5 points
What do you think about it? On the one hand, my opponent should not have AK, I block KQ and I do not block 2 missed FD. On the other hand, I block QJ, which means that I think my bluff could be too ambitious :)
July 1, 2020 | 8:10 a.m.
Very useful knowledge for beginners, thanks for the video.
June 19, 2020 | 11:04 a.m.
PartyPoker fastforward NL25 no reads.
Do you think that after his check on the river he may have something that beats me??
Should i bet the river just to fold his Ax and not split the pot?
June 14, 2020 | 8:51 p.m.
All results loaded
Jae Kim What if we busto PKO, but we have the option to reentry in the last minutes of late registration? Shouldn't we join?
June 28, 2020 | 3:52 p.m.