21 points
@4:48 A6cc - On the river you make it sound like it would be a bad idea to XR small if he bet a sizing of 2/3 or even 1/2 pot. Even though worse does not call us often enough on the river, isnt a small raise higher EV than calling vs 1/2, 2/3 pot, or even pot? A slow played flush by him seems so unlikely. Do they ever just think, im playing against sauce, he is probably balanced w bluffs on this river and call some A low straights some small % of the time?
@9:25 J4dd on A76ddh 2h 8d- Do we really ever have 88 on the river betting 160% pot on turn? Shouldn't these turn bets be polar? Or were you just giving an example of hand strength and what a weaker value bet would look like w the pot sizing when opp has some better hands?
@14:35 JTdd - Pretty unusual hand. When we get raised on the turn on T75r 6, it seems like you decided you wanted to call with range. If we have a set of 7s for example, you suggest these should call and block bet the river, along w bluffs A8ss, A8o, some 5x and 6x (approx 20 bluff combos). If we block bet 2 pr+ (T7ss, 67ss, 56ss, QT, 89ss, 55, 66, 77) we would have 28 value combos. To balance this river dont we need a lot more value combos unless we are overbetting? How do we go about balancing this as well as not leaving our checking range exposed? Can you elaborate on why we are not planning to XR riv w sets, or 3b the turn w them? What range would you give opp on this turn. KK+, maybe some QQ, 77, TT, some discounted 55 and 66, discounted 98ss for value. For bluffs Axss, some A8, random K and Q highs?
@16:30 K3dd- Why is it not a good idea to block bet here 100% of the time w this holding?
thanks for another great video Ben
May 5, 2017 | 3:51 p.m.
@17:30 min i tried answering in below post but also wondering about this spot.
April 25, 2017 | 2:34 a.m.
@17:00 w KQs in 3b pot. What flush combos would you check on the flop for balance on the riv block bet. AKhh, AThh, 89hh, 9Thh seem like candidates to XR or XC. A lot of these seem like they would be mixed, with 89hh and 9Thh looking like they would be better as a cb than x. On the riv we can discount opp having some flushs because he did not bet the flop. Our KQ is played as a mix on the flop so we have some kq(6 combos) as our bottom of val block bet range on riv. We have a lot of AK but this also will be played as a mix on the flop so maybe 10 combos of that. Q,J,T sets for 9 combos. QJs for 3 combos, and maybe a couple of JTss QTss combos. So like 30 combos and a couple flush combos.
If our OPP has TT. Raising vs our 1/3 pot bet doesnt seem to accomplish too much because we still have 18 of about 32 combos on the river that beat him. Is my thinking out of line? Is kq the bottom of our 1/3 val block bet range here?
If he raises to 360 he only needs to get a little more than 50% folds for it to be +EV(not necessarily the highest EV). While hed have to turn some Jx or Tx into a bluff, is our so few flush combos enough to balance this spot, or is it really our AK that is helping us balance this spot since he checekd back flop(less chance of him having flush). Since there are so few flush combos for us, I would think we would almost always call our AK hands to a river raise, even without a heart blocker. How is pio playing AK to a river raise here?
Sorry if my questions are too long paragraphed. I dont have pio and I feel bad just asking a question without showing that I tried thinking about the situation. Thanks again.
April 25, 2017 | 2:16 a.m.
@11:38 w the set of 6s. You say we have 9Tss in our bluffing range. Are you playing a mix of 9T bfd on the flop or calling all of them.
@16:07 A2 in 4b pot vs deano. What % do you check AK on the turn Q? About 15%? Do we really improve that much on the river to make it a fold. AA and KK are only 6 combos. I do understand it's not a spot population will bluff very often and it's not easy for him to have many bluffs on this river. Just wondering about how quickly you changed your view from saying you would not often be folding this hand at any point when you checked the turn. Was this factoring in that you did not expect him to bet a lot of rivers? If the river was a low card are you more likely to call? I don't see how any river changes much. Depending on how often we check AK on the turn, 9x seems like a good combo to start bluffing. As soon as he bet the turn i was expecting we were gonna end up folding a lot on the riv.
@17:45 We iso a regs HJ limp from the sb and get 3b in the bb. No clue how to deal w a balanced limp range. I would raise 99+,AJs+,AQo+,KQs from the sb. The bb 3b range has to worry about the limper. I would guess the bb range is TT+, AQs+. Does BB want to always 3b Aqo in this spot and fold to any 4b? If we do not think the BB has AQo in his 3b range is it ok to fold the flop? How off are my ranges?
Thanks for the great video, one of my favorite and learned a lot.
April 21, 2017 | 9:07 a.m.
thanks depolarizing. Since you told us that betting J 10 only loses 2 dollars of the pot. How much does folding 9 10 lose???? that info would be super helpful.
