James Atkin
2 points
Black screen on iPad/iPhone for me too :-(
April 12, 2013 | 5:24 p.m.
Like the others enjoy your thought processes, and they make for a good video.
But it's hard watching trying to remember to ignore your preflop leaks! K7 as mentioned, and also in the AT hand you use pokerstove to justify a 3b jam, calculating that it earns you 3 big blinds. But this is completely ignoring the effect of getting called by the numerous people behind you...
But it's hard watching trying to remember to ignore your preflop leaks! K7 as mentioned, and also in the AT hand you use pokerstove to justify a 3b jam, calculating that it earns you 3 big blinds. But this is completely ignoring the effect of getting called by the numerous people behind you...
April 11, 2013 | noon
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Checking AK back on 678K5 all day long there mate, don't think it's overly close.
Feb. 12, 2015 | 2:25 p.m.