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He got there with AJss... Because he called 2 streets, and I look reasonably strong (although I discounted my strength slightly due to 3b the fishy opener) Anyways, I repped strength which could be maybe TT+ and occasionally AKs. I thought bet sizing was ok to keep hands that I beat in the pot (AJ, AK, KQs, 88, TT, QQ)--Maybe go a tad larger pre, so I have options.

By going smaller I screwed myself. I did keep in worse hands for value and I created a difficult decision for me on the end (not knowing if he can bluff or go there with 1 pair hands with a spade blocker, or if I was getting owned).

Oct. 12, 2015 | 8:48 a.m.

Its multi day MTT, we´re on 2d (final day 1). Table wasnt too tough except 1 or 2 spots (RIO's own Sam Grafton was in seat 7, but irrelevant to this hand). This was first level, about 10 hands in. UTG has opened or been in every hand, BB no history and may have been in one non descriptive hand/ he was mid 20s Euro & didnt appear touristy so maybe an online reg. Im in SB and have been in 3 hands, showed down 1 with nuts and 2 other standard spots like BU and BB defend.

25/50, 5K is effective. UTG opens 150 folds to me in SB, I make 400, BB calls & OR completes. Flop comes J-high rainbow (think was Jd4s9h), I go 900 and only BB calls. Turn 7s...

here is the first spot- what range do I put BB on? what am I repping here? bet sizing??? I cant see him there with T8 based on pf action or 44, think we get 4b some of the time with his over pairs. So I have him on 88-JJ, AJ+, does this sound reasonable???

Turn I go 1675, he calls (would you ever pile here, repping bluffs?)... in my mind it confirms his range. River is a random spade (3s I think).

What is your play here? I could pile for value, but there is a chance he could get away from his 88, TT, AJ+ hands... I could check to induce some of his bluffs, making my hand look like AK. I guess we could bet small to protect/block JJ/99/AJss from doing anything weird. If he piles over a small bet I hate life I think.

I opted to check. He looks at me surprised and said 'you checked?' I nodded. He rips... I tank and tank replaying the hand to see if I needed to find the fold button. But then thought this is exactly why I checked so I got the result I wanted and we had Ks for a tiny bit of spades blocker, but dont even consider it... so I gutted it and called. His hand will be revealed later.


Oct. 11, 2015 | 11:04 a.m.

Comment | daChimp commented on 4b rejam spot?
Sorry for the late response Corey, but most has already been stated. Looks like a fine spot to get it in w/ 4b Strawberry Jam.

Dec. 19, 2012 | 6:59 a.m.

This looks like a very solid plan. You should (if not already) look to expand your network to players that are equal or better than your current skills. There are several groups on Skype that have such a forum. It allows of quick check ups, live discussion of situations, and general poker chatter irt.

Dec. 19, 2012 | 5:56 a.m.

is this site for real? Thanks for the level

Dec. 19, 2012 | 5:48 a.m.

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