7 points
I don't know what was the shove for. You won't fold out too many better hands and won't get called by worse. Looks like a gamble shove to me
Sept. 4, 2019 | 4:53 a.m.
Looks like a fish overplaying Jx/ going crazy with flop OESD. I dont think you should worry about a flush on the river. V can possible have 2 combos of J8s and 86s here though
Aug. 7, 2019 | 3:37 p.m.
Your hand is not polarized OTR so i dont think an overbet is good.
July 30, 2019 | 7 a.m.
i don't think raising Ad5d OTF as a polarizing bluff is a good idea since it has too much equity, and it'll be disaster if you have to fold to a 3bet IP here, maybe as a thin value bet/denial. Calling IP here will win you a huge pot when you hit the hidden gutshot or cooler a weaker flush. I'd polarise raised with somethings like 56s, 7d8d, 8d9d, 6d7d
July 22, 2019 | 6:56 a.m.
I think ppl are overfolding AND overcalling at the same time at the micros. They fold way too much with non-made hands(stuff like 2overs + BDFD vs small flop cbet) and call down way too loose with weak made hands(stuff like A7o on A69KJ calling 3 big barrels)
July 10, 2019 | 4:51 a.m.
he doesnt have too many 7x here tbh. I think he has a lot of weaker Kx here based on that sizing
April 12, 2019 | 9:50 a.m.
I don't think it's an exploitative fold. There are too few bluff here to justify a call, V has bunch of QQ,JJ,AJ,AQ here.Even If you put all KQ, KJ (which already a small portion given a 4bet call) with the Kc here for the bluff, it's still a fold
April 9, 2019 | 3:35 a.m.
wp imo
March 26, 2019 | 10 a.m.
For some extreme example. Playing without a 4betting range would also mean that you'd never 4bet > stack off KK+ right? Do you think that would be a good strategy. A huge amount of winning money from every poker players come from this situation. I myself dont think that leaving Villain chance to crack/bluff your KK/AA post flop for a small price is more +EV than taking a 8:2 or 7:3 preflop allin
March 19, 2019 | 5:21 p.m.
I think you're mistaking "playing with a 4bet range" to "playing with a 4bet range that includes only hands that are stronger than V's 3bet range".
In some of the reply to Belrio you mentioned this "But they won´t make a mistake with their AJ, AQ, 76s, 89s, T9s, JQo, KJs, 55 etc. etc. if you 4bet and they fold ". How can this happens if you 4bet bluff with A2s-A5s?. V would make mistake folding AJ,AQ, pocket pairs right?
In your example you mentioned AK vs AQ CO vs BU and you decided to flat the 3bet. Then what would you do if he auto cbet 1/2 pot on the flop that you completely miss? If you know exactly that he's 3betting you with AQ here, then flatting AK would probably be the best option if you know that he'd fold to a 4bet. But that's not the case, you're playing vs his range with your range, not your AK vs his AQ
March 19, 2019 | 11:10 a.m.
I'd be appreciate if you can run PIO for this turn here.
I'd like to bet turn because as i stated on my comment above, V would have a lot of weaker KxXd or KdXx here and H would want to get value/protection from these hands with all his stronger Kx/2p/sets/straight as well as setting up for a river bluff when another diamond doesn't come with his Ad blocker/build the pot in case another diamond comes. OP mentioned V is on the tighter side so i think H wouldn't get bluff raised here frequently
March 1, 2019 | 2:50 a.m.
Curious why would you check flop with 99 but not with QQ/55, cant find any reasons to do so. If i would to check any flop set on a monotone board i'd definitely check top set and cbet lower set as top set heavily block V's calling range
Feb. 28, 2019 | 8:26 a.m.
well played imo.
After the flop check and turn call. I think V's range is pretty capped, V has a lot of Qx,Kx with a diamond here that can't call a big bet.
I'd like a smaller turn bet though, and i dont think a turn check is better than betting. you want value for your Kx/2p/sets/straight from worse Kx, pair + 1 diamond type of hands here and setting up for a river bluff with hands like AdXx like as played. It's quite hard to get Kx to fold with just a river bet
Also best hands to bluff river with are AdJx, AdTx, but any Ad would be good though
Feb. 28, 2019 | 4:23 a.m.
Very bad turn check. You lose so much value here from Tx, KQo, KQs, combo draws
Jan. 28, 2019 | 4:26 a.m.
bad call imo, you block a lot of bluff combos. And that sizing's definitely not bluffy
Dec. 7, 2018 | 9:31 a.m.
Why do you think you can't fold if you check river and he shoves. It's a 4 to straight, and stuffs that you beat - 99 > JJ would 99% check back that river, and all the sets will never fold here, your hand is pretty capped at overpair
Nov. 14, 2018 | 9:50 a.m.
That sizing looks really bluffy, but vs an unknown i dont think this is an easy call.
All the hands that you lose to(3 combos of 5s, 1 combo of 7s, 8h9h, 3h4h, 67s, even 3 combos of 6s and maybe 1 combo of Ts) are in V's range here due to the extremely good price pre.
But in the other hand, he also has loads of "value" hands that's overvaluing and trying to get value from your TP/overpair.
I'd fold as not many 5NLer is capable of making a 2x bluff shove.
Oct. 25, 2018 | 9:41 a.m.
if you fold KK here what would you call with? only Quads?. He can have any Ax, Axs, flush, straight that's "value" raising here.
Oct. 8, 2018 | 3:21 a.m.
Calling preflop then fold here is obviously weak play
Pre you can 3bet to 600 against this kinda maniac. If he calls OOP, your KQs has loads of playability post flop. If he 4bet shove, you can comfortably call as his pre shoving range includes shits like 36s and A9o
As played, you can call the standard flop cbet, then play agressively on the turn on any hearts/Js/9s.
Maybe not what you wanted to ask but your 4bet sizing is way too small, especially OOP
Sept. 9, 2019 | 2:10 a.m.