conoval's avatar


134 points

Hi. How calculate unexploting calling range in % (I mean 50% ,66% etc. of the range, ) vs 1/3 bet, 1/2 bet, pot bet. What is formula?

Dec. 31, 2016 | 9:24 a.m.

Comment | conoval commented on [nl50] AQs 3bet pot

With out stats I am folding this, but it coild call vs wide 3bet/ agro post flop barelling since our hand doesn't block flash draw and straight draw

Oct. 21, 2016 | 8:56 a.m.


Have you ever try to look like fish on new limit/poker room vs unknown regular (you have stats they don't)? Is it +EV? What will it give you?

If yes please explain, how you exactly do it?

Oct. 19, 2016 | 12:12 a.m.

I take rundom reg from NL50 and his stats of bet 50/50/50 and modulate this pot. So on river he will have around 83-90 combos.

Oct. 17, 2016 | 12:04 p.m.

What sizing you should use when have >50%? I belive this number definetly depend of sizing so it will changing in both sides.,

Oct. 17, 2016 | 11:46 a.m.

Comment | conoval commented on AK bvb

Are you shure about 26% calling range? IF so you have 53% equty vs JJ-22,AQo-ATo,KQo-KTo,QJo-QTo,JTo,AQs-A2s,KQs-K2s,QJs-Q8s,JTs-J8s,T9s-T7s,98s-96s,87s-85s,76s-75s,65s-64s,54s,43s. And it's value bet on flop.

I think we should ch/fold turn only if villain don't float and bluff enought, since his range is very wide we need call some time.

Oct. 17, 2016 | 12:24 a.m.

So fish IP with very wide range. I have TsTd

Flop Js9s2 bet 1/2 for value protection
Turn To bet 2/3
River Qo bet 1/3

Villain range on river 88,,AQo,A8o,KQo-K8o,QJo-Q8o,JTo-J8o,T9o-T8o,98o,87o,AQs-AJs,A8s,KQs-K8s,QJs-Q8s,JTs-J8s,T9s-T8s,98s,8s7s-8s4s 174combos

123 combos straight
51 - 2 pair, TP

TT is the best hand 29% of time. As I understand if I value bet it I need give him pot odds less than 1:3.5 So I can value bet it using 1/4 or or 25% pot size bet if villain always call 51 combos. Am I right?


Oct. 17, 2016 | 12:07 a.m.

Can you prove it by calculation? I am trying to find out right algorithm to similar situations

Oct. 16, 2016 | 11:41 p.m.

So reg BU open 50% on QT237r villain bet 2/3 pot on 3 streats.

Villain cbet 50/50/50 so on river villain have 1326/0.5/0.5/0.5/0.5 = 83 combos on river. 22/33/TT/QQ/QT/AQ/KK/AA 45 value combos and J9/98/KJs as 38 bluff.

Pot odds on river 33%. How many combos should I call on river? How calculate it depending on pot odds and villain bluff/value combos?

Is it Ok call with QJ/Q9 when 9/J block villain bluff range?

Is it enought bluffs in villain range in this situation? How calculate it?

Oct. 15, 2016 | 4:22 p.m.

Vs that pot odds I am happy calling all day. Bluff raise coluld be fine with air, but not with such strong SD value. Alsoraise is OK if fish can fold TT-KK on A board on river, but I not shure about this possibility.

On pre flop I will be thinking about jam or 4bet pre flop when so many dead money on table and vs small 3bet.

Aug. 12, 2016 | 10:12 a.m.

Comment | conoval commented on NL25

In this pot we need thinking about whole range. Do we bet bet any A here? I think not all A9-AJs. Do we turning pair into bluff? What pairs will we turning into bluff? Some 22/55/66/77.

With flash draw I definitely prefer bet bet. But for it we need have enough Ax value in order to not over bluff this pot with flash draws and low pairs.

July 29, 2016 | 10:15 a.m.

Comment | conoval commented on JdQd EP

If we folding here Jx we folding all our range except flash and full. I am not happy but calling this.

July 27, 2016 | 10:41 a.m.

Fold to limp 4bet, there is almost no bluffs by this line. Limp jam could have a lot of random but not limp 4bet .

Also I like calling ISO with this hand.

July 27, 2016 | 10:22 a.m.

Comment | conoval commented on KK deep

Who is MP and BU? If MP and BU regs there is no 88/99 in 3bet range. So BU value combo only QQ/some AA/JTs. If MP fish and BU reg he can have all 88/99.

Also I don't think that reg will raise AQ. His range or set/some AA, some JTs, and bluffs. So this is for flopzilla in order to get answer. But on this limit I don't see too much bluffs in 4bet pot even with draws, only AKdd/AJdd.

Also I don't like you sizing in 4bet Vs 1 opponent. This is too large bet. I prefer 2-2.3$ Vs regs.

July 27, 2016 | 10:18 a.m.

Comment | conoval commented on KhJh SB

If I bet this flop I will barrel turn and bluff some rivers, because I bet not for FQ on flop, on that I think I don't have enough Vs fish range on this texture. So or check flop or barrel turn with EQ. Check could be fine IP, but OOp I don't think so.

