erc007's avatar


91 points

Seems kinda silly to use a whole video to illustrate a simple exploit (that's relevant only to live poker.) Imo you could just say 'bluff less+VB thinner' then show the K4o river and summarize by saying cbet 2/3...1/2...2/3 end-5 min max. Hand also seems like an extreme example (in which u may have just been very fortunate to be up against a villain who may not be the strongest player.)

If your goal here is to make the members better players (i.e. help them develop a more advanced strat and improve their play in tough spots, etc) then I'm sure you can find better content.

July 25, 2018 | 4:34 a.m.

as usual...vnvn...QTs Btn v BB Hand analysis is very good and interesting...looking at what BB's bluffs should be atm...

Still GOAT instructor imo...keep up the great stuff

May 18, 2018 | 4:28 p.m.

Q. Do you use a HUD?...j/k...def the biggest HUD I've seen both in terms of size and scope.
Maybe you can make a 2-part series that goes over all the data?
On a serious note, we're very lucky to have you...very good plyr...thanks for the good content.

May 5, 2018 | 3:26 a.m.

I could be very wrong but it seems that the logical adjustment (to your EP limp strat) would be to over-limp a pretty wide range from CO+BTN and an even wider range from the BTN vs an open limp+over-limp.

While post EP would still have a significant equity advantage, having position and increased board coverage on a lot of diff textures could be enough to compensate (esp. if you add a weak plyr in the blinds to increase implied odds?)

I guess what I'm saying is that regs folding CO and BTN could be a pretty big mistake?

Interesting stuff...very well done.

March 14, 2018 | 6:23 a.m.

At this eff stack, especially vs. aggressive players, a limping strat > a mixed strat imo. You can def mix ur actions vs. a raise after you limp ur entire range pre from SB and this hand would be a very easy and profitable limp/shove.

As played, seems like BB would have to call all but the stone bot of his 3bet bluffing range getting close to 2 to 1, so w/out a good read* this seems pretty thin. If BB is super aggro, this is could be slightly profitable but it's also super high-variance.

*the bubble 3bet doesn't really apply imo.

March 13, 2018 | 2:49 a.m.

Imo your teaching style is a little better suited for the session review format. The (time constraints of live play) often preempt in-depth analysis of important spots.

Thanks for the HU content though...good stuff.

March 12, 2018 | 3:47 p.m.

"He already has bunch of HU footage. And some 6max content wont kill anybody."
[ ] Informative.
[ ] Adroit.
[ ] etc.

Oh.And.Excellent punctuation

Feb. 28, 2018 | 3:32 a.m.

I would prefer to see exclusively HU...there's just such a shortage of HU content and KRab is such a good instructor, It would be a shame to not be able to watch him play (his) strongest game.

In before people say, 'most members play 6max'...blah blah...acknowledged and understood.

Feb. 25, 2018 | 11:03 p.m.

Gotta concede that its almost impossible to dislike this guy...and I'm pretty good* at disliking people in general. I mean just n/m ;(
So Rock On bro and keep living the life...huge fan...

*see comments in...n/m ;)

Feb. 17, 2018 | 7:09 a.m.

Nice work...interesting spots and I like that you take the time to analyze the actions of both hero and villain. I think this format where you look at 3-4 hands vs the same opponent with Pio is very good with respect to designing your overall strat.

One idea ( to expand upon your GTO analysis) might be to try to find a couple hands (vs the same villain) and examine if and when you may want to diverge from the GTO line as an exploit to a villain leak or tendency.

Feb. 16, 2018 | 6:50 a.m.

Comment | erc007 commented on $215 6-Max MTT (Part 3)

Nice series...i don't watch MTT vids but will tune in for JA...wouldn't want to miss a characterization like, "somewhat reasonable*," after aggro-guy butchers 2 of the 1st 3 streets in the 87s (Btn vs SB) hand. ;)

(in his defense flop+riv are ok...and would suck to get blown-off his equity the 5% of the time when Pipe 3-bets.)

*..."for him."

Feb. 12, 2018 | 3:19 a.m.

It's really nice to see a top player like Linus be so reverent and generous with his "compliments," while also demonstrating his unquenchable desire to learn. I for one am heartened by the fact that (some) of poker's elite still embody (outdated) traits like humility.

Jan. 29, 2018 | 3:49 a.m.

Comment | erc007 commented on Live Poker Primer thing that I have found (in my experience live) to be very beneficial with respect to gathering information, is to be nice and engage the players next to you in polite conversation. I've had players detail their strat down to examples of what they would do with specific holdings, without having to give up any strat-related info in return. In higher BI MTTs for example it's pretty important to know if the guy playing kinda loose has a thousand BIs in his bank acct when you try to move him off of a hand. I've also had a guy fold QQ faceup otf in a 4bet pot on 997r and not feel bad about it bc i was nice (i only had one A :) The same guy hero-called another not-so-nice plyr with bot pr in a big pot just outta spite. Imo being nice at the table live has little to no downside and a ton of upside with respect to the info that you can gain. Most people love to talk about themselves, so just learn how to listen and how to prompt them to disclose useful info...who knows...u might even have a good time?

July 11, 2017 | 6:15 a.m.

This series was some of the best content I have seen on any Training Site...

June 12, 2017 | 5:03 a.m.

good content...good analysis...very well presented.

