european123's avatar


5 points

Hey I see you like to 3-Bet small pairs and almost everything from the SB. Do we have a flatting range vs some oponents? What are the cons and pros with 3 betting or flatting? My question is vs a single raiser btw

March 8, 2014 | 2:41 p.m.

Hey nice video, but I don't understand how we can profittable peel 3 bets so wide pre-ante in the S500. Like for instance the T7s you opened UTG+2, which I think is a little of line already and then we still have to peel the 3 bet? It was the hand where you minraised and he made it 456 or so on the button. We're getting 3.4 to 1, but I still don't see how we're ever gonna make this a profittable play by adding a hand as weak as T7cc into our OOP UTG+2 vs BTN flatting range no matter how deep we are. We're gonna have to give up so often and the range your giving him of 97s and J7s in his bluffrange vs yourself seems a little optimistic. You have to remember that an average reg will not be playing as wide as you will, people are nitty in the Sunday 500 esp pre-ante and in the earlier stages.

Jan. 17, 2014 | 8:58 a.m.

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