1 points
@Ben Sulsky Thanks! I suppose I should assume a tighter range on average for villains. And I see, but i'm a little on the fence about whether or not a 100nl reg is going to catch up onto my whole range here and start exploiting me by barreling three streets on all run outs on this texture :\ But, obviously I suppose it makes sense that it allows villain to barrel wider with his whole range.
Jan. 3, 2013 | 6:03 p.m.
@Ben Sulsky, I agree and like the point you bring up about a scenario where a villains over betting tendencies may influence us to c/c turn here with AQ. However, we don't know this information about said villain, so what would you suggest as a "standard" play given our limited information. Would you automatically assume as a "standard" that regs overbet jam a lot of blank rivers here as a bluff? Could you elaborate why we need to c/c wider than AhXh/QhXh? Also, vs an unknown villain that we perceive as a regular, what pre-flop line do you believe is most +EV in these positions, 3b or call? If you could only choose one or the other what would it be? and why?
Jan. 3, 2013 | 2:02 a.m.
I don't think calling oop is much of an option with AK here pre. I think 4b is my standard for sure, 7% is more than enough to 4b for value imo. Since we have no real information on villain, I think c/f turn is a pretty good option that we have, not sure how I feel about c/c or allin. Also, you probably could go even smaller on the flop.
Jan. 2, 2013 | 7:57 p.m.
probably going less than half pot on the river to valuebet AX, 33, 44, 66, 77. Not a spot where you get bluff raised on the river imo especially given his turn play.
Jan. 2, 2013 | 12:45 p.m.
4betting all day every day. Anything you do will scream strong range. And we happen to have the top of our value range so shipit
Jan. 2, 2013 | 12:40 p.m.
@emanuelC16, The fact that you have no reads on this guy except that he is an unknown regular is probably a even greater reason for me to 3b this hand pre. I don't think a regular reg opens 40% in the co. probably around the 25-30% mark. I do believe AQ plays better to 3b in these positions than to call given our assumptions on an unknown reg.
As for our hands that we c/r the turn with might include weak pair + FD, fd+straightdraws, FD's.
As for your last question, I think that we should first think about whether or not we should have a c/c range OTT? and if so, why? I think whenever you c/c this turn, we almost always bluff catch the river vs a range that has a 20-30% or better equity vs us OTT. I am not a fan of playing guessing games on the river where their bet is all in to be honest. I guess you could c/c some AhXh hands.
As for our hands that we c/r the turn with might include weak pair + FD, fd+straightdraws, FD's.
As for your last question, I think that we should first think about whether or not we should have a c/c range OTT? and if so, why? I think whenever you c/c this turn, we almost always bluff catch the river vs a range that has a 20-30% or better equity vs us OTT. I am not a fan of playing guessing games on the river where their bet is all in to be honest. I guess you could c/c some AhXh hands.
Jan. 2, 2013 | 12:37 p.m.
holy hell. first of all I would like to 3b for value (if you can't 3b this hand for value in these positions then I think something is wrong with your 3b range). Second, the flop play is very much up to you in my opinion, both, cr and c/c are very viable options. HOWEVER, you misplay the turn greatly by c/c imo. with the flop FD, BDFD, OESD, and broad way gutshots on the turn and this turn card being pretty much one of the best cards for us I strongly believe we should be C/R here OTT almost always. It's very hard for me to think of a scenario where c/c on this board with our hand would be a good idea.
YES, we are c/raise-calling here with our hand.
moral of the story: villain has super wide range of draws and value hands that we all beat, please c/r for value.
YES, we are c/raise-calling here with our hand.
moral of the story: villain has super wide range of draws and value hands that we all beat, please c/r for value.
Jan. 2, 2013 | 11:34 a.m.
Going to have to disagree with you, I don't think villains bet/fold 2p here at 50nl. I think they are more likely to bet/call A5 A4 AJ. I guess JT is the only reasonable hand that folds (but at least some JT will raise the turn).
Jan. 2, 2013 | 11:14 a.m.
And also I think we have much more reasonable hands in our range here to c/r as a bbluff.
Dec. 31, 2012 | 10:59 p.m.
Not a fan of this hand to be honest. I think villain has a very hard time folding a better hand and wont ever call worse. Villain still has AJ in his range along with Kq so its gonna be hard to make him fold since a lot of his other pairs will be AX that has two pair.
Dec. 31, 2012 | 10:55 p.m.
I don't think it's bad to give up some % of the time here. Do you think otherwise?
Dec. 29, 2012 | 11:38 p.m.
Would also like to add that I am calling not just because you are deducing that he has 3 combos, but that we can beat any of his other value range (I perceive that he can have at least other hands such as AJ that might do this) since we have the 2nd nuts. Also, this is the top top top of our range in this spot
Dec. 29, 2012 | 12:30 p.m.
sorry i'm calling all day here. When you reduce a range to exactly 1 hand that has 3 combos vs a fish, im gonna go ahead and call. Mainly because he can be spazzing with anything here. Sure his limp raising range over a 3b is strong, but I wouldn't remove Ax from his range.
