87 points
that'll depend on how he reacts on X turns, if he checks i think he's pretty much give up the hand, or sometimes you get that one bet value..
Dec. 10, 2018 | 11:54 p.m.
i would check there most of times with that combo, we dont block any hearts and its pretty sick to get x/r here..
as you said, its a flop that hits him very hard and we dont have that much equity against his range so i like to check and analyze turn..
by taking this line we can realize our equity for free and we gonna see more rivers since we're gonna call most of his turn leads..
Dec. 10, 2018 | 3:46 p.m.
yeah, you think about them ranges but you're putting like they always open those trash hands, but more important than crush his range is your post flop play.. if you cant play post flop very well with that hand, you gonna lose money in long term.. its different from K9s for example since you have other options on the hand like backdoors flushes..
when you call that offsuited hands especially OOP, you calling to hit pairs and draws you cant call barrels enough, so its very easy to exploit you, when you have it you call and when you dont you fold.. even a recreational player can exploit that if he feels like you're calling too much..
Dec. 10, 2018 | 3:38 p.m.
you have to defend vs his range but not forgetting about post flop playability and villain infos otherwise you gonna call too much e lose more than you should..
i mean, for example, the BTN is agro player and raises 2.2x, you gonna lose a lot of money calling his raise everytime on SB bc he's gonna cbet very frequently and basically you gonna defend when you hit pairs and other than that you gonna fold more often bc your hand dont have backdoor on many flops that you could float his bet..
imo you dont have to worry about "calling too much" or "folding too much", you should focus on "what is the best way to play this hand?" then make your action..
Dec. 10, 2018 | 3:32 p.m.
i think you played fine, no need to bet that flop im, we have showdown value and we can keep worse hands in play..
but your range its pretty narrow imo, he can check hands like AA KQ KJ AT A9 AJ.. he's not that weak as you said everytime he check here
Dec. 10, 2018 | 2:50 p.m.
sick spot but i would fold.. the best scenario we can get is he having some Axss that played that way but he has a lot of AA, AK.. i dont know if he would do that with KK but its pretty sick to call, nice fold imo
Dec. 10, 2018 | 2:46 p.m.
since he called from SB, his range is more restrict than BB, so i think you could check here but he has so many hands that he'll continue that i think slowplaying there you gonna lose a lot of value..
i would consider check in more random boards where i have a top set like TT on T52r but in this board he has all de gutshots, open-ended, sets and pairs..i dont like to check here that much
Dec. 10, 2018 | 2:41 p.m.
hey man
pretty bad call pre flop there.. you giving away money by making this call even vs BTN range, you hand dont have playability post and you gonna fold very often to a lot of cbets..
as played he can check sometimes, i would bet for sure, but you cant dwell on why he did that, but seeing that its clear to me that he is a bad player with some passive lines but i dont think you can make a K fold river with that size and imho you dont need to do that, i think you could block bet to get worse hands to call you but he's not gonna fold anything that has a Ax or Kx in his hand unless you overbet this river..
Dec. 10, 2018 | 2:36 p.m.
i think it depends on villain tendencies.. people will tend to call with draws and shove hands with strong equity, but he could have KT playing that way and if he has the potencial, he could shove his draws too..
but i dont know if i would call pre flop there, A7o plays very bad post flop and you cant defend most flops bc you dont have that much backdoor and he dont have that much 7x raising on BTN.. i would fold pre, but as played i think i would call too
Dec. 10, 2018 | 2:28 p.m.
Its a clear x/r in this board with your stack but you should make waaaaay bigger, like 900+ and call if he shoves.
Dec. 7, 2018 | 12:54 p.m.
Actually you should be folding this pre flop..
BTN has a stack that can exploit you by 3betting or flatting IP and 22's in both scenarios will play very bad.
Notice that SB has 10bb so if you wouldnt be calling his shove either, its another reason why you should be folding this pre flop.
But, if you dont wanna fold, i think limping here its a good strategy..
As played its a nasty cooler but i would bet bigger on flop..
Dec. 7, 2018 | 12:43 p.m.
I think you can pass this call.. when he checks this flops and bets big turn usually he has some good showdown value since most of Qx will bet flop and some strong draws too.
I dont mind the call turn since we got the draw, but his range now has a lot of hands that has value on this board and now he fells safe for betting, other than that i think he would check one more time.
River i think its a clear fold because now he has better 8x than you since hes gonna open A8s, he has some 9x hands, TT, JJ, some Qx that checked flop and sometimes even a JTs slowplaying.. IMO he dont have that many bluffs as you think bc since his better bluff combos would be like KJhh KThh, KxTx KxJx and sometimes AhXh, you block some of them and i dont think he bet all of this OTT.
