elbano's avatar


1 points

If there are no ICM implication I would shove JJ preflop with less than 20BB effective.
Without any more info this would be my shoving range in this situation: 33+, A9s+, K9s+, QTs+, JTs, AJo+, KQo.
As played I would go for a smaller size to induce a shove by two overs (something like 3.5-4BB) or a shove since the SPR is 1.

Dec. 16, 2018 | 11:50 a.m.

Hi, recently I was in the final 3 with the 66% of the chips (6K and 1.5K each). The prize was 720-520-380 an I refused a deal of 640 (icm) because both were losing player according to sharkscope and one of them a very bad one (32/9/6). I ended up 3rd playing under pressure, making some bad plays and of course having some bad luck.
Do you think i should have accepted the deal? And in general which are the factor I should consider while making a deal?

Dec. 10, 2018 | 11:12 a.m.

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