April 18, 2017 | 8:57 p.m.
@17:02 Flop A62r, are we peeling about 21 combos of King high bdfd? K3-K10 suited not a pair on the rainbow board. QJ and Q 10 bdfd? which turn a pair and wont bet river. Then we will also have 16 combos of 45, 4 combos of 34s (or do you have all the 34o combos here?), 4 combos of 53ss, So approx 45 bluff combos on river? 21+16+4+4
I counted approx 120 pair of Aces or better value combos. Shouldnt we bet closer to a little above 1/3 pot instead of a little under? How are you playing these King high bdfd combos, bluffing all of them on the river? Or are we bluffing less of the King high combos to make the less than 1/3 sizing proper?
If we have more 34o combos. And do we have 53o combos? If we do that would be an even higher % of bluffs and we should go even more above 1/3 pot bet. Is my math incorrect? should we have all 53o in our bb calling range vs button even w ICM?
How do we protect our checking range on the river when all we have on the river if we check is a bluff catcher, most likely a pair of 6s? Call 1-A for our checking range on river if we think opp is capable?
@20:05 Sintoras Folds ATss to newguy after it gets x thru and turn comes an A on 67Kcc . You said this was a crazy fold but Newguy was playing pretty snug. Newguy was folding A 10o utg as seen in replayer. Not really playing many hands this episode. His turn sizing was 56% of the pot into 4 ppl where if DJ antoi has an ace he probably isnt folding so less incentive for newguy to go that sizing w an Axss type of hand. So we have to be good here more than 26% of the time. Is an explo fold like this that crazy? He did not seem like the type to be raising Ax suited hands when DJ Antoi has 12 bbs.
@17:53 DJ Antoi opens Q5cc on 33 bbs. Anything to be said for attacking piet cuz he was tight, newguy on button was tight. DJ had a kind of crazy image where i think ppl would be less likely to bluff him; not knowing how he would react and he might be a calling station to 3bs. I get Q5cc is a terrible hand and he just has a bunch of better hands he could open here with, so its unnecessary to open Q5cc here, but he might have an image where ppl wouldnt mess with him. If thats the case, shouldnt everyone be trying to go after piets blinds as much as they can?
@ 39:29 We fold J4o in the bb to a 2.14x sb raise. We only need 23.7% eq here. Whats the worst hand we will call here given ICM conditions and DJ being chip leader and the pressure he can put on us.
thanks for the great video
April 16, 2017 | 10:12 a.m.
I counted approx 49 combos of suited hands ( flush draws) we could have calling from the bb. 8 of which are Kxdd which we would not bet on the river. about 105 combos of pair of A+ and better.
So we have 41 bluff combos on the riv. Which is about 26.3% bluff combos so 2/3 ish bet on the river makes a lot of sense.
April 8, 2017 | 8:15 a.m.
how did you calc 25% calls? QTo JTo T9o T8o T7s T6s is 50 combos. ATo K4s K3s K2s QQ JJ is 27 combos. 27/77 = 35%
We will also have stronger hands like a 5, possibly K9, KK, small amount of TT. 44 is possible.
April 7, 2017 | 6:24 a.m.
what does AQ(T) mean?
April 6, 2017 | 3:10 p.m.
@36:30 w K 7 on 9 7 2 2 A board. Pio says we should donk bet 36% of the time on the riv. What is the ev of check calling the riv opposed to betting? and if we always check call a 7 in this spot would it be a huge leak (lowering our EV of check call if we always do it 100% of the time).
I like your adjustment to bet your 7s with low kickers and check the K7, Q7 which blocks his calling range so he will have more bluffs.
Are we supposed to check call all 7s with a low kicker that we decide to check with if we play like pio, if he bets a sizing like pot. (pio says check 7s with a low kicker 40% of the time) i dont know if pio always plans on check calling these hands or folding if opp bets big. Although i understand an A doesnt hit his range too often but he could be cbetting a hand like AJo+
first time watcher great video, thanks, learnt a lot.
March 30, 2017 | 11:32 p.m.
ya rake was not as high as he was saying but still high
March 19, 2017 | 5:46 p.m.
@21.36 86cc our sb vs bb. we bet small on riv but you say check is probably better vs the meta.
How do we go about thinking whether it is better to check or bet in this spot. My thinking is he would bet a 4 J 5 7 before the river most likely. So he either has an A high hand which wont call the river but wont bluff. A8, K8 would call our riv bet. But since we block an 8 it is less likely he has that and more likely he has a Q 9 or K 9 that can bluff. Does the meta have to do with whether people are waiting until the river to bluff their 0 showdown or do it on the turn?