And considering that he's the UTG, his range has very little bluffs by taking this line, i think most of the times we gonna lose by making this call.. i would fold
Dec. 7, 2018 | 12:35 p.m.
since you're giving him all this weak range why didnt bet on the flop? giving the info you gave IMO you would extract more by betting IP e let him bluffcatcher you than playing passive like you did..
as played i think its like gusma said, if you manage him to fold all the splits then its fine.
Dec. 5, 2018 | 2:15 p.m.
no point in raising turn even if you have value, you only gonna make him fold all his bluffs and get action from better hands..
Dec. 5, 2018 | 2 p.m.
"Do you think its too +EV to fold that?"
At micro/low stakes its fine to flat there, you're not gonna be in a tough spot very often and can play in position when button folds.
"On the flop I wasn't sure If I should size up cause I was afraid it might seem unbalanced and strong on this board with my range. Does the fact its multiway pot compensate for that?"
When you're playing small stakes you dont have to worry about balance your range, you should play straight foward your values because very often villains will make mistakes and you can get advantage on that.
The fact that is a multiway pot its also important bc you're playing against 3 ranges so you have to deny equity from other hands and get value from a ton of combos that call your cbet.
"I think I am trying too hard to be balanced and I dont actually know what to do on the next streets"
In micro/low stakes you dont have to worry about that because most of the field will be recreational players and they know nothing about balancing ranges and stuff, they're only looking to them hands.
You should focus more on playing exploitable against weaker players.. sure its good to balance some spots but since your opponents dont know about that, you gonna lose value when you play passive against them.
Nov. 28, 2018 | 3:56 a.m.
Actually, your mistake begins on pre flop.. thats an awful combo to squeeze 3bet, even though you have blockers, the table is very deep. In spots like that its better to squeeze suited hands with post flop playablility otherwise you gonna be putting yourself in sick spots where you cant barrel enough.
I prefer to call, you have position over the other players and you're very deep, imo if you wanna 3bet, i would choose some combos like A4s A5s so we call play a post flop with more equity.
As played, vs 3 you can size up there, around 70% pot seems fine, turn you have to bet imo, because now he has some hands that you need protection from like pair + gutshot/flush draw and even an Ax with draws.. the point is that he can still call you with worse hands that can improve river and if you dont bet he's gonna see them for free and you pretty much lose value from hands you could get value OTT.
Its not like he's gonna raise you everytime but its important to have infos about the villain when plan dont go as expected.
River as played i think we have to fold..
Nov. 26, 2018 | 2:05 p.m.
I don't like that 3 barrel bc you're basically bluffing your Jacks all the way through, IMO i prefer to check flop and analyze turn.
As you can see by the board, you're basically extracting only from flush draws, bc when you barrel 2 streets and get called i think you're pretty much beat.
Unless you're aware that you're bluffing your hand by barreling 3 streets on this board then i think it's kind of okay but if you were barreling for value, i dont think its the right line to take.
Regards man
Aug. 15, 2018 | 12:32 a.m.
You have to focus on the things you can control (study, mental and physical health), don't waste your energy focusing on things you can't control like variance.
Sometimes it'll last for days, weeks, months, but you cannot let that low-confidence overcome you, fight it back by studying and playing your best.
That's the best way you can deal with these things and use the advide said above, it's a REALLY GOOD book!
Aug. 13, 2018 | 12:52 a.m.
It's better to just shove pre but as played you still can bet/fold river.
I don't like the check because he don't have that many bluffs and will check most of his showdown value, the only combos that he could bet are 8x hands and we block that very hard, i feel like he could have some Kx hands but i think he'd bet most of them flop and if he played a King that way he can still find a check river, so i don't see many value hands that he could have other than flushes and an ocasional straight.
I like to bet/fold river because we determine the value of our hand and fold if he raises, other thing is that if he has a flush he can bet pretty big leaving you in a pickle, so betting first river can block him of putting us in a bad spot.
I'd bet around 1/3 pot and if he shoves, it's a clear fold since he's never bluffing.
Regards man.
July 28, 2018 | 9:40 p.m.
I think turn you can continue calling, i dont like raising bc you'll make him fold his bluffs and get action from better, for example, you raise turn and he shoves (?), you gonna look to your computer with goofy face. I would keep calling turn to analyze river.
This 1/3 pot bet is suspicious, but, even though its quite small, you can see that he didn't made any big bet, most likely only using 1/3 pot button, so he can have pretty much everything here.
I think you can call river bc you need very little equity to be right (20%) and if he bets that size with KQ, its clear that he's a recreational player that don't know sizes very well so can be bluffing that size too.
Like said above, i think its a bias kind of hand, bc its a spot where good players would've put more pressure on their sizings, leaving that hand kind of tricky when playing against rec players, but giving that info, i'm calling river with a high frequency.
July 25, 2018 | 4:05 p.m.