I don't like river sizing. Fish don't have a lot 9x, after x/back. I prefer 2/3 to pot bet to get called by 5/7/pair Vs passive fish. And Vs Argo fish x/r is fine.

July 27, 2016 | 10:06 a.m.

Comment | conoval commented on JJ BB

I like calling pre if we have 150bb effective or very tight villain's range. In other case if we calling JJ pre we don't have good enough bluff range in this situation.

July 26, 2016 | 11:16 a.m.

Comment | conoval commented on this is a leak

2 over and backdoor flash so calling is fine I think.

July 24, 2016 | 4:57 p.m.

Comment | conoval commented on this is a leak

I like calling pre, we don't need play huge pot Vs 130bb effective with KQo. I prefer 3bet KQs. As played I am just bet river with sizing that I am use for value from 1/2 to potbet.

July 24, 2016 | 4:56 p.m.

Comment | conoval commented on A6s sb vs bb

Check call, x/cl

July 21, 2016 | 9:28 p.m.

Comment | conoval commented on AQs late vs SS

1) 3bet smaller Vs short stack if you want have bluff range. I am using 2.5-3x sizing.
2) 4bet not jam from short is QQ+ I think, because their strategy is jam Vs 3bet, since their stack size don't have post flop playability.
3) situation you make all in Vs short is more often Vs their 3bets. As default 99/AQ, same Vs their jam to 3b in latest position
4) I prefer more 3bet Vs short because of their very agressive post flop.
5) if short calling more 3bet suite Broadway, 88+ etc, if more 4b or fold so 3b trash and value. There is too many things about how too play: fold to 3bet, 4b, call 3bet, fold to cbet, your image and so on.

July 21, 2016 | 9:27 p.m.

I don't like flop ch Vs fish. So many turn card can kill any action or your hand 4/5/6/7/heart. In general I don't bet wide this flop but Vs fish it doesn't matter. Also by ch we give free cards for any low pair and will lose in some % of time.

About SB range I think 88+ 3bet Vs fish but depends on fish. So he can calls sqz with some low pair and some connectors in more than 100bb stacks. But in order to see more realistic picture about SB range we need to know CO stats if you have it.

As played I will not bet river because I discount 88+ from regs range. So or he have 66/draws or better hand. Also I don't think your bet will ever called by A high.

July 21, 2016 | 8:57 p.m.

Comment | conoval commented on A6s sb vs bb

What about x/cl? Do we always bet any A? If yes we will over cbet this flop.

What range will fold vs bet? I think everything except A/6x/pair/backdoors. Also part of not folding range reg can play agressively. So I not shure is it cbet. With AT+ I think ch/cl is OK. But is it huge difference between A6 and AT using ch/cl Vs villain defence range? I don't think so.

So my question is: are you x/cl here? What range?

July 21, 2016 | 8:51 p.m.

This pot for flopzilla or something similar. Calculate pot odds and EQ Vs potentiall jam range of villain 18/15.

Without it I believe I am in ass Vs his range. So fold

July 21, 2016 | 8:39 p.m.

Comment | conoval commented on KK 4bet pot

Turn is never bet with KK. But without range reads ch also OK, since you will also have some weak Ax, for balance when you hold QQ/KK.

July 21, 2016 | 6:23 p.m.

Comment | conoval commented on KK 4bet pot

QQ/KK usually jam Vs BU, AK 50/50. So villain range is something AJs-AQs, 99-JJ, KQs.

If I bet flop it is for thin value Vs 99-JJ and it is 1/5-1/4 bet especially with Kc.Vs 1/2b that hands just folding.

July 21, 2016 | 5:35 p.m.

I am 3bet Vs regs liner if villain fold 66+% for 3bet, polar if villain call all pairs, dominated Broadway, some connectors. Also I am checking 4bet, and fold to cbet OOP. If villain fold to cbet 50+ I can 3bet very wide.

Suited aces more often in calling since I have better hands for bluff 3bet, like K5s, 85s etc.

July 20, 2016 | 5:43 p.m.

Vs fish easy jam in sqz pot. He can have any A, KJ/QJ/QT/KTflash draw

July 20, 2016 | 3:26 p.m.

I don't close table even with 400bb zoom or ring doesn't matter. I close it if fish gone or I play as pies of shit:) 130bb is not the reason for close table. 200bb could be reasonable if you totally don't know how play in this deep. But I recommend you don't do it and study how play in this deep.

July 20, 2016 | 3:22 p.m.

Comment | conoval commented on looking of Coach

If you need teacher for nl2-10 you chance to win in poker is very low. You need make it puth by your self.

When I started I lose around 150$ on nl2 before I start thinking and do something in order to improve my game understanding.

July 20, 2016 | 9:59 a.m.

Comment | conoval commented on AJo Turn and Riverplay

Without stats I am folding preflop AJo SBvsMP...You need some reasons for preflop calling. AJs could be OK but you need check average 3b SBvsMP. I guess it is around 5% and compare you AJo/AJs EQ vs it range.

I don't think that villain have KQo, more often AJs/AQo. So you have around zero call on turn. But you can assume that villain is unknow and you can be also unknow, that shiift range in tighter side. I am folding turn.

July 19, 2016 | 5:43 p.m.

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