2 points
Add me please c.j.traps
Sept. 29, 2016 | 1:11 p.m.
I am looking for some advice on constructing my hand ranges for playing MTTs, can anyone help with any useful links etc?
I don't really want a pre made chart from 2006 either lol, I want to learn how to construct them myself.
Has there not been a video made on this topic?
Sept. 29, 2016 | 11:37 a.m.
Are you just playing on turbo stars?
Play on some other sites with lower field sizes.
Sept. 28, 2016 | 10:13 a.m.
With so little invested and this spot rarely occurring I think making an exploitative fold here is fine considering population tendencies that players are not bluffing rivers often enough.
Is this a regular MTT or a knockout or something as that could be a factor to consider, in fact what if this was a bounty hunter MTT instead?
Does that change any opinions?
Sept. 28, 2016 | 10:04 a.m.
If you shove post flop then you give villain the chance to play perfectly against you?
There are draws that could call, but your mostly only going to be called by Kx or 2pair
Was the villain very aggressive post flop?
If so then x c would be a good line and weigh it up on further streets
If the villain is very passive post flop then options are there to either check or bet?
April 28, 2015 | 3:47 p.m.
Agree with chigh1, there are way more combinations of hands that get to the river and call, since villain is playing well and is snug then you only have 2 options, shut down or make a value sized bet which would be on the small side since villain is playing perfectly to the jam. Work out how many combos that get there that will call and likewise how many hands get there and fold on river? That could give you a clearer idea and best play?
April 18, 2015 | 12:11 p.m.
Maybe the lesson here is that you should have noted how passive he is post flop and fit/fold... Then next time you run into this same spot vs the exact same villain type you will have a plan e.g small 3bt he calls with his Ax and chq folds to your hugely profitable cbet???
Any disagreements to that?
Do this tho maybe with hands such as the example and Kx or Qx as they have blocker advantage?
Must be the same villain type tho, don't do this to calling stations
April 18, 2015 | 11:51 a.m.
I was wondering, is a 220 chip profit a worthwhile reshove attempt?
In the example of reshoving:
As a baseline, what amount of chips won overall is classed as:
A close reshove? (perhaps this is obvious)
A good profitable reshove?
A very profitable reshove?
For example we may be very deep and pay jumps are significant so it may not be worth going for a close reshove??
April 16, 2015 | 10:41 p.m.
Question regarding the Nitreg
Your raise/folding with 97s
Your raise/calling with AK
What about with hands like 44-88? or JQs-KTo?
are you ever shoving into him with those types of hands?
Thanks for the pointers Ashley
If there is anything else others have to share I would welcome them thanks.
Sept. 30, 2016 | 8:14 p.m.