djdood0o0o's avatar


0 points

Hi Greg,

This is a really good video. In my opinion you make a fantastic point 43 minutes in saying that its better to bet big repping a draw yourself, pricing out his draws and entising him to make a loose call with his bluff catchers. I think betting big here is espcially good as it avoids the following situations: 

You bet small on turn and price in his draws. If he is a competant player, he will potentially realise you may shut down on any scary rivers (of which there are a lot) and just donk shove for value because he knows you may check back river putting you in a very awkward spot. 

April 26, 2014 | 7:52 p.m.

Hi Adrian,

First I really liked the video. Unfortunately some of the previous posters don't seem to realise everyone watching these isn't a 500nl reg with impeccable hand reading skills. :) 

Can you please explain your reasoning behind limping KQo utg at 14 minutes. 

From what I gathered: 

-you mentioned you are basically in a vacuum (so you don't know who is a reg & who is a recreational player apart from guy who iso'd you). Therefore your hand is quite deceptive when you are in a vacuum and other regs may not recognise you? 

Potentially resulting in regs valuetowning themselves w/ hands kx & qx (although i don't expect you to get three streets).

Another reason potentially. There are 3 deeper stacks left to act (only 1 of which you are ip to come the flop). Keeps pot small oop & avoids 3bet pots oop. 

What I don't like about it is you never really have initiative (although if you get 3bet you lose initiative anyway) & as you are in vacuum you may be prevented from seeing flops w/ fish because you are being iso'd (i.e. fish in blinds)

(having said this i doubt there are many fish at 500nl though and i think your recreational player description may differ from my own). 

Thanks a lot. 


Jan. 28, 2014 | 4:02 p.m.

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