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Apologies if this question doesn't belong here, but I SWEAR I was watching a Sulsky play and explain (500z) where he counters a villain who is 3betting way too much (think 15%+) by 4-bet shoving his lower (88-22) pocket pairs. He does this once or twice and explains his thought process by saying that he (villain) doesn't have enough 3bets that can defend against this which is why it works so well.

Does anyone else remember this video/clip and mind sharing the link if so?

It's possible, too, I am batshit crazy, and this doesn't exist. Apologies for that if so, too!

Thanks in advance!


Dec. 10, 2020 | 10:37 p.m.

blackluster777 Found these times to be almost identical for me as well! Good to know I'm not the only one..

Good luck at the tables and thx for the reply

June 4, 2020 | 8:22 p.m.

I felt this way about the times too for global. 2AM-1PM (cst) are usually the times I found were quite horrible. What times did you feel were the worst?

June 1, 2020 | 1:47 p.m.

Comment | dmcmulle commented on Leaks from BB

I forgot to reply to this.

Been working on this and it's helping a lot, thank you! I think my main focus will be here as I think it will have the biggest impact on my win-rate.

June 1, 2020 | 1:45 p.m.

Comment | dmcmulle commented on Leaks from BB


May 25, 2020 | 8:24 a.m.

Comment | dmcmulle commented on Leaks from BB

Need to know which stats to provide, my graph was posted just to show my all-in/bb100 loss rate by seat. Any direction? Thanks!

May 24, 2020 | 11:22 a.m.

Comment | dmcmulle commented on Leaks from BB

My graph and stats are there to show bb/100 from each position in reference to asking about my win rate and if those are reasonable loss rates, or big leaks.

Furthermore, the whole point of this question is to learn how I can analyze my leaks in the Big Blind, because I don't know how

If I knew how, I would have uploaded the appropriate graphs, turned on the filters to dial in spots where we can see patterns, and provided everyone the relevant statistics. But, then, I wouldn't be making this post, would I? Because I would already know how to analyze and fix it.

May 24, 2020 | 11:20 a.m.

Comment | dmcmulle commented on Leaks from BB

I suppose I'm not quite sure what good numbers are. I read somewhere -15bb/100 from Small Blind and -30bb/100 from Big Blind were good, so I guess I'm trying to achieve that. But, granted, those posts were extremely old.

I will look into those 3 things in DB, thanks for the suggestions.

Does anyone know what a good reg win rate (loss rate) from the blinds is around these stakes?

May 22, 2020 | 12:26 p.m.

Post | dmcmulle posted in NLHE: Leaks from BB


May 22, 2020 | 10:26 a.m.

Insightful video. Looking forward to your next play-and-explain at 500z~!

April 15, 2020 | 6:09 a.m.

Hi, just joined and hope to learn a lot from this community.

I have a question that is pretty general, but I also think there has to be a more obvious solution that I'm missing.

Let's walk through two hands from my last night's session at a $1/2 home game...

Hand 1:

HERO is BTN with AhKh

SB posts sb 1
BB posts bb 2
MP+1 raises to 15
HERO raises to 45
MP+1 calls (30)

Pot 73
The flop comes Qs 9d 2c

MP+1 bets 30
HERO raises to 90
MP+1 folds QJo face up

Hand 2:

HERO is CO with AcKc

SB posts sb 1
BB posts bb 2
MP raises to 14
HERO raises to 36
MP calls (22)

Pot 75
The flop comes Qs Jh 7d

MP bets 25
HERO raises to 60
MP calls (35)

Pot 195
The turn is the 2c

MP bets 75
HERO folds
MP tables pocket 4s

My recent attempt at figuring out how to handle donk bets when I have an uncapped range is to just raise my opponent pretty relentlessly, but it's starting to feel like spew at this point, especially in hand 2.

I'm not sure really if there's some type of better way to handle donk bets when we don't really know what villain is donking with to begin with.

Any insights into how I can overcome this?

I feel like I have two options...
1) We raise - this seems to be what's working best for me at the moment but not sure if it's correct and feels spewy at times
2) We treat it like a normal bet, call with our medium strength/showdown, raise our nutted hands and best draws, and fold the rest

For instance, though, on hand 2, immediately folding AcKc seems SO weak to just a donk bet, especially after villain tables fourth pair

Even c/c flop and c/f turn feels so weak when our range is uncapped and I think it's allowing villain to fold out our equity way too often

Any advice is greatly appreciated, thanks.


Jan. 15, 2019 | 7:37 p.m.

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