pablo Pagman's avatar

pablo Pagman

1 points

I will send you a private MCLXS411

Aug. 10, 2017 | 2:02 p.m.

Hey guys. Good to hear from you. I also got a couple of private messages. I'm sure we can work something out after a chat.

Aug. 4, 2017 | 4:17 p.m.

Of course, most of you would agree. It wouldn't affect you directly. :-)

For the ones that have been a member for a longer time, it probably shouldn't. But how is it less value for someone that joined the last months in comparison with someone who would join today?

IMO OhGodWhy raises an excellent point. Do you think beginning players easily come up with 25 a month? If your goal is to get members to climb in levels you offer, you would have been better off with more tiers. Prices slowly increasing.

I think what you have done now is making the barrier to join too high. The same people that didn't move up will still not, and beginners will not join.

The next months of new member influx will surely tell. I just found out about the hike in price and am now considering my options to join or not.



Aug. 3, 2017 | 3:20 p.m.

Learning poker takes commitment and hard work. That is not my experiences speaking, but pure the fact that there are so many players and only a small percentage is winning. Not everyone can become a pro, but we can become one of the best players at our level. You can compare it with Soccer. We cannot all play for Man U or Barcelona, but we can become a valuable member of the 11th team of a random amateur club. In this analogy, the first would represent nosebleeds and the second 2nl...the level we would start at.

If I wrote that I wanted to start a study group and you answer that you wanted to join, would that be enough? Personally, I don't think so. I envision a study group in which people are committed. Writing a proper introduction to see if we - as a group - would be a fit, should not be a problem.

A few things I think are important:

1) Be a paid member of RunItOnce. We would use the pro videos to study and improve our game.

2) Own poker tracking and analysis software. Personally, I use HM2.

3) Dedicated and eager to put in the work necessary to succeed. Now, this is very abstract. How much time a day or a week is enough? Not sure what the answer to this question is. Something we should figure out together.

4) Willingness to help each other, which it's a double edged sword. Learning from other people's mistakes is not just a cliche.

We don't want to be anonymous. I don't mean that we should know each other's real names and addresses. Rather, know poker relevant things of other members of the group. Otherwise, we could just post here or on 2+2. For that reason, there shouldn't be too many people in the group. My first guess would be four, maybe six because one or two might not see it through and give up. I'm open to suggestions.

Are there other important things?

I've been playing poker for many years. Just for fun and not winning by any stretch of the imagination. But that wasn't important either. I was all over the board. Playing tournaments, cash games and everything in between. Last month I joined Upswing poker. Within a week my game had changed totally. It was incredible to finally understand what people were talking about when they said "their range" or "our range."

Needles to say that I didn't renew my membership because I am here. There are a few reasons for that, but I don't want to go into that. I'm a fan of Doug Polk and believe he deserves his success.

My location is Western Europe but available at flexible hours. Mainly playing on PokerStars because I like the software. I'm not sure if it is necessary to switch sites. I created A Dischord network because I think it's so much better than everything else out there.

If you can find yourself In the above, it would be great to hear from you. Age, gender or location doesn't matter. I think a certain proficiency in English would be necessary. I'm not a native speaker myself, but I'm pretty sure I can make myself understood.

Lastly, I'm currently on holiday for another ten days. That means that I would be ready to get started around that time. Till then I hope to chat with some of you in this thread.

In my bio, you can find a youtube link to a video of Fedor Holtz. 9 minutes into the video, he talks about something very profound concerning team study. Watch it :-)



Aug. 3, 2017 | 10:38 a.m.

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