28 points
I love this format and how you execute it. Very informative and pleasure to watch. You summarizes of what solver does are very helpful.
March 12, 2021 | 11:43 p.m.
River when?
One Year ago someone already asked this.
Come on, almost year past, can you say a date when River will be finished? why is it so difficult? Monker solver solution is not so good, take to much time and dont give opportunity for quick changes and so strucktured overview, if it take longer i will apriciate if you can give oportunity to copy Monker river solution into vision. You done great job with visualisation and organisation i want to use it also on river.
Jan. 10, 2021 | 6:22 p.m.
well done i like this style of video!
i would prefer to see the hand till end, or when you speak till the river like turn play on blanks or on board changing cards, it is more actual with spots with higher spr while we play river also, but here too.
I loved it, thank you!
Sept. 4, 2020 | 4:57 p.m.
should it not hide hands that i dont have in this range?
so postflop it's not going to be converged...possible not to show this hands at all... i think it better than show it with wrong action
Aug. 27, 2020 | 8:06 p.m.
why up there AcQc6h4c is call
and down there AcQh6c4h is fold
for me its seems like some mistake, because 2 backdoor flushes are stronger hand then one with 3 cards of one suit.
Aug. 24, 2020 | 4:26 p.m.
Do you have some maintance now?
Vision not working, have tryed on pc and mobile.
March 27, 2020 | 11:46 a.m.
thank you for quick answer
everything work good
very helpfull app! love it.
March 20, 2020 | 7:31 p.m.
i bought Vision i love it,
i want to practice some preflop, but
i dont have solver to solve preflop ranges,
can you please provide it together with vision as a gift(or part of vision)?
March 19, 2020 | 10:11 p.m.
Good video, clear explanation, quality content!
continue! thank you!
its interesting how more then one(2-3) opponent will influence our strategy?
Dec. 23, 2016 | 4:13 a.m.
Hi Phil, I love this format! Continue with it :)
Oct. 18, 2015 | 3:42 p.m.
There is a big posibilty that you have a best hand Sb( I still don't see his stack size) can have also KT, wraps with fd. I prefer here to pot because posibilty of kk is not so high and you can get called with kt+ from Sb(you represent here only TT, mabe sometimes kt + they can put you on combo draw) he will never fold a set in this spot and all weak draws from fish call also. You can't call because it will be difficult river, at blank no value from draws and you still wouldn't fold against bet and lose against kk.
Sept. 29, 2015 | 7:17 a.m.
Effective stack size?
Sept. 28, 2015 | 7:21 a.m.
I like ch on the flop. With backdor fd possible to barreling.
I think turn x/f is ok, if you want sometimes to call better do it with ak...its a difficult spot but the board is better for his range and he has position, it's close but better just give up to save time for better spots.
Sept. 14, 2015 | 1:33 p.m.
All is player dependent, but standard is call turn decide river. As played fold river.
Sept. 14, 2015 | 1:04 p.m.
Easy x/f.
Sept. 14, 2015 | 12:57 p.m.
Bet more at 39-44 at flop and shove turn. Kj, kt in live games will allmoust never fold. 9x fold to allmoust all bet at the turn 3way. In the way is played you will have difficult decision at any t or j and clubs( with odds 1 to 4.8)
Sept. 14, 2015 | 12:52 p.m.
Fold. Fish has doubled up against ak, now he is happy after your call of ch/r you look strong you can hope only for a6,a5 but this hands berry often will ch/c all streets, it allmoust never a bluf, his range is 44, a3, a4,25 a9+(maybe at+)
Sept. 14, 2015 | 12:42 p.m.
Against fish if you turn flush you can exploitivly bet also smal on turn about 160 and shove river...unbalanced but it's live :)
Sept. 14, 2015 | 12:34 p.m.
Bet 130$ flop and shove turn(against one caller it will be 380 in 480) you get max fold equety from jj, qj, jt, t9, aq, at, k9 (if somebody of this players have called 3bet with kj they don't fold) Defently bet; ch/r let fill this people committed to the pot.
Sept. 14, 2015 | 12:29 p.m.
I am live player 5/10 (and maybe I'm not get it but...) how about to Distribute all left money to all streets (700 1000 rest ) it gives you good opportunity to make pressure and have the last decision. With your bet on every street your opponent get great odd to draw against the aa but at same time he can put money drawing dead, for me it's look difficult to play against this line.
Sept. 14, 2015 | 12:33 a.m.
Hi Phil, thank you for this video. Can you explain more the hand at bottom left at 29:00 QJhQh3h. I doesn't get it, you hit a pretty nice flop but you ch behind flop and fold turn to a bet. Can you explain call pre flop then, or at which boards you would continue if not this one, because its look for me like burning money...or i don't get something...
Brilliant, like a last time! Please continue like this:)
March 25, 2021 | 10:09 a.m.