Also, I would probably c/r at some point as I think we probably lose value vs the fish if we don't and the board hits his range reasonably well.
Also, I would probably c/r at some point as I think we probably lose value vs the fish if we don't and the board hits his range reasonably well.
Dec. 29, 2012 | 12:26 p.m.
Pretty much what Tam said, but the only way I would play the hand is to CB or c/f. I would make my sizing similar to your squeeze size here for most leverage as it doesn't need to work much.But, I would only cbet vs very weak tight players here imo.
Pre flop is fine, I think going bigger with value hands is okay if you expect them to call wide.
Pre flop is fine, I think going bigger with value hands is okay if you expect them to call wide.
Dec. 29, 2012 | 12:18 p.m.
you're cbetting this board too wide if you're doing it with AQo imo. If villain knows you're cbetting these kinda boards super light/no equity, he can float you way more than 70% imo and make your life hell on the turn if he didn't already raise the flop in position. I would be cautious when cbetting boards such as these oop
Dec. 29, 2012 | 12:14 p.m.
this is crazy! im addicted watching all of them already. interesting for sure
Dec. 29, 2012 | 3:39 a.m.
Given we are 150bb deep here I think I am less inclined to 4b this hand here. I would instead increase my value 4betting range (im assuming this is as a bluff) since he can supposedly flat wider. I think your 4b sizing is fine fwiw. flop is okay.
Turn im not too sure I like. You should either b/c or c/c imo depending on what you think he is continuing with. Not sure why you would c/r here?
Turn im not too sure I like. You should either b/c or c/c imo depending on what you think he is continuing with. Not sure why you would c/r here?
Dec. 29, 2012 | 1:41 a.m.
Ah I see, okay. Well I think A5 is pretty close between 4b and call. But I think this is actually the best hand I can have here given the action since we check back flop. So I don't know how to answer your question. If you think he never folds his full houses then I would say to 4b pretty big for value.
Dec. 29, 2012 | 1:37 a.m.
I think the hand is too weak to call vs his range imo, so i would 3b if you hate folding. 29% steal in the sb is pretty tight actually though so I wouldn't mind a fold.
I don't think we rep much by raising flop, and I think we have little fold equity on the A turn TBH. Probably a spot where I would check behind turn and hope for best on river.
If you're wanting to 3barrel this hand which i probably wouldnt do because we rep super narrow, I guess I would go all in?
I don't think we rep much by raising flop, and I think we have little fold equity on the A turn TBH. Probably a spot where I would check behind turn and hope for best on river.
If you're wanting to 3barrel this hand which i probably wouldnt do because we rep super narrow, I guess I would go all in?
Dec. 29, 2012 | 1:32 a.m.
I am not exactly sure, but I would think it matters villain to villain on how they play turns in 3b pots. Some people like to lolraisemybackdoorswithllittleshowdown and some people call. I think we need to know more about this villain first off. I don't know his continuing range OTF and we barely know his preflop tendencies. I think villain can get to river with Ax still of course. The only thing that worries me is his sizing, im unsure what to think about it.
Dec. 29, 2012 | 1:27 a.m.
His preflop call is probably bad, his flop raise is bad, his turn barrel is meh and I guess river is whatever too. It tells us he is either an aggressive fish, or spazzy reg. It won't tell us much about his c/c range imo, but he is capable of going multi streets as a bluff with showdown value. Not too sure we should think much about the scenario given it's a pretty rare one IMO so we shouldn't be jumping to huge assumptions so early. Maybe if you continue to see him flat pre like this then we are on to something.
Dec. 29, 2012 | 1:20 a.m.
I think pre is an iso, but with fish in blinds I guess you had reason to limp? I think flop check back is good because we don't fold much better hands if any, and we don't get called by much worse imo.
On the turn, i think we should certainly be raising here. Yes it looks a little transparent to 5x almost always since we checked back turn. But we get value from flush draws/eager straight draws, and pairs.
on the river, I like your raise sizing. I think we can get called by many worse hands. Once bb re raises the river, i think his range is something like 99, 88, A5, A9cc, sometimes 95, 85. There is like no way we can be folding river given:
Board: 5c 9d 8c 5d Ad
equity win tie pots won pots tied
Hand 0: 43.750% 37.50% 06.25% 6 1.00 { 99-88, A9s, A5s, 95s, 85s, A5o, 95o, 85o }
Hand 1: 56.250% 50.00% 06.25% 8 1.00 { Ah5h }
tell me if you agree with the range? BB can have 100% of his hands since he is the option pre. I can't find myself to ever be folding ever
expandOn the turn, i think we should certainly be raising here. Yes it looks a little transparent to 5x almost always since we checked back turn. But we get value from flush draws/eager straight draws, and pairs.
