dirk_diggler's avatar


102 points

Comment | dirk_diggler commented on METAGAME

Awesome post about coaching .
But how do you manage that at BRPC when you have probably 60+ Students at the same time ?

Do you have one Coach for every 6 Studnets ? and even than I assume it would be a fulltime Job especially when the student starts their journey

Nov. 21, 2022 | 7:52 a.m.


Yeah more or less . I am part of a CFP since 3 Month following those principles

July 13, 2021 | 10:17 a.m.

gazjax69 thx for the kind words.

RoleTide I think it's simply what Patrick Howard wrote in his Blog: Most Micro Stakes Player are not Bluffing enough and not calling enough

April 21, 2021 | 5:53 a.m.

Hi Guys .

Time for the first Update after joining the CFP.

Here is a Graph closely before I joint CFP. As you can see I was a RL Sucker and this limits my WR a lot .

Before CFP

mostly played on NL!0 - NL25 on Stars, WPN and GG

Well here now is my first Graph after joining the Stable .

mostly played on NL50 Stars(Zoom and Reg)

After CFP

I think everyone can spot the difference ;)

Very proud of the reuslts although I fear a little bit moving up to NL100 because my Mindgames may start again ´playing even higher .

We will see


April 18, 2021 | 8:01 a.m.

The "old" face is pleased to be in :D

March 30, 2021 | 8:02 a.m.

We are All In

Signed the Contrat on Friday and will start playing today.

So hyped about the journey....

Wish me Luck

March 28, 2021 | 7:43 a.m.

well it's for sure not only playing :D

I assume 17-18 hours of play and the rest of reviews Coachings Discord etc.

March 17, 2021 | 2:15 p.m.

It's hard for sure . But hte good things in life all comes with a decent cost ;)

Plan in the CFP is beside me 9to5 Job to invest in Poker

Monday - Thrusday around 6 hours
Friday another 5 hours
Saturday , Sunday 6 hours each.

So I hopefully will end up with 22 - 25 hours per week.

Hope this will be enough


March 17, 2021 | 1:45 p.m.

Awesome looking Graph. Loking at your NL50 Graph it will be very unlikely you won't make it at NL100

March 17, 2021 | 1:42 p.m.

Well after 3 Weeks in the Discord with only a fraction of the Strat we are getting once Contrsacts are setup properly I have some decent resutls to share . Limits are mostly NL25 and some NL50. Cant wait to see whats possible when i get the whole Strat.

Graph for last 3 weeks

March 15, 2021 | 5:19 p.m.


awesome Week so far guys awesome week.

Improved in nearly all areas of this Blog.

  1. My weight dropped to 117.6 Kg. I think doing some walking and Sit-Ups, Push-Ups leads to success.

  2. I am meditating now 4 times a week now. I can focus much longer, feel a lot more relaxed and overall satisifed.

  3. the biggest news is poker related

last week i reached out to Freenachos to ask him for Coaching. Suprinsingly to me he told me that he will start his own CFP soon . And for whatever reason he accepted me in ;)

I am so hyped right now as I haven't been for a long time. I think this will be a once in a lifetime
chance to make it in Poker and I will do everything in my cpacity to make that a success for both of us.

The Plan was to start the CFP / signing the contracts on 1st of April but as nice of a guy as Patrick is he gets out Content , doing Vids for us just right now. So I hope that we might get the complete strat before the 1st of April and could start earlier.

Being in the new Group with four others guys, getting accepted to the CFP and meeting Patrick boosted my confidence immediately. I started playing NL25 on Friday again feeling way better with the decisions at the tables. It's astonishing how just 4 days in a new group , 3 Vids and some Content from someone who believes in you can change your whole perpective.

Hope the next Update will be about some decent result changes too ;)


Feb. 22, 2021 | 11:55 a.m.

Hi Guys it's been a while

The sad truth is that the owner of those Blogs that are not updated on a somawhat regular basis are having any kind of difficulties ;)

And unfortunately I am no exception.

