12 points
Hi guys,
back to business.
Some words about this grindchallenge:
I'm not sure whether such challenges are maxEV or not. I think in terms of winnings maybe not, because you have to play at bad times, play without off days etc. But there is some nice EV doing this s%&t. You can find out your limits and have a nice samplesize about 90%-autopilot grind (it was nearly 90% autopilot/B-Game whatever xD). I think if you know your autopilot-errors, you can work on it, fix it and be better next time (this is a real cure for tilt imo, not this mindset-BS out there).
But I think there are some problems if you challenge yourself regularly in a way of playing much hands over and over again. In my case, I get lazy improving my game away tables or get lazy in real life. I think it is not healthy long term to play about your grindskills regularly but sometimes it is good to push yourself out of comfort zone and maintain the "pokerfun" and get to know the own limits.
This was the last grindchallenge for the next months I think. The next challenge is to fix some real life stuff and work on my game. But December is fish-time and I have to grind. I'll grind the good times at partypoker FF100 the next weeks and I think I'll play around 100k hands cashgame and 2-3 MTT Schedules this month. But Focus are some improvements, the next days I plan a new schedule for content sessions (I'll let you know :) ), formed a new little skype group with three other guys, they play the same limits and have the same ambitions + I know them a long time (for online long).
First session was yesterday, played six hours with some breaks ~900 up. I started to loosen up my gameplan a bit* (I write about at the bottom of the post) and with around 150 stacks bankroll, I started to stop ratholding (is this right?^^) and play deep because some whales were deep and regs are very chipspewy deep on Partypoker.
Have a hand:
What do you think about his play? What do you think about my play?
My thoughts:
Villain is an aggro reg, tendency to fishy aggro. Preflop maybe 4bet but I like to call IP and play a very polarized 4bet strategy with a bigger 4bet size (maybe it's better to put in more linear 4bets with small sizing, what's your gameplan there?) , I'm not really sure, mabye the EV is nearly the same 170bb deep? 3bet Pot SPR is ~7 with position against a (most likely) 10-15% linear range of a loose aggro player. 4bet pot SPR is maybe around 2 - 3, against a very strong range + it really sucks if he shoves.
Flop: Standard
Turn: blocking KK and AA unblocking bluffs, outs are live against second barrel protection TT-QQ but dead against AA KK obv, unblocking bluffs
River: I guess NL100 population is deep often too timid to jam all overpairs but have enough balls to "move him from AK").
Same reasons like turn to call, need 35% and against some (not all) KK, some QQ, all AA, A4s and some 88 + busted draws or A5s-types, some random stuff, I have a lot equity.
I really think this is a good exploitive call against aggro guys, but is it also GTO? The hand "feels" better to call than QQ tbh. I'll solve it, if nobody has a good answer :)
- *Rakereasons: Inspired by a NL50 video by Ben Sulsky and another video about rake by Tyler Forrester, I decided to care more about rakeeffects and play very nitty, the other reason for nittyness were the bad ranges of the villains, I thought that it is a better strategy to raise bigger and play way tighter than GTO to exploit them in a good way and play a lot of hands per hour. BUT effective rake on partypoker is low and there is more fun and maybe more EV to try to play more GTOish preflop against NL100 population, I'll see, 18/15/10 Nit-3betonly-Style was 1bb/100 but >1k hands/hour, now I play more snowie-like ~21/16/8 and I'll see what happens the next xxxk hands.
gl at the tables (flex)
Dec. 5, 2017 | 4:35 p.m.
Challenge over and I'm also done.
annoying badrun last 4 days and some bad plays my part (but my expectation was to play BE +- and take 85%+ RB), shit happens, but 100k hands in 12 days is my record and rakeback was insane these days. I'll be back in two weeks and write more about this hardcore grind, plans for December etc.
gl at the tables :)
Nov. 19, 2017 | 6:34 p.m.
ty, yeah I used it in the past, very nice tool overall but I have a bit more flexibility with excel - for example when I want to do some calculations around grindhours (like handcount).
Nov. 8, 2017 | 7:07 p.m.
sorry actually I wanted to give some insights about my general gameplan, weekly plans, benefits of changing my diet from "german standard diet" to natural food approach etc. but I had to change the plan today. I noticed some really nice promos on partypoker and bwin, so no MTT grind and not much time for other things. I have to play a lot of hands for a lot of rakeback until 20th November when I'm away for some weeks. I expect more than 3k RB for this two weeks of hard grind.