on the river, I like your raise sizing. I think we can get called by many worse hands. Once bb re raises the river, i think his range is something like 99, 88, A5, A9cc, sometimes 95, 85. There is like no way we can be folding river given:
Board: 5c 9d 8c 5d Ad
equity win tie pots won pots tied
Hand 0: 43.750% 37.50% 06.25% 6 1.00 { 99-88, A9s, A5s, 95s, 85s, A5o, 95o, 85o }
Hand 1: 56.250% 50.00% 06.25% 8 1.00 { Ah5h }
tell me if you agree with the range? BB can have 100% of his hands since he is the option pre. I can't find myself to ever be folding ever
Dec. 29, 2012 | 1:14 a.m.
Sorry missed that on my screen! but I don't think it matters much because it's only 1 combo. he still has rest of AQo AQs and AJo/ AJs combos that just bluff raise here.
Dec. 29, 2012 | 1:03 a.m.
I think first of all if I were to 3b this hand here, I would make my sizing a little bigger to like ~12-14.
Given the flop texture, it is very wet and hits both our range and villains calling range. At this point I am pretty much looking to get the money in the middle asap because I expect lots of regs to be 4B AK in these positions, and sometimes flatting QJ. I think they flat AQ, AJ fairly often in position along with KQ, also connectors.
In the turn I am not folding and certainly 3betting allin. I suppose he could be doing this with KcXc, KT, random clubs, AxXx. I would say they often have a semi-bluffing hand here and sometimes a nutted hand.
Given the flop texture, it is very wet and hits both our range and villains calling range. At this point I am pretty much looking to get the money in the middle asap because I expect lots of regs to be 4B AK in these positions, and sometimes flatting QJ. I think they flat AQ, AJ fairly often in position along with KQ, also connectors.
In the turn I am not folding and certainly 3betting allin. I suppose he could be doing this with KcXc, KT, random clubs, AxXx. I would say they often have a semi-bluffing hand here and sometimes a nutted hand.
Dec. 29, 2012 | 1:01 a.m.
Obviously given sb cold call 3b preflop and he is a reg, I would assign him a pretty strong range here. AQ, JJ, TT, AJs are the hands I would assume is what his range is weighted toward.
On the flop through my experience is very likely a bluff that includes lots of Ax and some of his JJ. I think we have more than enough equity vs that range that we should be 3betting the flop and calling it off/jamming turn ourselves (maybe not this one though). I think calling to play turns is a mistake because there are a lot of scare cards which villain will slow down on/we won't be comfortable putting our stack in.
Board: 4d 4h 2d
equity win tie pots won pots tied
Hand 0: 12.937% 12.94% 00.00% 10374 0.00 { JJ-TT, AdQd, AdJd }
Hand 1: 87.063% 87.06% 00.00% 69816 0.00 { QQ }
even vs a much stronger range with no total air,
Board: 4d 4h 2d
equity win tie pots won pots tied
Hand 0: 49.552% 47.75% 01.80% 75165 2835.00 { TT+, AdQd, AdJd }
Hand 1: 50.448% 48.65% 01.80% 76575 2835.00 { QQ }
It's possible on the turn that he continues with JJ, but he also certainly continues with his Ax and especially AdQd AdJd. I think folding the turn as played is the best play because now we are behind his flop raising range significantly imo, assuming he doesn't continue with TT... Not only that, but the way we have played the hand we most certainly will be having really difficult bluff catching spots on the river where villain will own us.
expandOn the flop through my experience is very likely a bluff that includes lots of Ax and some of his JJ. I think we have more than enough equity vs that range that we should be 3betting the flop and calling it off/jamming turn ourselves (maybe not this one though). I think calling to play turns is a mistake because there are a lot of scare cards which villain will slow down on/we won't be comfortable putting our stack in.
Board: 4d 4h 2d
equity win tie pots won pots tied
Hand 0: 12.937% 12.94% 00.00% 10374 0.00 { JJ-TT, AdQd, AdJd }
Hand 1: 87.063% 87.06% 00.00% 69816 0.00 { QQ }
even vs a much stronger range with no total air,
Board: 4d 4h 2d
equity win tie pots won pots tied
Hand 0: 49.552% 47.75% 01.80% 75165 2835.00 { TT+, AdQd, AdJd }
Hand 1: 50.448% 48.65% 01.80% 76575 2835.00 { QQ }
It's possible on the turn that he continues with JJ, but he also certainly continues with his Ax and especially AdQd AdJd. I think folding the turn as played is the best play because now we are behind his flop raising range significantly imo, assuming he doesn't continue with TT... Not only that, but the way we have played the hand we most certainly will be having really difficult bluff catching spots on the river where villain will own us.
Dec. 29, 2012 | 12:55 a.m.
Load more
Jan. 3, 2013 | 10:43 p.m.