Running pretty terrible in the last few month. I think part of it is because i am unlucky in a lot of spots but i make also a lot of failure for sure.
I didn't manage to get Showdown Winnings which in itself might not be a problem if your non SD Winnings compensate that. But as you might guessed it my
RL is also not winning.

So I had to move down to NL10 which doesn´t mean I will skip my plan to apply for Poker Detox it just takes longer to meet the requirements .

Like I said no excuses anymore.

A friend of mine and @Danself presented me a new study method yesterday which I really like . So we will start studying together on this path and hopefully
I will apply this year for the stable together with my friend.

Meditation is going so lala . I am meditating but not as much as I want to. The main reeason besides laziness is that my Job is quite stressful at the moment
thanks to the fucking Virus.

Weight loss is the worst part . I planed to lose weight but instead I gained . There is no excuse it's just me being too lazy, doing no sport and eating
way too much and unhealthy when I am back home from work.

I had an emberassing weekend where I met a friend and she has startet here weight lose at the same time I did . She looks really awesome right now which makes
me feel even more shitty.

So I decided that this week more specific starting from today things have to change.

I will start running after work. At the beginning its probably more walking than running but running is the goal ;)

Besides that very few carbohydrates are allowed and i will try to get more healthy food overall.

in between the running days I will do Push ups and Pull ups . I hope that the effect will come with consistency and discpline like in Poker.

We will see 4 Weeks from now.

Pokerwise the aim is to crush those souls on NL10 and move up to NL25 again stay consistent in my Strategy and move up to NL50. The Consistency Part was really hard
in the past weeks. If you run bad / play bad you start to question everything . Am I really beating this Microstakes , does my Hotspots still work ,
did I made any Mistakes Analyzing the Pool , are the ranges I use are still good ?

For me that was really challening in the last weeks . But I hope that consistency is the key and do what I have done in the past where I was winning and hope
that Variance will get my way in the future.
Besides that I will play more at the Weekends where my Mind is more fresh and analyse the marked hands in the evenings during the week.

Hopefully I can report some positiv changes in my next Post ...

GL guys and stay safe


Feb. 15, 2021 | 2:12 p.m.

Hi . I think you pressure yourself too much . I want to join PD CFP too. I gave myself a timeframe till end of the year so that i have plenty of time to reach required stakes even with a fulltime job. Sometimes you have to take a week or two off to get back that motivation you describe . And there is nothing wrong with this . In my opnion it will rather help you getting back the results you want to apply for CFP. So I would lay back take 1 week off get back to the tables motivated and play without making yourself too much pressure . Who cares if you apply in 3 or 4 month . Poker will be there for years and so will be the CFP in my opinion

Feb. 10, 2021 | 6:56 a.m.

That Fridge thing is totally me ;)
But I Also suffer from a thyroid desease which makes losing weight even harder .

Meditation helps me a lot to stay focus . I have started 1 Year ago with a simple pre game Video by Elliot Roe

Jan. 25, 2021 | 4 p.m.


To study or not to study ….. that is the question

Maybe it’s only me but i have and always had the feeling in the past that i put too much time into study and less in playing / executing.

One simple Example :
I check (like the last 2 weeks) twice a year the explopits I found and if they still do exist . This takes about 3 weeks of Solving , aggregating just to come to the conclusion that the Microstakes Pools dont get better . I checked this for the last 3 years . So all in all i wasted 6 Weeks every year in which i could perform and put my results into practice.

I am not sure if i do this because I want to avoid losing / Variance or if I am in general more interested in theory work.

But at this point it doesn’t matter because I have made the decision to apply for the a Stable, preferred PD followed by BrPC.

A friend of mine will do the same at the end oft he year when his education is finihsed . I got in contact with Nick 5 years ago when I wanted to apply for the first time but decided for stupid reasons like I am too old , I dont want to play on Apps or similar ones not do so.

Now I am even older ;) but decided that this is an opportunity i can not let pass.
I am actually not at the required stakes but will do everything to get to at least NL50 Winning till autumn of this year.