Hello man,
I like to call flop bc you have some good backdoors, but i don't see why you think you have to check/raise some of this turns you're saying, bc his second bullet is pretty strong imo, i don't think players double barrel hands like AT/A8s or less.
In this spot you have to check/call almost every turn if your hand improves, bc you have to keep his bluffing range in the hand, since he's gonna have some flush draws, even some straight draws that he could've 3bet pf (JTo QTo QJo) depending on his range.
A K turn will pretty much be an action killer so you won't expect him to fire a second barrel very often, if turn comes a club, your check/call will disguise your hand when the river comes club and we hit our flush.
Plus when you check/call you can balance your range with traps like AA/KK or strong Ax like AQ/AJ, imo when you check/raise turn you almost never bluffing since most of drawing hands will sometimes x/r flop, causing him to fold all his bluffs and getting action from all his better hands.
Now if turn comes a drawing card like Q or J with no club, i think you could fold bc if he's cbetting flop with all drawing hands, i think he'll tend to check those turns in a high frequency, and finally if turn comes a brick, i think calling second barrel will depend a lot on the player turn cbet % since, as i said, he can still have some bluffs.
As played i like your flop call and turn fold, imo you played well ;)
July 25, 2018 | 3:29 p.m.
It's good to open ATo in this situation bc button has only 12bb, so we're showing strenght by opening in such a short stack, that'll cause villains to fold more hands that they could've called or raised us.
If the whole table is deep it's a clear fold, but, in some spots when BT/SB/BB are 15bb or less, if you have the stack, you can open a bit your range so you can exploit the table.
July 25, 2018 | 2:43 p.m.
It's hard to say if it's better to call or 3bet because you didn't put your stack in the hand, but if you are deep i think its ok to flat or squeeze to get hu with the agressor.
On flop, you kinda miss lead his range, since he's more likely to check all his Jx and it'll be betting some Qx and some draws, his range has some strong tendencies bc people don't bluff very often in multi-way pots.
When you raise you make him fold all his worse hands and get action from better hands, since he's gonna be calling or folding with pretty much all the hands you're beating, when he shoves you got all his strong range plus some very strong combo draws, leaving us flipping or losing basically.
Im gonna call flop and analyze turn bc i want him to have his weaker range against me and im in position at least with him so dont need to overplay your hand, and also remember that are more people envolved in the hand, so you can get in trouble with the others too.
June 20, 2018 | 1:01 a.m.
Actually, you'll be in a pretty bad shape if he calls your shove, you dont have the stack to do that, 30bb is very thin, it would be better to shove pre because when you 3bet him and he calls, you wont be playing pos flop very well unless you hit a set.
Obviously the button dont have a clue of what he's doing bc most of times this play will only put you in a bad spot.
Now, by shoving this hand you'll be less exploitable and you'll make him fold better hands since he's not likely to call with 66's for example. Other point to consider is that 3bet hands like medium/low pocket pairs with your stack wont be nice bc you dont block his top hands, so he can easily jam and you have to fold, in this spot is better to 3bet/fold hands with blockers like KJo, ATo and stuff.
In theory, if you wouldn't going to 3bet/call him, its better to shove, otherwise 3bet is fine, but 33 is a very weak hand to do so.
In this hand, I think that would be nicer with your stack was a little bit bigger and you sure he's a bad player since when he 4bets he's pretty much commited with you.
June 20, 2018 | 12:44 a.m.
I think its a clear fold, his second barrel is pretty strong there like AK/AA/KK/66, he would never bet a K flop, most likely will check his draws too, people tend to bet more value in multi way pots.
After you called he's gonna check almost every draw unless its a combo draw, leaving more value to his hand, the only hands you could be ahead will check turn, so i'd just fold.
River imo he's never bluffing, even if he does have some bluffs, it'll be very few combos, so its a more clear fold than turn.
May 28, 2018 | 8:29 p.m.
i dont like that 3bet, shows too much strength i'd just flat to trap him.. as played i think its ok to play like this cause he could have Kh/Qh too.
i think if you called pre and flop comes like this, i think i'd lead big flop and just shove turn, not sure now..
May 28, 2018 | 8:17 p.m.
Sorry to disappoint you guys but this group is long dead :(
May 28, 2018 | 7:01 p.m.
Maybe his question is a puzzle, like "Checking AK in flops like this" meaning its ok to check AK on blank boards. haha :)
April 16, 2018 | 4:06 p.m.
Just be careful using GTO solvers when you're playing micro/low stakes, they help a lot when you are creating lines to use on these villains, but i advise you not doing the exact line the solver tells you on some spots since he's not considering that sometimes you are playing against a recreational player.
i like to fold this hand pre flop.. table is very deep and AJo dont play that well vs calling ranges OOP.
as played i would just check turn too, dont like to barrel that much early game oop.
Dec. 26, 2018 | 2:07 p.m.