I think one of my toughest shortterm challenges for the last years xD
Here's the plan:
On BWIN I have to play 60k Hands for the fastforeward promo, on top there are a lot of other promos this week, I forgot to check my emails and only noticed that today :(
On Partypoker there is happy hour, that means reaching the $480 weekly cashback very fast.
Meh, I think not optimal to start blogging on ROI, maybe starting in December would have been better, nevermind, in 3-4 weeks I can post more often here :)
Gl at the tables, back on sunday for current score.
Nov. 8, 2017 | 2:56 p.m.
ups there was an error in the numbers obv 3,7k and 8,1k in winnings, not 37k 81k :)
Nov. 4, 2017 | 4:44 p.m.
Hey :)
I think fold AJo is the standard play. This is no spot to print money, UT/MP Ranges should be tight and strong. I have a 3bet only approach in this spot, but mixed is fine too. The problem with 3betting AJo is, that his defend range should dominate your hand very often, AQs, AKo etc. or just perform okay against your hand. Furthermore it is hard to overfold against 3bets with a tight range. Just fold.
Postlfop: I'll also check the flop, from exploitive view cbet is fine, because most players defend only by x/c and x/r only their very strong hands and some strong draws, no QQ, Tx, QJs types. By betting some better hands will fold and you maybe deny some equity.
But arguments for check are good, so check, I'll also check the turn and mabye bet the river if Villain is able to fold against that line, most players are not able to do this, because "he repps nothing", so give up seems fine too.
Nov. 4, 2017 | 2:49 p.m.
Thank you @thewhitefisk I see :) and yeah, some trolling is fine, if it's funny for all.
Okay, let me do the second part of my introduction. At the moment I have enough time to realize a lot of poker goals. I have a RL-Job but thats self-employed in electrical engineering. If I accept a job than I have to work mostly outside in another city, in Germany, France, Czech Republic etc. In winter I don't accept jobs, because online games are juicy and guys, I have freedom to play poker in my flat and it is cold outside I hate working outside when it's cold^^ But one job is left this year, two weeks at the end of November.
The rest is poker!
My main game atm is Fastforeward NL100 on party poker but I want to switch more to MTTs and do a professional and "soft" transition at the moment. My goal is to play the highest BIs in the morning (starting 10:00 CET) that means up to 109, sometimes a $215 BI (early Tuesday on stars for example). I dont want to switch 100% to MTTs, I just want to learn other games because I want to play onlinepoker for a long time. Another reason for morning-schedules is simple, I like to wake up early and MTTs in these times are good to play (small fields, bad players, few sickos and I don't have to be highroller for this) while cashgame is not good 10:00 - 19:00. Atm I sleep until noon do some content stuff and learn about health and nutrition, grind in the evening until the pool bricks. Yeah thats the life of an average pro pokerplayer in Germany who wants to make serious money in poker.
But for me it's just about finding a good middleground between $EV and happiness EV and "future" EV. Cashgame in the night in a game like FF100 maybe I can reach between 5-10bb/100 (RB included) means an expectation of 5k a month by playing 100k hands, with my current style (more on this later or in another post) swings are acceptable:
When I play only MTTs with $40 ABI
This is very very rough okay:
As written this is a very rough assumption and calculating with MTTs is much more error-loaded than calculate with cashgames imo. The EV is nearly the same, obv I have to mix sites for that ABI and the number of games in one month. Swings are higher but in both directions. 30% ROI is realistic with some rules in gameselection (I think I write about that in the future, when I start with this morning schedules, plan is to play once a week, the bigger the roll, the more MTT-Days). Mabye the hourly is also lower BUT I don't care much about losing money in poker (swings) and can do a lot for my happiness EV by playing in the morning... furthermore ---> Future EV: I think NL MTTs online are longer profitable than Cashgames, maybe I'm wrong but I want to diversify my pokerskills to can play more games. Who knows? Poker in 2025, maybe you open up the client and there are 2 good NL500 Cashgames, 5 good PLO Games and the regular $109 donkament, the rest is botwar. Nah, I'm more optimistic but as professional player in 2017 it is better to be forearmed and learn more games, than specialize. But this is a point where I can be wrong, but for me personally it is good approach to maintain motivation and learn constantly about the game :)
Btw, some recent results of the last ~2 months when I closed my Stable and start grinding more:
Yes, RB-Grinder, but I'm okay with it, more than 1k hands per hour, nitty style (I'll describe my approach in on of the next posts.) ~40 Bucks per hour, this is a very nice income. Furthermore there are roughly 8k net-winnings in MTTs but I often sold 50% of my action.
