david1331's avatar


7 points

i improved my skill by reading books,use software to review my cards record and discuss with my pokermates.the most important part is to find enough incentives not methods to make you a better player.

Feb. 3, 2017 | 2:47 p.m.


Feb. 3, 2017 | 2:07 p.m.

其实PREFLOP RANGE 应该不是打赢德扑圈的重点

Feb. 3, 2017 | 4:43 a.m.


Feb. 3, 2017 | 4:42 a.m.


Feb. 3, 2017 | 4:42 a.m.

我是根据自己的常规6MAX范围为基础调整的,CO 和BTN 会加宽偷盲的范围,BB会抵抗更多,另外小盲的范围根据大盲的情况调整,面对抵抗过激进的打大盲,会有LIMP 小盲的范围

Jan. 23, 2017 | 1:52 p.m.

donk ott can't be balanced when your range is so capped.maybe if u haven't good bluff combos here , villians can just overfold on the spot to exploit you on the spot

Jan. 16, 2017 | 10:25 p.m.

Comment | david1331 commented on AQo in BN HU

can't agree more with bigfiszh,on this situation u can always fold exploitly to villan’s underbluff line.

Jan. 4, 2017 | 4:16 p.m.

Comment | david1331 commented on value bluff ratios

Good gto method t

Jan. 4, 2017 | 3:56 p.m.

Preflop decision sometime depend on game and table selection.if the player on Bb is a fish I will flat More on sb.But if a though player sit behind me,first adjustment should be change a sit or table,unless u play zoom game.
ajo blocks ak indeed while ak is always 4b range of the villain in 4handed 100bb game vs the way you defend sb.what's more,only 4outs can give you showdown value on river.i prefer the suited connector of spade without j and t to bluff on turn.

Jan. 3, 2017 | 12:34 a.m.

U 3bet about19% to btn on sb. maybe u don't have a flatrange here. my 3 bet range on the spot is more polorized.some midum strength hand like kqs kjs jqs added into my flat range.I adjust this range according to villan's btn range and how wound he resist to my 3bet.more pairs from 22-55 in my 3 bet-5 bet range.
on the flop i agree with you that the we are greatly favored.with your 3bet range here .i like to check my topset and kqs and aqs some jts and jj tt here and bet a lot my suited connecter and pairs from 22-77
when our cbet called on flop.Qs is a little favored to a standard defender villan forall his qx remained on turn.so i wont bet too much the turn,ak is good to x c here and ready to be a best bluffcatcher on river.ajo is in my x f range here since it blocks the villan's fold range like jts and has poor equity here.im not sure about hand like 97s maybe bet fold with 9s7s and x fold the rest.

Jan. 2, 2017 | 3:55 p.m.

i believe when we planned to bluff on the flop and turn, equity is more important then block effects which is key to riverplay .

Dec. 26, 2016 | 4:19 p.m.

i have similar problems like you.my rule is that I anytime when I feel uncomfortable,I just leave the game and find out why.I just choose the game make me feel comfortable to run.

Dec. 19, 2016 | 11:21 a.m.

c bet on flop as a bluff is overbluff,since u dont have stat of the villian.A5o is not a good option to cbet on this spot.ur 2 barrel plan looks too explotive to the villian.but u have no clue that if ur plan is profitble.

Dec. 18, 2016 | 8:44 a.m.

I don't like your river bet .X-shoving maybe better.and I won't check all my JX on flop.

Nov. 18, 2016 | 3 a.m.

Overbetting on turn on this flop can make villain fold too much weak made hand like 88-99 and maybe the weakest JX in his x behind range.we only isolate our range to JX 77 and tt .Besides,we don't have too much bluff here to balance our value bet .(hands like KQS is much better to c bet on flop as a bluff)

Nov. 18, 2016 | 2:58 a.m.

generally speaking,the good reg play this line for value.cause is he make the bluff plan to U on turn,obviously he will bet on turn instead of check behind,because u will fold more on turn then river.He call ur 3bet in position pre,so u call give him range like JQS,KT or AT to make 2 strs value plan here.But since metioned he always make mistakes,so maybe u can call here just for bluff catch.

Jan. 17, 2016 | 12:58 a.m.

Comment | david1331 commented on targeting a player

I don't like ur 3bet plan here.if U know the opener is a big fish,then what is ur goal to 3bet there? for value or for bluff?since fish don't like to fold preflop,u don't has too much fold equity here.and a7O also don't have much value.The only reason I like to 3bet here is to isolate the fish and wish to get many fold by c bet on flop,this is a good line at this stack (50BB) to exploit the fish here.

Jan. 17, 2016 | 12:45 a.m.

Comment | david1331 commented on 99 in sbvsbb

If U want to make your bluff story complete,I believe the bet size on river could be lagrer,because U can rep only a few range like KQ or set here.Even with AA here,it's very hard to get any thin value from worse hand.

Aug. 9, 2015 | 5:51 a.m.

Unless the villan's VPIP on mp range and c bet % on flop are both wide checkraise can makesence here.Against lots of reg on such dangerous flop,they won't c bet with a hand can only resist you only one streets.So U don't often got a lot of fold equity here,make Ur hand vary akward when don't hit your draw on turn.

Aug. 9, 2015 | 1:01 a.m.

Still, U r really tough player,

Aug. 9, 2015 | 12:54 a.m.

I don't like this bluff for the donk range of BB is not always so wide.According to the line of this ways-pot both of 3 players can finish the flush on river,So it's always meanless to donk with str8s for thin value,so u r trying to convicing him to laydown lots of flush.What's more,U still have to worry about Btn's action,and the nuts hand is 9djd,Ur block card isn't so perfect.Unless U have other reads on the villian here or it will always be -ev action here.

Aug. 9, 2015 | 12:52 a.m.

Comment | david1331 commented on 2/5 live spot

if U believe it's possible that he can make the same line with AK/AQ and the fast bet is a tell for him to bluff othe spot.make a plan to call on flop and fold on his turn c bet.

July 27, 2015 | 4:31 a.m.

It's all depends on the range and inclinations of opponets.Say he always like to 2barrels on turn and your plan is to bluff on lot of turns,it always good to CALL ON FLOP so you can merge your float range to play against the villan.I like raise flop with pure air and FLOAT the villan with lots of draw and plan to steal the pot on turn.

July 27, 2015 | 2:33 a.m.

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