140 points
Sorry then. I use PloTrainer, was sure it has the same syntax as Monker.
April 6, 2023 | 4:35 p.m.
Pretty sure "!sd" removes spades and diamonds, while "!SD" removes straight draws. Although admittedly I use slightly different software other than Monker.
April 5, 2023 | 8:10 p.m.
You can do "!SD" to remove all straight draws :)
April 4, 2023 | 5:45 p.m.
Pretty sure that JJ bluffs way more than KK in all positions because it comes with straight draw way more often.
Dec. 28, 2022 | 8:28 p.m.
Oops, made a small mistake. Of course, you need 24 combo's instead of 32 to make 2 "high-low offsuit" hands.
Dec. 21, 2022 | 9:07 a.m.
I am very surprised by this video. I cannot believe that top players really study that way.
Let's talk specifically about BvB spot, you were talking about it in detail discussing K4o hand, where you limp/folded.
So you start by loading a sim from GTOWizard, and first look at SB rasing range. OK, "usual suspects for value", you say, "K4o mostly limps, but K5o almost purely raises". Then you proceed to limp, BB iso's and you look for SB reaction. You notice that K4o might limp/reraise, but it is a low frequency play. Then you change the SB's stack in the sim, and notice that SB can be much more agressive with much bigger stack.
What conclusions can be drawn from all that process? Basically none - all that is almost pure noise. Noone in Universe can remember all those 10%, 15% frequencies, especially since they change very consideraby once ctack sizes (not even effective stack sizes, but even the stack size of covering stack!). As a result, one's bluffing frequencies can be off by HUGE amount, even if randomising.
What, I strongly believe, would be a much more effective learning process is the following.
Calculate the amount of value combo's for open-raising (hands that you open/call a shove). It's not as simple as it sounds since some value hands are limping, but it's not that hard either.
Calculate the amount of bluff combo's for open-raising. You can then group them by categories. For example, "high-low offsuit" (hands like K5o, Q6o etc), "high-low suited" (K2s, Q4s etc), "low suited" (all those 42s you mentioned). And calculate the amount of combo's in each category.
Then it is actually possible to play a sensible strategy. If the amount of combo's in "high-low offsuit" category is 32 (picking that number for simplicity), you can just pick 2 hands from that category and pure raise them, while limping all other hands from that category (maybe fold some depending on circumstances).
Same is done for every bluffing category.
You can change hands that you "pick" session to session if you are afraid being exploited by someone who studies your game in great detail. Or you can pick 4 hands and randomize them 50/50 etc.
Obviously same process can be repeated for limp/3bet ranges.
Probably it is important to pay extra attention to AA/KK hands, what is exact ratio of them raising/limping, since those hands can "cover" way more bluffs than AKo for example.
I guess it is getting too long, I am really interested what do you think about all that. Am I missing something?
Dec. 21, 2022 | 6:08 a.m.
At around 42:00 mark the fold with TT843 is so atrocious, I am pretty sure there must be a mistake in graphics.
Feb. 5, 2022 | 12:25 p.m.
Great format!
Dec. 25, 2021 | 12:59 a.m.
At 31:10 what would you value-bet for half-pot? 8+?
Dec. 1, 2021 | 7:22 a.m.
Results of 2nd (ATo) hand?
June 11, 2021 | 6:18 p.m.
You have a very weird perception about how low limits play. In my experience regulars there are too tight/passive/nitty.
So by going the same route you are basically turning yourself into one of them instead of really exploiting them.
June 4, 2021 | 6:42 p.m.
Wow! Even KTs folds sometimes!
May 29, 2021 | 6:08 a.m.
At around 22:20 you fold QTs on 993ddh vs 1/4 pot by the button.
Is it because of ICM? I would be very surprised if it is a fold in chip-ev.
May 28, 2021 | 9:12 p.m.
I still did not understand river pot in the JT64ds hand. Was it a bluff or for value?
May 16, 2021 | 10:46 p.m.
The most interesting part (at least for me) would be finding hands that would actually pot/fold. I understand there are few of them (whether we take T52r flop, T95ss or AT9ss), but they exist (if I am not mistaken on T52r we fold 9% after potting).
April 17, 2021 | 4:01 p.m.
Fantastic format!
Great video!
March 11, 2021 | 7:03 a.m.
Great video! Very relieving to see hi-stakes reg not knowing what to do in many-many spots.
Jan. 12, 2021 | 5:56 a.m.
At around 13:00 you say that K6s is a standard call on the BTN vs UTG+1 open 9-handed 35 BBs deep.
I am extremely surprised about that. Is it standard for PKO or for freezout as well?
Sept. 30, 2020 | 6:21 a.m.
I think the main reason people refrain from value-bets on the river (like in AAQ5 hand) is the fear of getting raised.
Not just the fear itself but rather the uncertainty of what to do vs raise. When he checks he knows he will call a bet but when he bets he is unsure whether he should call a raise.
Aug. 1, 2020 | 9:03 p.m.
Cannot believe that river is a value-bet in hand 1.
Jan. 10, 2017 | 9:30 p.m.
What's the reasoning behind your small opening sizing SB v BB (2.3x) as opposed to your gigantic 3b sizes OOP (up to 5.5x) ? Is it simply because you believe BB has enough hands that have to fold even vs 2.3x or there is a much deeper explanation?
April 16, 2016 | 10:10 a.m.
Fantastic series.
April 9, 2016 | 10:43 p.m.
You have some weird thinking process, Alex.
April 7, 2016 | 10:44 p.m.
I have played quite a bit with you (mostly 1k hypers) and I respect both your person and your play (and like your videos very much) but probably live setting doesn't let you show your best play.
1st hand (KK).
PF - whatever unless you want to have some 3b/fold to small stack shove in which case 3b is too big obv.
Flop - pretty sure that in practice it is better to bet 10-11 BBs to set up a turn shove but could be convinced that theoretically betting your size is fine.
Turn - check back or bet/call, bet/folding is just terrible.
2nd hand (AA)
Played fine obv.
3rd hand (KTo).
Flop is whatever. Turn is very thin. River is creative but borderline suicidal.
4th hand (QTo)
Flop is very optimistic without BDFD. Turn is very optimistic, creative and probably bad without a gutshot.
5th hand (AA)
PF is whatever obv.
Flop is OK.
Turn is very thin 4-way.
River is just straight up value-cut. And if you are so sure he always shove boats just shove vs his check and win the pot close to 100% of the time. Normally, however, silently thank him for checking the river and snap check back.
March 18, 2016 | 1:10 a.m.
I am 99,9% sure it is impossible to be theoretically correct to fold top pair when SPR going to the flop is less than 3-1. This is, of course, assuming he has a reasonably wide range, and if he has a very tight range we just should fold PF.
March 7, 2016 | 7:07 p.m.
Fold pre, the rest seems fine.
March 2, 2016 | 10:23 p.m.
As sad as it is, it's a cooler.
March 2, 2016 | 10:18 p.m.
Very nice video. Great pace.
Feb. 17, 2016 | 6:54 p.m.
Obv go for 200/400 PLO 5c!
In the graph regarding NFD on QT5r8s board, it says that NFD+J bets almost always, while NFD+Q never bets. What happens if we have AQJx? Pretty sure we are at least betting AQJJ+NFD and AKQJ+NFD.
Jan. 16, 2024 | 9:46 a.m.