My other Goals went so so :

I managed to meditate more which is good. Get in 4 Sessions per week now
I am still not able to lose weight ;)
I put in a lot of studying hours in the last 2 weeks and played about 12 hours per week on Top oft hat.


Jan. 25, 2021 | 12:35 p.m.

So nearly two weeks since my last post . Time for an Update.

I finsihed the Mental Game of Poker and worked really hard on my mindset. It gets better sand better in the last days and I deal with losing Session way better than in the past.

I failed at meditating and could only put it two sessions per week. Losing weight works also suboptimal :D I haven't weight myself yet but it feels like i didn't lose one single gramm :D

What worked really well was my goal playing / stuying more . I played 16 hours per week and put in another 9 hours of Study (excluding the 7-8 hours I solve overnight).

So all in all room for improvement


Jan. 12, 2021 | 6:24 p.m.

impressive Journey since you joined PD. Wish you all the best for the future

Jan. 12, 2021 | 6:17 p.m.

Achievements in the past week
1. I read through the Mental Game of Poker. I found out that I don’t have a single mental Issues but a couple of them on different layers. Actually I follow Tendlers advices and write a Mental Journal for my own where I judge every Session based on the mental State I was on and how I feel while playing the session.
2. I established doing meditation for at least 3-4 times a week
3. I left Stars because the hate me :D (just kidding but I found a better alternative for me)
4. I went through a lot of Content which I purchased on Black Friday Deal which is really helpful and opens a totally new view on my game. (I have done a lot wrong in the past).

The Volume Dilemma

In my last Post I wrote that playing Reg Tables ha to be the way to go for me because I am simply too old to handle those fast tables. Playing around with a Poker Variance Calculator I recognized once again how brutal Variance can be and even for a decent Winner over 100k or even 200k Hands nearly everything from losing to winning big is possible.
So what does that mean for me?
Should I get used to Fast Tables and force me to play those?

I don’t think so but I should be aware that given my low Volume I have to be prepared for long BE or losing stretches in the short run.

And because it’s the last day of the year here are my goals for the next year:

  • Still work on my mental Game and try to get better at handle Variance, handling mistakes
  • Putting in at least 15 hours of poker besides my 9-to-5 Job of playing / studying
  • Lose weight because 119 Kg for a old men of 192 cm is simply too much. I want to have two digits at the end of the year
  • Posting a graph every 50k Hands. Not that 50k hands sample means anything but I had to put a number

I wish everyone a happy new year and stay safe


Dec. 31, 2020 | 9:35 a.m.

Sorry no Graph this week simply because I haven’t played a hand

a) Working smart

I was busy this week doing a lot of off table work.
I solved 3-Bet Pots Subsets and compared those with my Pools. There are a lot of Exploits I found in addition to what I was aware off up till now.
And because I found so much additional Exploits I decided to continue doing the same stuff for SRP this week.
I don’t feel the urgency to put in a lot of Volume anymore after reading Pete Clarke’s book and watching some oft he latest PD Stuff on instagram . So I decided to use my Holiday till next year to be well prepared technically and mentally for my next attmept to move up in Limits in 2021.
I also start reading Tendler’s Mental Game now which is also a really good read. Meditation went well. I established a routine which i follow at least 3 times a week.

Overall I am quite happy with the direction that leads to.

b) Decision

I made the decision that Fast Tables are not the best option form me as an old dude playing a young guns game ;) So I will start playing Reg Tables in 2021.

c) Habits

Some weird thoughts about Habits….
I thought that given my Childhood and the consequences I might be the best fit for simply exexcuting a strategy XY.
During my whole life I enjoyed having well established structures and following strictly roules . Once I proved that for me something works well I can do this over and over again without looking left or right . This might be bad in most parts of life but could be very good in Poker I assume . i.e it is very hard to convince me from a different opinion when I think I am right.
So it should be quite easy when I am finished with my off table work against different Player Profile to just execute this to death . Simply because I know through big enough Simple Size that it works and I won’t question things that work ;)
So that might be a weird benefit of my „un-educaiton“

Merry Christmas Guys and good luck at the tables for those who play


Dec. 21, 2020 | 11:59 a.m.

