5 points
Another good video!
I also have a question about the A96r board and you having QJ77 hand. How do you construct your betting range on the flop in this spot? If you do so with 578x, 78Tx and possibly some other 87xx hands, shouldn't we start betting some 77xx/88xx type of hands on the flop to be able to continue barreling on cards that complete straights?
March 11, 2016 | 11:29 a.m.
Good video!
I have some questions tho, in which cases would you size up your buy in? The most obvious one is ofc if you have position on a big fish who's playing deep then you want to cover him. But what if you were oop and other opponents were kinda tough? Also, how would a better player on your left with deep stack affect your BI decision, compared to a weaker player with a deep stack on your right?
And the last one, do you think playing short in PLO has a bigger advantage than playing short in NLHE or not? I would say it does, so usually (unless I have reasons not to) I would buy in short for avg plo game and 100bb for avg nlhe game. I don't really have any big reason for that, I'd say just a feeling, but I'm wondering what you think about it.
March 10, 2016 | 5:28 a.m.
The last hand was very standard from sauce's point imo, you just misread the action and didn't notice he draw one in the last draw. He c/r after first draw coz he's a favorite against your 2 card draw even with all 9xxxx/Txxxx type of hands (I think) so he had T7234 or 97234 (or 87xxx sometimes) before the last draw. You raised him so he broke his weak pat hand (and a good 1 card draw), drew a T which is a valuebet if you draw one and bet it out. Called the raise, because he just didnt believe you enough to fold with such great odds.
The rest of the video is good, I like the calculations and some of the ideas (like leading multiway to force out another player, which I think is a very important factor in all limit games actually).
Jan. 12, 2016 | 11:05 a.m.
Are you planning to record 8-game videos in the future? Would be cool to see some of the cash 8game stuff, preferably from high stakes (40/80+).
edit: or stud games video would be cool too.
41:30 45s
I assume people will c/jam Ax most of the time on the river, but so they will with a bluff ofc because your range is very capped. How do you defend your range in this spot? Do you have hands that you check twice and bet/call the river (other than Ax, which I guess should be extremely rare case to check twice there)? I guess with you range being so capped there must be a certain bet/calling range and I wonder what hands would fit in. Like Txs or JJ-KK (if you ever check twice the latter)? Also do you think his c/jam bluffing range will depend on some blocker factor or he'll just choose a random hand at certain frequency?
And one more thing, could you explain a bit more about sizings you use? You base them more on board structure or range advantage? For example would you ever use small sizings on draw heavy boards or big sizings on dry boards and if so, how would you balance it?
Aug. 23, 2016 | 7:24 a.m.