in mind). i personally would opt for a check raise on the flop, given how wet it is - a bet imo leads him to bluff raise you into pretty ugly spots, and unless you three-bet him on the flop it gives him plenty of chances to barrel the other streets.
i would've check raised to get a better feel of a hand and make our range a little more pronounced. but you didn't play the hand bad i think! don't be too hard on yourself. and i think you folded good on the river
i just keep wondering if i should've bet more on the flop, but i was worried that it would announce my hand and almost definitely lose value from maybe a a10, 109 or even what he had, a j8 :/
April 12, 2015 | 3:51 a.m.