Sorry for the late reply .

Here are the reuslts for the last 2 weeks.


Stars doesnt love me ;)

I got a new computer on Monday and was busy installing the software the whole week.

lIlCitanul Thx a lot for the hint to Pete Clarke's Book. Awesome read . Read it once this week and will read it at least a second time going all over my Misfires (I think I have a combination of some of them mentioned in the book).

I am Planning to make notes trying to establish a process of rewiring and go on from there.

I will also concentrate more on my mental Leaks than on Studying in the near future because i think unless they are not solved or at least improved i am going nowwhere in poker.

The Plan is trying to judge every session i play on how well i felt during the session . This won't be related to any outcome but to the mental state i was in.

Dan Self

I decided to start doing something outside of poker (and work) . Maybe that helps me gaining confidence in other aspects of life and transition those to poker . I played games like dirt and project Cars which i will start doing again .

stay tuned for the next update


Dec. 13, 2020 | 1:14 p.m.

Root Causes

After lilCitanul Post I thought about what causes my tilt. Going deeply after this i think the root Cause for this was built in my childhood. As I already mentioned I had a rough time as a child . I was facing to much emotional and physical pain . So if the two people that should love you and treat you well by nature are doing the total opposite that does something to your self confidence. Whenever I succeed in anything it was quite normal and i didn't get any "well done" and when i failed i felt the disappointment.

So up till today as a grown-up old man I could not handle compliments in any part of my life very lwell because i didn't get used to it

At the end I came to the conclusion that I fear to fail in Poker because thats the only thing I proved to myselff being good at . And if I fail at Poker what else do i have left ... pretty much nohting.

Sad but honest truth I believe.

The question now is how to work on this ? Being more proud of my lifetime achievements and seeing Poker as only one of the things I am good at (there seem to be more like my sister and 2 close friends try to convince me).

Haven't come to a conclusion yet but will try to think about it . I would also appreciate other advices or opinions on that .


Dec. 1, 2020 | 8:01 p.m.

I wont be able to play tomorrow . So here is the Graph for the last week

Graph last week

Nov. 29, 2020 | 3:55 p.m.


summarizing my week:

I played around with Pokerdope which helps a little bit .. Recognizing that I am well roled for my Limit and if I am able to move down which i always was there is close to zero chance i go broke.

I also saw the latest video of the Poker Ambition crew introducing thewakko. This was really interesting for me beacuse he went over his career being staked several times and going broke even one time . He went over this so easily that I thought by myself well why isnt it a problem for him but for me ?

Reflecting this thought I came to the conclusion that i fear to fail in Poker . It would be a disaster to tell myself you didnt make it . It's not that I am as competitive but I think I should be rewarded for the time I out into Poker which was a lot up till now .

Strange about tthis is that I already made five figures which is more than most of the Players will do because there are not much winning Players in this game . I know all of this and I should be proud to be one of the guys who made at least some money over the last years. But in Poker as genral in life i have Issues being proud of an achievement. This has to do for sure with my education where i got close to zero support emotionally from my parents .

Poker wise I made the decision last night to invest in a yearly Membership of the BTS Lab+. I will also start one tabling recording myself and explaining my thought process. This helped me a lot in the past .

I will give meditation another chance. Maybe it helps me getting more calm taking more pressure from myself.

The weekly Graph will be posted on Monray.


Nov. 28, 2020 | 7:45 a.m.

Post | dirk_diggler posted in Chatter: Mindgames- Beating myself


my name is dirk , I am 50 years old and I am a fish.

I think it is very important to be clear about the status quo just to hopefully see somewhere in the future where we came from and how much we improved.

So what kind of fish am I ?

Weak passive fish , volatile , nit fish ?

Well none of those , it even worse ... I am a Mindset fish.

The Problem is that as a Mindset fish i dont have one specific leak in skill like being too passiuve , too aggressive . I would say that I have a somewhat decent theory knowledge which most of the guys / studypatners
I have or had will confirm . I also have a good work ethic I think at least if you consider that I am only a part time grionder with a normal 9-to-5 job.

