0 points
Stack - 70k
Blinds - 2000/4000 500 ante
Position - Big blind
Hand - K5x
4 limps including small blind. Check K5x -
Flop comes K 10 (d) 8 (d)
Fairly tight SB opens 12k bet into 20k pot
I jam over the top, folded round then SB calls showing K7x
Interested if anyone would advocate a different play? I consider jamming pre but I have done that a fair bit and it felt like a few decent stacks were limping pre in expectation of a pre flop jam.
I could make a nitty fold against a tight player perhaps? Should mention 10 players remaining 7th cash and blinds about to go to 3000/6000 next hand.
April 22, 2017 | 4:49 p.m.
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