James Atkin's avatar

James Atkin

2 points

Checking AK back on 678K5 all day long there mate, don't think it's overly close.

Feb. 12, 2015 | 2:25 p.m.

Comment | James Atkin commented on New Video Player
Black screen on iPad/iPhone for me too :-(

April 12, 2013 | 5:24 p.m.

Like the others enjoy your thought processes, and they make for a good video.

But it's hard watching trying to remember to ignore your preflop leaks! K7 as mentioned, and also in the AT hand you use pokerstove to justify a 3b jam, calculating that it earns you 3 big blinds. But this is completely ignoring the effect of getting called by the numerous people behind you...

April 11, 2013 | noon

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