@34.00 We call utg open w 33 in CO, and BB calls. It gets checked to us in position and we bet small on 869ddh to try to win the pot.
@38.10 We open CO w 55, BU calls, and BB calls. Flop K86r and we dont want to bluff multiway.
Can you explain why its ok to try to bet small to try to win the pot and get some protection vs overcards in the 33 hand but not the 55 hand on Kxx flop? Which i would think is dry and better to bluff multi way just to try to win the pot vs 2 opponents, unless our opp know we cb too much.
My thinking is that in the 33 hand it is better to try to win the pot because utg check seems like JJ, 1010, or a lot of missed big cards and we are in position. We should bet here because it is likely we are HU vs the BB even though the BB has such a large calling range on this kind of flop vs us.
In the 55 hand i normally bet to try to win the pot because i think its a dry flop and good for the pfr. Even though i know we are bluffing. Can you help me realize why this is a mistake? Is it because my opp will go out of their way and start raising me on these dry boards w air thinking im cbetting too much. Or is it just spew? Why isnt the 33 hand spew.
Feb. 27, 2017 | 3:23 p.m.
@29.50 w AK hand in 3b pott
how can we bet 2/3 pot on turn into a 300 dollar pot. and block bet a flush card on river. we will have 266 behind after betting 200 on the turn. the pot will be 800 on the river.
what size block bet is pio using on the river when we only have 1/3 pot bet left.
i understand using the nut flush in this small blocking bet range on the river. But when we use medium strength hands. seems like a tough spot to figure out when to BC since the pot is just so large. Would pio suggest betting like 80 dollars?
Because this spot seems kinda tough to play and we are suggested to use blocking bet on a lot of bad rivers. diamond, heart, Q, J. Should we instead check raise turns w draws as well as AK AQ type hands. Or would you prefer the overbet jam turn line instead?
Or just play computer poker and do the 2/3 pot turn and block bet 88 dollars on bad rivers and decide
Feb. 17, 2017 | 2:45 a.m.
how can we bet 2/3 pot on turn into a 300 dollar pot. and block bet a flush card on river. we will have 266 behind after betting 200 on the turn. the pot will be 800 on the river.
what size block bet is pio using on the river?
Feb. 16, 2017 | 2:12 p.m.
hi first time watching one of your videos. it was great and i really liked how you scrolled over a lot of the specific hands so we can see some equities. Would appreciate even some more of these for the interesting raising combos which ppl wouldnt normally figure to raise.
At 31 min. w KQ on K xxss you call his A4ss ALL IN hand total spew but you never go over his spot w A4ss flush draw. When you go over the play for IP after getting CR on this board. It shows he should 3b some hands like AA often, and AK and Kq sometimes.
why do we reraise AK less often than KQ here for IP vs the check raise on this flop?
It shows that he has some raising range with some A2s-A4s. And even some A5-A7ss although very small. But A2ss- A4ss has some more raising range.
If you scroll over to his actual play w A4ss how often does it say to raise??? doesnt seem like 0%
My guess is some small percent would raise in his spot. Why else is it orange colored for the raise range?
- Sometimes PIO looks to float some of the CR's in these examples with one spade type hands. for example if weget CR on K 6 2 ss It tells us to call 90% w a hand like Jh10s that cbet the flop(shown at 28.57) it says we should 3b the flop for ip 8% of the time with this hand.
If we can 3b the flop 8% of the time w Jh10s, how often does it say we can shove A4ss. you never showed us and just called it spew.
How often does an actual person do this? i never see these kinds of floats, it seems like spew. But PIO does it being completely balanced i guess i dont understand. Isnt it very hard for a human to be this balanced?
for example on the same hand at 31 min. PIO told us we should CR a very small % of K6 top pair weak kicker which people do not normally do.
How do we go about doing this better if we are trying to learn from PIO
Jan. 27, 2017 | 11:50 a.m.
i have similiar questions in these spots and they will never be answered!
Dec. 30, 2016 | 9:44 a.m.
at 27 min why didnt kaarem val bet K 8 on the K Q 9 ss x 9s board on the river. shouldnt he have bet small? he checekd back riv.
then at 28:30 min vs the same player. ben says he beats some of his river val bet range in which he thinks hes betting some 4s. I get he should call to beat his bluffs when kaarem takes this line. But why does he think the guy will be betting A 4 K 4 on the riv contrary to the K 8 at 27 min hand.
My guess is w the 6 8 hand at 28 min. ben doesnt donk bet the turn for protection and value so he has more A high type hands he x c on the turn. Whereas the hand at 27 min kaarem was really scared of his big sizing donk bet on the turn and just wanted to see his hand? I dont get why he kaarem didnt bet small. He was that scared to get bluffed? If he was scared to get bluffed why wouldnt it be the same way value betting a 4 in the 28 min hand.
this is a month late..... but i hope someone can explain this to me.
