dannysucks's avatar


2 points

Definitely want to have a 4bet not all in range. As ICM becomes greater, bet sizing becomes smaller=more clicking. Tho I do actually think KK is one of the hands we want to shove. The reasoning is because the sb 3bet/5bet bluff range should only be suited wheel aces and when that is the case our 4bet nai range will be a direct response to that, meaning we use AA AKs even AKo better than KK bc when they 5bet jam A5s we want to have them dominated with AKs rather than 70/30 with KK.

Also, my guess is if we 4bet jam they prob close to pure call QQ but if not all in they start playing some folds and flats.

July 7, 2023 | 3:32 p.m.

Seems mostly fine. Only thing I would say is, that is a board that you prob want to bet close to 100% with your hand. When you are deciding whether to slow play a flop, rarely do you want to use a rainbow board as a slow play. This is because our opponent has way more bdfd that peel and this is even more important when playing heads up because they should be peeling flops wider anyway. If the board was two toned, would be way more inclined to slow play our worst 6x

July 7, 2023 | 3:19 p.m.

Short answer: yes, it is very important. Understanding short stack ranges is one of most important things for MTT players. You become very easy to play against if you take out the entire raises/fold raise/call portion of your range.

Also these ranges will change depending on the icm considerations of the spot. There will be times when AJo is in your 14bb raise call range and times when it is in your raise fold range.

Feb. 6, 2023 | 6:09 p.m.

Yeah that's a disgusting spot. I try as hard as I possibly can to avoid these when in such massive equity spots. His bb cold call range is insane, prob biggest spot of his life.
Every part of my body would have been screaming to just fold pre, but I prob would have played it exactly the same as you and folded vs turn jam.

Feb. 6, 2023 | 5:54 p.m.

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