After start playing MTTs (just 550 games now) here my biggest achievements:
Winner of the XL Eclipse Sunday Breeze 1/900 on 888 for $8100
4/228 in a Super Tuesday (early edition) for $3700
- 2/567 in a big22 on pokerstars for $1400
Furthermore I binked the Rally on Winamax for around 700 Euro and have some random good cashes in some $55+ BIs.
I think thats a nice start for my Career as MTT-Player :)
But for now: The next two weeks I'll play a lot of low BIs to learn playing some bigger fields. There is a series on Winamax "Winamax Circus", I think I'll play nearly every day and report here with some hands etc. Tomorrow I'll play only MTTs, mixed Schedule of good freezouts up to 55 BI on my own. The next week the most MTTs starts 20:00 CET. I think I'll play the circus-events + 3-4 tabling FF.
Btw I want to write more about content, development of my skills, goals, plans etc. not so much about shortterm results. Thats why I'll post few graphs in the future. Obv if I bink a timbey I'll let you know, or some nice shortterm graphs just for fun.
gl at the tables :)
Nov. 4, 2017 | 2:27 p.m.
Hi everyone :)
my name is Philipp, 30 years old professional poker player from Northeast Germany living in Berlin.
Career as player in short:
- start playing poker ~10 years ago as fish (mostly cashgame NL)
- after reading some articles and books ---> wannabe Reg on microstakes, big tilt issues etc. the next 2-3 years
- some aha effects and good poker friends ---> get better ---> move up a bit, but after a big tilt session losing all my money ---> last try
- $100 > 1,5k in two weeks, playing this Rush on demand SnGs on Full tilt, I was one of the first regs there, few knowledge about tournaments and ICM, but it was easy, just played tight early, steal a lot at the bubble = profit, it was 2011 I guess, easy game xD
- 1,5k was a good roll to play NL25, I played on Full Tilt, NL25 deep and Pot Limit Holdem (was before blackfriday, a lot of deep ante and PL Action, the games were more soft than regular NL25 games, yes poker was already dead before BF^^)
- get better and better, moved up up to NL200 in three month (but get backed for a while)
- became professional around 2012 playing lots of NL200 on 888 (luckyacepoker) worked hard and crushed hard ~10bb/100 + 40%+ RB over hundreds of thousands hands, good old times :)
- after losing this rakeback deal, I started to play NL200 zoom a lot to chase Super Nova. Had my worst year in career, 2013 on Pokerstars, losing around 10k on NL200, and another 7k or so on NL100z. (reasons: lack of improvement, laziness, arrogance, more party than quality grind etc. young, too much money and stupid)
- Choice: go back to university or get a job or get professional like 2012 again and develop a serious pokerbuiss as player and later as coach (decision was easy, obv I went the hard way, build my roll back, take some RL-Jobs etc.)
- played mostly on MPN around NL200 focus on ano tables + some other sites like party, chico, WPN etc.
- do a shitload of work on ranges, GTO-stuff etc. and had a nice winrate of ~5bb/100 in this games two years ago + >60% RB
Okay, this is my poker story in short until 2015. I did not play much in 2016 and 2017. I was Pokercoach and producer of videos for Pokerstrategy.com since 2013, later for PokerVIP.com (some german vids) and one of the topseller on pokermarket.com. Furthermore I had a lot of students in my career as coach and I am well known in this communities. ~2 years ago I start to build a CFP-stable with help of german poker and coach legend Paul Otto aka lnternet. I supervised 15 students (different leves, Microstakes up to Smallstakes, even two former Highstakes-Regs) and had a subcoach (5 students) in this stable. I had to work a lot on this, building ranges, working out study plans, produce more than 30 hours of vids for automation of 1-1 coaching. It took a lot of time for no immideate money.
Okay, I treat poker like business. I think it is good to make money in more than one area if you have your own business this is especially true in pokerbuiss, except you are a really sicko at the tables with a healthy finacial buffer. I started to give coachings, produce vids, give some RB-Deals. With this sideincomes I managed it to pay monthly costs without hurting my bankroll.
The Problem:
This areas started to hurt my game, especially the stable (my english is to bad to describe all of the reasons, mabye I'll do this later, and more on this later^^). I had a new choice in my career: Full Time Coach with some small other areas of income, or Full Time Player with some small other areas of income. Well, the second time, I took the harder way, because I think it has more value, more swings, more frustration maybe, but more value. I closed the Stable ~ two month ago, have a nice life roll and start to rebuild a professional poker bankroll (started with 10k pokerbankroll, I think more on this in another post).
