chipper's avatar


1 points

hey mark great stuff.... regarding 9:00 where we have QQ on JT597:
1.) These kind of spots come up so often and I'm always torn on what to do with my range. I understand in this particular spot call/fold is close with your strong value hands but it seems like to meet it's always close when there's is one card to a straight. Do you think the fact that I'm torn shows that it's one of those spots where call/fold doesn't really matter much playing a GTO opponent in most one card to a straight situations OOP? Obviously if he is non GTO then we can deduce what to do given his tendencies.

2.) I see that you use a smaller/same OR size? Did you always do this? If not, why did you change? Is your EP/MP OR% the same or did you widen it? How do you feel about limping the SB which seems like the new thing to do?

Thanks so much


April 22, 2016 | 3:59 a.m.

why are we betting the turn....we are always getting called here, he'll never fold an overpair, or any pair+GS....the plan on the turn should be to ch/f but if we bet the turn we must bet the river on any card above an 8, its that kind of spot where he calls the turn and folds the river unimproved most of the time....sometimes he flats monsters on the flop/turn so that aspect of his range is kind of player dependent....but still I think he's usually going to try to build a big pot w/ his nut hands on the turn

Oct. 29, 2015 | 5:45 a.m.

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