April 20, 2017 | 3:38 a.m.

really nice work...tyty sir

April 10, 2017 | 7:06 a.m.

Great format and good content...really like that you had just played the sesh and that you had checked Pio for the close spots.* I thought there was a lot of very useful info (RE: how you should play this combo/handstrength) in the AT hand Btn v CO hand in particular.

*I usually have to check Pio myself after the instructor says, 'I think it's fine'...

April 3, 2017 | 4:53 a.m.

There are multiple, albeit unconfirmed, reports of Pio "tilt" that have been circulating around in the deep web. Some popular theories include Pio having developed "AI" and going rogue from GTO, perhaps wanting to know how the other half lives? Imo, the sheer monotony of always having to be perfectly balanced (while assuming same from the opponent) would become mind-numbing at some point, so I can empathize with Pio if it decided to 'experiment' with other strategies. If I were you, I would just chalk your observations up to Pio having a bad day. I really would try to temper my concern(s) until you start seeing some Pio spew threads. I am a proud owner of Pio Pro and I have found that it responds really well to polite conversation. I also like to limit the bet-sizing options for Sims that I run early in the morning, as I have found that Pio runs much faster after its morning coffee.

March 27, 2017 | 4:34 a.m.

RE: the KTo hand bvb...the Pio sim I ran wanted to call this specific combo of KxTh at a pretty high freq (>75%) otr. Just wondering if this is do to villain having a lower 3-barrel freq with his BDFD combos?

Feb. 20, 2017 | 3:36 a.m.

Very nice video J.A...your analysis in the KK (SB vs BTN) hand was very insightful and helpful (to someone like me that has had trouble in these spots.) I also thought your quantitative river analysis in the AA hand (CO vs BB) was excellent as well.

Jan. 1, 2017 | 7:25 a.m.

Comment | erc007 commented on $1K MTT Hand History

You guys are being a little harsh imo...I mean did you ever stop and consider that the "Elite" designation could be a typo?

But I have to give you guys credit tho...when I saw the timestamps and references to specific hands, for a second I thought that you might have actually watched the video...

Dec. 11, 2016 | 8:39 a.m.

J.O. Thank you for the in-depth, first-person analysis. Given all of the media attention and subsequent scrutiny surrounding the hand, I think it takes a lot of self-assurance and humility to give an honest recount of the thought process that led to your difficult decisions in this hand.

My question is given your turn assumptions/reads as they relate to his range that wants to bet so small (I believe you said: 1 combo of the NF; .5 non-nut flush combo; and 1 SF combo) why would you want to bet river? I'm not sure if you speculated as to what he does with the (.5) non-nut flush combo, but it wouldn't be a stretch to assume he folds it close to 100% of the time imo. If he folds the non-nut flush combo, then he is left with 1 NF and 1 SF combo. At this point (even if we assume he calls the NF combo close to 100%) wouldn't there be no value in a river bet of any size?

(working under the assumptions that you have no bluffs and he has no bluff-raising range.)

Dec. 5, 2016 | 7:12 a.m.

KK hand at 27:40...can u explain the strat/range that wants to bet 20% pot otf and ott? If we are using some A2s-A5s combos as 4bet bluffs don't we need to size bigger ott when we pick up equity? We still have a huge range advantage and when we have Axs, he could have up to 12 combos of AK (which would make up about 30% of a reasonable 4bet calling range) so getting folds from those combos when we are bluffing seems pretty important?

Nov. 30, 2016 | 4 a.m.

Trust me...I do all these things routinely (and I'm not a very happy person as it relates to self-actualization) in actuality...its not that great...

Nov. 27, 2016 | 7:32 a.m.

gotta improve the video quality...stopped watching after 5 mins...

Nov. 18, 2016 | 11:08 p.m.

Appreciate your input...and ur vid on Home Games was very interesting...I guess I shoulda asked you what u think villain is repping for value when he check/shoves the river? Trip 9s seems pretty thin given hero is uncapped in terms of all the nutted combos. 6s6x seems like a really loose turn peel and non-spade Ax2 combos seem sub-optimal hands to turn into bluffs as well. Not sure BB needs to turn any Ax combos into bluffs here but if he was so inclined, wouldn't it be better to use Ax8s and AxTs since they block more 9x combos and the bdf as well?

I just think it's a spot where villain's value combos are so minimal, his c/r frequency should be very very low and if he uses combos like PPs with a spade and Ax with the worst kickers, he'd still might be over-bluffing?

Btw this assumes hero bets ~1/2 pot otr (since that seems reasonable with this holding and that is what he mentioned after the hand.)

Oct. 21, 2016 | 5:42 a.m.

agree in theory with this statement, but what bluff combos can villain have here otr?

Oct. 20, 2016 | 3:13 a.m.

RWE...pls don't tell me you haven't heard about "FeelSolver"...its brand new/developed by DNegs, who is having a few top pros beta-test it. GTO is so demode...#feelplayer...check it out imo.

Oct. 18, 2016 | 5:05 a.m.

Comment | erc007 commented on Puzzles and Mysteries

Looking forward to the next video...very interesting perspective that you have foreshadowed...

Aug. 6, 2016 | 10:12 p.m.

nice vid and props to you for takng all the time to reply to your comments....class act...keep up the good work...

Aug. 6, 2016 | 2:58 a.m.

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