3 points
@Ola Ola
Bottom right table at 23:45, u 3bet with AsKsTd9d and then say " we are 200bb deep and i like to 3 bet this hand as a lot of good things can happen".
Could u elaborate unequivocally on the good things that could happen with this action and particular hand?
Sept. 12, 2016 | 12:56 a.m.
7 handed table. folds to me in HJ, open to 1000, BTN calls, SB raises to 3,500.
Effective stacks are 50,000 250 bbs deep).
i call, BTN calls.
Flop is Kc 8h 6c.
He bets 7k into 10,700, i raise to 27k, leaving 21k behind, BTN folds, SB jams for my remaining stack, i call.
Thoughts on the line? My line's EV? Please do share alternative lines.
Aug. 25, 2016 | 12:20 p.m.
So i did some work using ranges and put the villian's range(facing his flop 3 bet) in 4 scenarios ranging from weakest to strongest. Calculated the weighted equity of these scenarios by giving them all equal weights( subject to assumption) i.e 0.25.
In following scenarios,i have shown the equity of the selected V's range against them,
1.) 99+, AQs, AhKh, AhJh, KJs+, QTs+, AQo, AJo( including a heart suit- 6 combos) 42.5%
2.) 99+, AQs, AhKh, AhJh, KJs+, QTs+, AQo 43.7%
3.) QQ-99, AQs, KJs, QTs+,AhKh, AhJh, AQo 48.5%
4.) QQ, TT-99, KJs, QTs, AhKh, AhJh 74%
The average equity of these scenarios is approx. 52%.
However the 4th scenario is going to occur with a very high frequency in live games as there is no balance.
A realistic assumption would be that scenario-4 would happen very frequently ,say for the sake of assumption 60% and the rest 3 scenarios occur equally i.e 1/3rd of 40%.
Then the average equity is approx 62%
Based on this calculations, you are not pushing any equity difference by raising on the flop.
The assumptions to arrive at the average equity taking 25% frequency for the possible scenarios could be quite common at higher stakes, not at 2/5$ and esp. not against a mid-age rec.
Aug. 17, 2016 | 8:51 a.m.
why is calling terrible here?
you can keep his range wide( in order to include weaker hands, AA, KK, JJ, AK , AQ, KQ )
You are not pushing a huge equity advantage here, by raising on the flop.
Aug. 17, 2016 | 3:58 a.m.
Doesn't check raising on this turn here with combo draws as well as nutted boats make one more hard to play against?
March 24, 2016 | 6:05 a.m.
Three way spot, u in the blind, flop Qs Tc 8s, u decide to repot with As 5s 6c 4c to iso the short stack.
Have you seen and analysed this spot in depth, before making that play?
March 23, 2016 | 11:27 a.m.
Great Video Sam! Some pretty interesting spots and analysis.
March 9, 2016 | 9:19 a.m.
in the 50:00 hand you said you dont peel J7o on the right hand side table. Why not with the given odds?
Aug. 5, 2015 | midnight
you have to call here. You have to take these spots. If youre playing with correct brm then you'll definitely make more calling in these spots imo
Aug. 4, 2015 | 2:20 a.m.
Here's my understanding of it. If everyone plays GTO perfectly then everyone would be making exactly 0 chips.
So if a player plays looser from the gto ranges of opening from the button then we would defend more and if he opens lesser than we can defend lesser since we'd make a lot of chips when he folds.
Similarly when we are on the BU we'd open more against ppl who dont defend enough and raise tigher with a person that defends a lot.
However my understanding of GTO ranges is just an approximation by looking at various vids and watching ppl play over the years. Can someone tell me where I can find perfect GTO ranges?
Aug. 4, 2015 | 2:09 a.m.
Hey Paul,
Great video!
29:00 onwards, Do you think the flop bet sizing on table 1 should've been more on that flop? Would've also set us up for a pot size shove on the turn.
windows 98 or troll?
June 11, 2017 | 3:20 a.m.