10 points
Update: still running hot through 87k hands... working on making more folds and trying to turn my blueline around
Dec. 8, 2021 | 11:40 p.m.
Dec. 8, 2021 | 11:40 p.m.
Dec. 8, 2021 | 11:39 p.m.
RunItTw1ce Nice session -- what software is this?
Nov. 16, 2021 | 7:28 a.m.
Hahah -- of course not. Not going to weigh anything here particularly heavily but always nice to hear some additional opinions
Oct. 28, 2021 | 6:42 a.m.
Hi everyone -- I am a 21 year old college student and have been playing poker for the last 2-3 years. Over the last year, I have mainly grinded 500-2kNL app games and have won 15-20bb/100 at these games but have played some decent volume on ignition the last few months. Have won about 17.5bb/100 over my last 50k hands there at 500 and 1kNL -- definitely running hot but results this promising have made me consider playing full time. Is this still too small of a sample to know much about my actual winrate, or can I be confident that I am beating these games for at least 10bb/100? Just trying to get an idea of what I could expect my hourly to be, so that I can take that into account when deciding whether or not to play full time after graduation.
Would love to hear any thoughts you guys may have on how much I should weigh these results.
Thanks for the video Alex -- really great content here.
@ 1:40 your sheet has A66r as only a 6% cbet using a 25% pot sizing -- GTOwizard has the same spot as a 51% cbet using 20% pot sizing with not much difference in the preflop ranges used. I was curious as to what you think could explain this?
Nov. 4, 2022 | 6:13 p.m.