For me it's more fun to develop as a player and grind a lot of hands, learn new games, than take focus on other things. At the moment I play a lot of NL100FF on party poker and want to transist to MTTs (Plan later).
Why a journal Run it Once?
1) Improve my English
As you can read, my English is bad/medicore. It's hard for me to write this text and it takes a long time, think about words and grammar, using google translate etc. But besides poker I always have a small project to get better in life. Atm it's nutrition and improve my English is the next project on the list. I learned English in school but this was 13 years ago and I never used it again, just read poker books (I'm good in reading and understand written English, but bad in writing and speaking and okayish in understand spoken English, like in vids). In my opinion a good way to learn, is to practice a lot and I think writing in English is good to see actual status and development when I start to improve more, read this text in one or two years and compare it with future long posts (I'm well known for walls of text about poker in german comms :) ) I think I start learning more English next year, with help of courses and maybe look for some study partners, try to speak more English, maybe look for an English student and coach for free to get help in English, anyway, I'll see. But I think one way or one part to improve English and maybe get some feedback, is to just leave my comfort zone and write in English in a new environment.
2) Looking for a POKER Community
My first blog was on pokerstrategy.com. It had a high frequency of readers and guys post a lot. After the blackmember-scandal (maybe some guys knowing this site and remember this s$%&), I quit working with them and start working with pokermarket and pokervip. On Pokermarket I started a new blog in the middle of 2015, it has ~150k clicks now, which is very nice for a pokerblog nowadays I think. But I dont write about poker for fame, for clicks or to promote myself. Well okay, when I was a coach and producer it was important to promote myself on this affiliate communities, because it was money, but this factor is now gone.
I write about poker because I really enjoy it. I even enjoy it to write in English even if it's exhausting and even if I know that this text maybe is hard to read for the readers xD. Please forgive me, I really want to learn :p
I think there is a problem nowadays in this big communties especially the german comms. The german comms reflect very good the dog eat dog society of the last two decades in Germany. Consumption > Sustainabilitly, Egoism and Ignorance > Helpfulness, Entertainment > Information Exchange/Information Gattering, haters and trolls all around, this is not a good environment to write about poker, try to give some insights and get some feedback to get better and help other players to get better. The opposite is true, you give and give, and a random hater post your -20k PTR-graph on Pokerstars to "bash" you, even if you make 100k on other sites, helped hundred of players to get better and form a handful pros. Okay, there are some good guys/nice guys, a lot of silent readers who like reading my blog, I believe, but this is not win-win, except I want to celebrate myself lol. And every week the same bla bla in other journals "Now I am motivated, I start again, new motivation because of random youtube-guru, yeah" just to make the same mistakes again, and fail again and again, it's annoying and boring. I mean, I have to pay my bills, rent, health insurance and tax by playing the game I love or do other pokerstuff, there is no room for bla bla bla mimimimi and an environment of "bla bla bla mimimimi" is not good for my development as a player. It is a pity because I think there are a lot silent readers who have the potential to form a better and more professional community, even if the forum is owned by an affiliate.
After thinking about quit blogging and do my own thing with help of skypebuddies, my solver and CREV, I reactivate my subscription here to watch some Sulsky-Vids, I start to watch the forums and WOW, virtually no haters and trolls, a straightforeward forum structure, a lot of content, I mean the content : Smalltalk-Stuff Ratio is way more weighted to content. While other sites try to pay for postings, here I find ~10k threads of hands and strategy only for NL Cash! I really like this and want to be part of this. My goal is to become better in poker every day and I think I can give help here and get help here :) Win-Win I like it :) This looks like a community where poker and content comes first, thats what I was looking for.
The Title
"Confessions of a Poker Player" seems not creative, it is just the title of one of my favorite poker books. If you dont know the book, no problem, the book was first published in 1941, writen by the pseudonym "Jack King", it is about a career of a poker player between the 20th and 30th century. The book boosted my mindset a lot because they had nearly the same problems in the past like today, bad reg:fish ratios, rake problems, prohibitions etc. Not a must read I think, but a good read :)
Okay, the rest about plans, goals and recent results in the next post, but tomorrow, I'm done now.
hi, nice vid, how many tables do you play on average in your sessions?
Jan. 24, 2019 | 2:29 p.m.