So what is it that I am leaking ?

Well first of all i have really big issues with Variance

Although I have a strong mathematical background and i understand Variance in principle it doesnt internalizes. This leads to me not handling variance very well
when i drop 4 Buy Ins in a session. This is even more ridiculous if you know my BRM(100 BI+)
I am acutally playing NL25 struggeling to take shots at NL50.

The second leak I found out so far is that I am not executing what I know.

Although I have made a lot of Pool Analyze and i know in which lines vs which Betsizes my Opponents are exploitable I find in game a lot of excuses to differ from my findings.

When it comes to bluff catching it's even worse .

Interestingly I have no issues revieweing hands of me or my friends and come up with pretty good solutions because it's either not my hand or i have the necessary distance to make the right decision.

So why this blog ?

Maybe some of you have the same Problem and we could create a discussion / share thoughts about our problem and try to solve it .

What you can expect here in the future ?

Well I will give an overview on a weekly basis about the state of my mind and will judge my Play on a weekly basis. I try to be as hnoest as I could in this self Analysis

I will also share a monthly graph because everybody likes Graphs / Results .

Other than that I will try to find different angles to come up to a solution for my Problem

So stay tuned for my next post...

Dirk Diggler


Nov. 23, 2020 | 7:21 p.m.

It's Mass Data Analyse and it describes finding Leaks in Pool Tendencies for different Player Profiles based on huge Samples

And Yes I give a shit about balance because I know a lot of exploits through MDA

June 27, 2020 | 6:02 p.m.

Hi ,

I recently moved up to NL50 (playing on GGPoker and Ipoker ) and I am looking for a study Partner / group.

What I dont want:
- Studying an PIO based Approach
- looking for GTO Solutions on specific hands

What I am looking for
- Players who play NL25+
- Who study based on MDA
- ideally using a Nick Howard approach
- on top familar with H2N Range Research studyding Pool Analysis would be nice

If you have such a group either on Discord , Slack , Skype or anywhere else and are looking for a guiy experiencd in the above mentioned points. just hit me up.

Thanks in advance



June 27, 2020 | 11:14 a.m.

Comment | dirk_diggler commented on Mobius Poker Blog

radiosick great Blog, love it

I assume that you use H2N to analyze Population tendencies because it is way better for this kind of work than PT4 or HM2.

But it seems from your posts than you use PT4 or HM2 in game . Is there a reason why you dont use H2N also in game ? missing Hand Converters or the marking system of H2N ?

Oct. 3, 2019 | 11:04 a.m.

Third Week at NL5Z I had a rough start ;)

pretty unfortunate Runouts which leads to no Showdown Winnings and in Addition to that we run below EV.

I also fall into the trap of adjusting my game too early after not running "at my expactation" . A mistake I made in the past and I thought I had solved it. Seems that Poker is a Project you have to work on in all areas for a lifetime.

But nevertheless it's still a lot of Fun to Stream (although winning would be better ;) )

Hopefully we can make the turnaround thsi week


Aug. 21, 2019 | 2:49 p.m.

Done with NL2Z ;)

After about 20k Hands , one Chest and 1k Stars Points we have beaten NL2Z for about 9.xx bb/100 EV.

enter link description here

Today's Stream will be 1 hour play and after that I will give my opinion on the pool and what is necessary to beat NL2.

We will start on Wednesday with NL5.

Aug. 11, 2019 | 1:43 p.m.

Hi . 2nd week of streaming is over and I have to admit that it is way more fun than I thought .

Streaming NL2 makes even more fun than playing NL25 for my own .

Viewer numbers climb slow but steady which i really like and the reuslts on NL2 so far are also good.

Also commentaring my whole thought process in most hands help me to stay focussed and implement my strategy - I think it also prepares me to play and stay consistent at higher Limits but we hopefully will see that in the near future .

Graph 2nd week


Aug. 5, 2019 | 5:42 p.m.

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