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8 points

Comment | debbes commented on 30 Second Exercise

Nick, guys video is great !
Could someone elaborate on those "mass database analysis reports" ? I mean on video was mentioned that:
- bet-check-bet line mostly used as a value line,
- same for bet-overbet-overbet line

I guess that without lots of info on villian and without being certain about our plan with our hand in some spots, we could rely on those "field tendencies" and that would simplify life a lot
So the question is: how do we make that analysis ? what tools do we use ? can anyone show some examples ?

Nov. 18, 2016 | 4:56 p.m.

easy fold, all draws got there

June 11, 2016 | 9:51 p.m.

True, that topic was discussed in several videos here (smth about folding frequencies). So in 9max after more folds before us, we should expect stronger ranges in blinds, them having more Ax and other high card combos means we should open up little bit tighter

June 9, 2016 | 1:23 p.m.

Comment | debbes commented on Bovada 3/6 4 bet pot

imo easy fold, i guess you should have lots of better Ax and better AxYc hands

June 8, 2016 | 2:54 p.m.

damn, that was in "Application of no limit holdem" (that's page 91) however there is a reference to MoP book, i guess it should be somewhere in betsizing chapters.

June 8, 2016 | 2:50 p.m.

Comment | debbes commented on BET/CALL VS CHECK/CALL

I'd say bet/fold should be viewed as an alternative to check/call, btw i guess in "Mathematics of poker" there was an idea that bet/fold line should be very close to check/call in terms of EV as soon as we are playing vs a competent opponent that is betting optimally if we check otr, making our call more or less breakeven. In practice however i'd say you should incline to bet/fold play more thinly for value vs weaker and more passive opponents - because they are not capable of bluffing raising well vs your bet and also they are not going to make enough bluffs if you check in order to check/call line to be better, However if you play vs aggro opponents , or those who you have a feeling try to outplay you , i'd go for check/call more often (because you will hate getting raised with hands like TP, not knowing what to do), and with your stronger part of the range it becomes easier to play bet/call as soon as you will see them making weird aggro bluffs. But that's more of an exploitative approach and depends on how reliable is your info on your opponent.

June 7, 2016 | 6:37 p.m.

Guys hi, i have several questions about bet sizing strategies.
I am a bit confused with the following: as far as i get, according to "Mathematics of poker" the optimal bet size strategy would be to bet the same amount relative to the current pot size on each street, shoving on the river.
But in practise i see a lot of players betting smth like [ 1/3 ; 2/3 ; pot ] pattern in 3bet pots. Can anyone explain why that is better than f.e. bet 2/3 every street (in this example it's a case of 5.5 SPR that is common in 100 bb 3bet pots in cash games ) ?

Also, theory suggests that the bigger bet size we choose the more we can add bluffs in our range, that is esp. important on flop because that allows us to have the widest range possible (that shrinks on later streets).... So, why do we want to bluff smaller on dry boards when we have initiative and range and equity advantage, for example A22 flop our CO vs bb ? I mean nearly everyone is betting about 25-40% nowadays when it seems that we should bet bigger and bigger size will allow us to bet more bluff combos in our range

Those thoughts seem to be the contrary to how everyone plays and i can't find what flaws are in my logic


June 7, 2016 | 6:21 p.m.

Maybe buying himself a cheaper showdown, and preventing you from bluffing rivers yourself ? ) Good vid, thanks !

Oct. 10, 2015 | 3:36 p.m.

Thanks for the nice video, just going to watch the second one )
What do you mean by saying turbos are solved ? that most of the time you play very small postflop and game is mostly push/fold with stacks <=25 bb ?

Nov. 1, 2014 | 2:58 p.m.

Guys,as a mostly cash (mid-high) player who ocasionally plays MTT's with ok results, i have several basic theory questions:

1) what are our considerations of should we rebuy or not and should we make addon or not in MTT?

i mean intuitively if we are confident we have positive EV at the table, have position on bigger stacks, than we should make a rebuy. Addon is also a default buy option for most players (esp. due to possibility to buy chips at a better price)

but what about extreme situations:

  • should we double rebuy losing stack 1 minute before the rebuy period ends (seems like we lost most time and opportunities to make +EV plays on rebuy period)
  • should we make an addon if we have extra small stack (<=1 bb f.e.) before addon option possible (it looks that even after buying addon our chances are small )
  • should we make an addon if we managed to become a chipleader (when the addon compared to our stack looks insignificant)

p.s. i meant standard mtt's without crazy structure (like hyper turbo's where your goal could be to last till huge addon).

2) What about late registration, does it inevitably have negative impact of expected ROI ?

from my experience it is sometimes difficult and annoying to play deep/slow MTT's with several hundreds bbs at start. And registering with a smaller stack several hours later seemed to show quite ok results.

Again,my intuitive thoughts are that we miss opportunities when register later, and miss opportunity to play hands with weaker opponents who usually bust earlier, but still are these factors so significant that can make a late registration a minus EV decision when early registration had positive EV

i guess these questions are pretty basic but i posted it in mid mtt thread as i think they still could need some more deep knowledge and experience to answer.

Would be nice to see your answers or discussion any math based approach is very welcome )


Oct. 31, 2014 | 12:19 p.m.

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