1 points
Hi! First of all it is a great video. You had a hand that I didnt understand exactly. 34 min AJo on the BU. You said this hand sometimes a 4bet in this position. Would you explain why do you think its a good card for a bluff 4bet in this situaiton? It seems to me a pretty simple defense card and it doesnt even on the bottom of my defense range. It would be ATo or A9o if I play thighter than usual. Thank you for your explain!
Nov. 14, 2018 | 12:33 p.m.
Great video! I have two questions. 6:26 A9o: I dont really understand the turn barrell especially on the river. What would he fold from his range? What do we expect to fold here?
37:00 KTs: Turn x/r seems a little weird. I mean it doesnt make any sense to me. There is a weaker player on the CO so I guess the regular would be honest and we represented almost nothing. Dont you think the turn lead/bet would be better like thin value against the fishy player? Thanks!
June 24, 2017 | 1:55 p.m.
At 37:19 A9s BB what do you think about a raise on the turn? There are times they just fold a better hand but if we get called we can raise on the river as a bluff or value. Ofc it depends on ther river. What river do you bluff if you play like this?
Feb. 12, 2017 | 5:18 p.m.
14:25 QQ I think bit a weak play against a fishy player. You said they have a wide call range, specially wider on BB, this donk there may be much random hands, for me its easy r/broke on flop against 40bb weak player
obviously this is only an estimate of his range, but i think +ev and better than call twice and fold on many rivers.
board: 6s9dTc
CO 54.02% 53.30% 0.72% { QdQs }
BB 45.98% 45.25% 0.72% { 99, 66, ATs, KTs, QTs+, JTs, T7s+, 96s+, 87s, ATo, KTo, QTo, JTo, T9o, 87o }
Feb. 12, 2017 | 5:09 p.m.
Why did you fold A9o from CO? Isnt too tight? 21min. Ty.
Jan. 18, 2017 | 12:03 p.m.
Hi! I have a question about the quiz in the 21 min. How can we calculate the answers? Like how can we get 11,2% in answer "a" etc. ? Ty!
Jan. 3, 2014 | 7:59 p.m.
At the very first hand. What if we raise on the river like 28-29$ because we get called by worst hands like TT,99,66,55 or even an A7 or 7x and I think all of it check behind when we check and if we get a 3bet here we can fold easily. So what do you think about that? Ty!
I think its starshelper
Nov. 16, 2018 | 2:12 a.m.