6 points
Hey Ben Sulsky great video. I'm confused on why we only use one bet size here, I would have thought the overbet sizing would be used quite a lot on a connected board like this for c1.1x pot (or maybe that would be for a tighter BB range if RFI and rake is larger?). Does this exercise work well with multiple sizings and is there a big benefit to using multiple sizings? I only play low stakes and looking to move to mid-stakes so I'm potentially being inefficient trying to execute strats with multiple bet sizings if the higher stakes guys aren't even doing that. Thanks Ben :)
Jan. 26, 2020 | 2:29 p.m.
How good is the actual solver in this application is it as good as Pio? Saulo Ribeiro
Jan. 23, 2020 | 8:52 p.m.
As a general rule do we want to arrive at a badly played node by Villan further along the game tree to maximise our exploitation because the pot is bigger? Also how do you help quantify which leak is biggest and therefore which should be targeted more? For example say Villan has 2 big leaks:1) never raises flop and folds 50% to flop cbet 2)Probe bets value heavy and over folds to delayed cbets and river cbet if called. We could therefore either adjust by cbetting our air balls OTF or delay cbetting and betting rivers if called after delay cbet.
Jan. 23, 2020 | 8:08 p.m.
Fantastic Series! I've seen some pretty funky strategies from player like Charlie Carrel such as betting small on the with an inbalanced high bluff to value ratio on the flop and potting or overbetting turn a ton on a wide variety of turn cards (bricks or neutral). Would presume this is due to people playing A) Playing flop badly (not raising so we see a lot of turns) B) massively over folding the turn pot/overbet when they arrive their with a wide range.
Do you have any other spots where population plays particularly badly? I would love to see another video of you doing this more in practice
Jan. 23, 2020 | 8 p.m.
I'm looking to really build upon my fundamentals of the game and analyse areas of the game in real depth.
I use Pio and watched a lot of stuff to better use the software to analyse flop play.
I have Elite membership and wondering who people would recommend, more looking for poker theory on specific areas e.g. BB vs UTG.
I thought the learning paths might be a good place to start but I'm not sure how often they're updated and if they're by the best elite pro's or not.
Any recommendations plz
Jan. 21, 2020 | 10:46 p.m.
Just joined - one of the biggest things I've wanted to work on is my bluffs. I have trouble maintaining aggression in microstakes (5NL to 25NL, zoom or regular cash) as I find it difficult to get fold equity. However, I am sure that the general population's distaste towards folding reduces at higher stakes, so I'm not sure if I'm just trying to practice this in vain at stakes where the population tends to get far stickier. I have been following videos here, but again - they are playing at far higher stakes than I and I'm not sure if following their lines is profitable at stakes my bankroll can handle right now.
I'm not sure if this is a common problem - I'd like to be able to play Zoom profitably but when everyone is an unknown who tends to overcall, I'm not sure if I am really going to improve for the next stakes adjusting too much to the current population.
Curious to see if this has been an issue for anyone else, or if I'm just over thinking it - perhaps the adjustments I need aren't that significant.
Saulo Ribeiro Would love to see in a future video how you organize your study sessions and whether its based on what spots you see most frequently and working your way down from there or if you have some other way of doing it.
Feb. 1, 2020 | 3:28 a.m.