Dec. 17, 2016 | 2:45 a.m.
Sept. 15, 2016 | 9:34 a.m.
man not one person could respond to me over a week. How do you get people to respond on here. Should i be using the 2+2 forum instead.
pokersnowie app has a lot of errors. And that 99 hand means the APP is bs and i am talking w hm2 about the bug and am gonna ask for a refund. no help to you guys. not even 1 response. upsetting
Sept. 10, 2016 | 4:20 a.m.
$1/$2 No Limit Hold'em Cash, 5 Players
Poker Tools Powered By Holdem Manager - The Ultimate Poker Software Suite.
BB: $247.75 (123.9 bb)
MP: $372.25 (186.1 bb)
CO: $77 (38.5 bb)
BTN: $423.62 (211.8 bb)
Hero (SB): $228.50 (114.3 bb)
Preflop: Hero is SB with 9s 9d
MP raises to $4, 3 folds, Hero calls $3, BB calls $2
Flop: ($12) Js Ks 6d (2 players)
Hero checks, BB bets $12, MP calls $12, Hero folds
Turn: ($36) 3h (1 players)
BB bets $18, MP calls $18
River: ($72) 7d (1 players)
BB checks, MP checks
Results: $72 pot ($4 rake)
Final Board: Js Ks 6d 3h 7d
BB showed 7s 7h and won $68 ($34 net)
MP showed Jc As and lost (-$34 net)
This is another hand i dont get.
Poker Snowie App is telling me i should have check called the 12 dollars on the flop 3 way w 99 on K J 6ssd oop vs 2 players.
It says the EV of check calling is 22.17. Folding is 0. Bet/Raising is 19.37
It says PokerSnowie would have made 479 more dollars than me in this hand and i am so fucking confused. It says that the sEV is -$479
I feel sorry for posting such stupid hands but can someone who understands poker snowie explain why the sEV is -$479 dollars? makes 0 sense.
Sept. 2, 2016 | 1:44 p.m.
i cant find the actual hand history but
we have AKo in bb. 6 max game
mp limps on 73 bbs.
button isolates to 3.8 bbs w 142 bbs
sb calls w 105 bbs
we are in bb w AKo w 112 bbs.
i raised to 17 bbs and it tells me this is a mistake.
tells me folding has highest EV of 0 and i should do this 100% of the time
check/calling has EV of - .41
Bet/Raise has EV of - 2.05
I just bought poker snowieAPP for HM2 and trying to see if it teaches me better balance and stuff. But then I see a hand like this and get confused how useful this really is.
Another play i dont get at all is 4 handed CO raises, we have AJo on button. It says we are supposed to fold 89% of the time and raise 11% of the time.
how do you guys effectively use snowie?
Just for the flop turn river balance of weak medium strong hand stuff? These errors confuse me as i can never imagine folding AK oop is the winning play even vs GTO pros.
Sept. 2, 2016 | 8:06 a.m.
you are assuming that it makes you look like you can easily be bluffed. to me it the snap fold makes me think this guy thinks hes a boss and not afraid to go with reads. You are probably a good player and stickier than most. Also the reverse meta that now you think that he thinks you can easily be bluffed might own you later. No need to show anything about your game.
May 27, 2016 | 7:13 a.m.
he said first hand lucas
May 18, 2016 | 7:20 a.m.
hand at 56 mins w 73ss. You say he would never bet J 8 on turn? Why dont you think this is a fine bet?
May 18, 2016 | 7:13 a.m.
ya is this auto call?
May 7, 2016 | 10:57 a.m.
Five bet bluff. I believe a lot of the tournament click back wars are polarized as well as merged ranges that apply tremendous pressure because tournament life is so important. And the price to click back in tournaments is like a game of small ball chicken that even if ur click back fails u got great odds to win the pot when they are likely merged but the pressure is so great. This is also because of the shallower stacks like u said.
March 26, 2015 | 7:10 a.m.
he never really talked about 3x raise on button vs a 2x raise on button so that we can take the pot down at more frequency. i feel like min raising on button on the site i play at, which is 5.5% rake and has a higher max cap at 5 dollars for 3 6 and 4 dollars for anything lower., is likely costing me money when compared to a 3x.
i was gonna post the same thing. even in cash games i thought we could defend the bb wider than 24% vs that loose range you gave utg. sauce would defend most suited hands here. Q4ss, A8o etc. what are your thoughts mark?
this was a great video. one of the best ive seen and the format was awesome. I will watch every pio video by you. became a big fan. thanks for the great video
May 31, 2017 | 3:44 a.m.